10 Laughably Bad ADD-ONS from Dead by Daylight's History!

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Hey everyone, today we’re looking at 10 laughably bad add-ons from Dead by Daylight’s history. I was hesitant on making this video, because like 80% of add-ons are pretty terrible. However, I do think some most definitely stand out over others, for being just kinda silly in how little benefit they give, or how they’re just counterproductive. I’m not going to look at the obvious meme add-ons like Clown’s confetti bottle, or Trapper’s Padded Jaws. These add-ons are kind of meant to be bad, typically with a bp bonus or a fun effect to compensate for this. I want to look more so at stuff that should be viable, or seems to try and be viable, but just isn’t. Stuff that seems like it has too high a rarity also. Let’s get into it.

Chapter 23 has been announced! It's Ringu, a licensed chapter releasing in March of 2022. For now we have no further details.

Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor's Army - Jeremy Blake
Clean and Dance - An Jone

Hope you enjoy!

Intro 0:00
Mother's Helpers (4.1.0 PTB) 0:44
Scrapped Tape (3.6.0) 1:49
Cinch Straps (3.0.0) 2:57
Haemorrhage add-ons (1.9.0 - 4.5.0) 3:53
Polished Maedate (3.4.0) 4:56
Frank’s Mix Tape (2.7.0) & Stab Wound Study (2.4.0) 5:55
Waterlogged Shoe (2.1.0) 7:24
Spasmodic Breath (3.3.0) 8:46
Video Tape (5.3.0) 9:44
Jaw Smasher, Marshal’s Badge, and Gold Creek Whiskey (5.3.0) 11:25
Outro 12:57
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Can we all just take a sec to realize at the very end he got all of the totems with hex: pentimento


Most of Pyramid Head's addons should've been on this list


Your little head shake after getting five stacks of pentimento was adorable


For the Pig, Rules Set No. 2 + Video Tape + Hex: The Third Seal + RPD Offering is unbelievably strong. Since nobody actually knows the map, the blindness effect of third seal and rules set no. 2 destroyed me and my friends when we went up against a pig running it.


I thought huntress’s Wooden doll add on “purple add on” that makes you undetectable was stupid since she’s constantly hummimg. But after thought I realized due to how the lullaby works it’s scarier knowing you still here her but don’t know how close she really is


I feel like you're massively underselling the video tape add-on. Comboed with rule set no 2 really helps slow the game down after the first gen pops. And even on its own it can act like a free corrupt intervention as long as rng doesn't screw you over.


Generally, the two pig addons you mentioned are combined together for great effect. Instead of causing survivors to just ignore boxes, they ignore gens in search of boxes so that they don't have to avoid you while on a timer.


The waterlog shoe has actually some use, it is a old forgotten technique that ppl passed on from the old time players like me to other friends, however this ancient technique is so powerfull that ppl buried this knowledge so the forgotten power may never be used again.

You can combine the shoe with the scarred hand which also anyway disables your teleport, it makes that your traps now have collision, combined with the slowdown from the show that also turns you basicly into a "semi" fast Killer, you can block now every loop with a trap and since survivors are forced to run around the loop cuz they are literally blocked there, they are also slowed, keep in mind its 9% hindered, its actualyl alot, its the biggest hinder next to flash of bleach clown in dbd, Clown has a 5% hinder + flask of bleach its now 4% so 9% in total aswell. The survivors will not make it around a loop and you will basicly always get a free hit.

It is a pretty unique new way of playing hag and its a lot of fun I can garantuee you that. Its ofc not the best thing ever, its still worse then normal hag but it isnt as uselss as you think, it is actually quiete fun and you can definatly get some easy and fast downs with her.


I was disappointed that they didn't rework Amanda's Letter when they added Video Tape. I think it should affect her dash attack, either rendering it completely silent or doubling the speed. It would fit more with it's lore. Out of all the bad iridescent add-ons, it definitely needs work.


Deathslingers green mangled add on that requires the chain to break while he has a yellow mangled add on that simply requires you to shoot them


Gotta love the 5 stack pentimento in the Oni gameplay


Honestly, if Doctor's circular shaped shock therapy addon as a circle that DIDN'T have a hole in the middle, it wouldn't be too bad.

It still wouldn't be good, of course, it just wouldn't be an absolute waste of an addon.


Fun fact: I actually use Nurse's spasmodic breath quite often, I find useful, maybe it's just me, but who knows, it makes the nurse easier for me I guess


I'm suprised Amanda's video tape is on here. Whenever I use it (with rule set no 2), I'm usually able to get 3-5 hooks before the survivor's have finished their first gen, since the survivors are either reluctant do start their timers or can't find the boxes. For me it's almost a guarantee of a 4k and I'm not even a good pig player.

Also suprised you didn't mention more Ghostface add-ons. His adons are fucking TRASH


Z block makes survivors bleed while healthy, which is pretty useful as blood is pretty consistent way to track survs


There's that Oni Addon that makes survivours scream around you or reveals their aura or something if you miss a Slam, but by the time the slam Animation is done the effects already worn off.


I'm surprised that no Nemesis add on is on this list. They are almost all quite bad. There's this one green add on for example with the tongue that gives survivors a 0, 2 hindered effect after being contaminated. I don't know, what this is supposed to do. 0, 2 seconds is a joke.


This guy is humble...just going to subtly play a video of him getting all five pentimento totems and not even mention it! 12:55 was such a nice moment!


Iridescent Family Crest for Oni should have definitely been on this list lol. An Ultra Rare Addon that awards you for missing hits with your power, and the award is survivors screaming for a second, how good!


That pig pink add on can easily be fixed by having the bear traps activated immediately, but will have longer timer.. with this, survivors will absolutely have to remove them first instead of working on gens.. you see.. the problem with everyone starting with traps on is that it won't activate until a gen pops.. which means if you played poorly, 4 gens will pop at the same time and only then will the survivors slow down to try and remove the traps..
