Gastroparesis, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

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0:00 Introduction
0:46 Causes of Gastroparesis
1:55 Symptoms of Gastroparesis
2:13 Diagnosis of Gastroparesis
3:13 Treatment of Gastroparesis

Gastroparesis (gastro- from Ancient Greek γαστήρ - gaster, "stomach"; and -paresis, πάρεσις - "partial paralysis"), also called delayed gastric emptying, is a medical disorder consisting of weak muscular contractions (peristalsis) of the stomach, resulting in food and liquid remaining in the stomach for a prolonged period of time. Stomach contents thus exit more slowly into the duodenum of the digestive tract. This can result in irregular absorption of nutrients, inadequate nutrition, and poor glycemic control.[2][3]

Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, feeling full soon after beginning to eat (early satiety), abdominal bloating, and heartburn. The most common known mechanism is autonomic neuropathy of the nerve which innervates the stomach: the vagus nerve. Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus is a major cause of this nerve damage; other causes include post-infectious and trauma to the vagus nerve.

Diagnosis is via one or more of the following: barium swallow X-ray, barium beefsteak meal, radioisotope gastric-emptying scan, gastric manometry, and esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD). Complications include malnutrition, fatigue, weight loss, vitamin deficiencies, intestinal obstruction due to bezoars, and small intestine bacterial overgrowth.

Treatment includes dietary modifications, medications to stimulate gastric emptying, medications to reduce vomiting, and surgical approaches.[4]
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I've been struggling with stomach issues for almost 2 years now. Seemed to have happen basically overnight. My ascending colon isn't emptying correctly as shown on xrays but am still not officially diagnosed with anything because they keep scheduling all my tests 2-4 months apart. Idk how they can let people endure this type of pain for this long without any treatment. I've just been told to reduce meat consumption and increase fiber, and take stool softeners as needed. I've been vegetarian for 2+ months now (plenty of fiber) and I took Miralax everyday for an entire month (sometimes doubling the dose) without any noticeable changes. Aside from just the stomach and bowel movement issues, my body feels jacked up constantly (low back, hips, joints hurt) and my mental health has been suffering. My quality of life has tanked compared to the activities I used to do (long backpacking trips and kayaking). The stomach controls so much of the body's overall health, I wish they could resolve it so I could stop feeling worthless, unable, and unstable. I have endure worse pain, however, not a level of pain and discomfort so consistently over 400+ days, that's enough to drive about anyone insane... Good luck to anyone going through this, and may luck and swiftness find you more immediately than it has me.


I havent consulted doctor yet but the symptoms do match. I'm under weight, always nauseous can't even eat one chapati properly. Even if I do, I puke. Always feels like vomiting. Dehydrated most of the time. I don't remember when was the last time I ate properly. This really sucks. People say don't lie down after eating, but if I walk after eating I'll vomit straightaway. I don't feel good, don't feel active, always lying on bed. 😭


My best friend was just diagnosed with this condition, and I'm learning as much as I can. I'm so relieved to finally have an answer to his long lasting stomach issues.


this is one of the worst illnesses i have experienced. I litrally thought i’m going to die. Stomach pain is one of the worst pains a human body can endure


I hope I don't have this. Had a meal yesterday at 5pm, got full very quickly. At 3am I was still feeling very full and was close to vomiting. Now, at 1030am, I still feel like I have food in my stomach, though no longer feel sick.
Already called the doctor and will be doing tests. They said it could be a bacterial infection that can be cured, so I'm hoping it's that.

I feel for anyone suffering with this.


Seeing this video is like seeing my life in front of me. I have gastroparesis and 2 years ago. I kept eating and vomitting. Lost 3 and a half stones in 7 months. I did the things you say like eating small portions and avoiding some foods all by myself. No doctor explained this to me. I am hindered by the language living abroad. So thank you for this video which gave me answers. Now I will go challenge doctors and get some help..


I have been suffering from it the you can't cure it but excersise and long walks can help a lot, whenever I stop excersing for days or a week it happens.


It find it interesting that you look up causes of GP Ehlers Danlos Syndrome is never mentioned. But look up EDS and you see it is a very common comorbidity.


Struggled with this for over a decade. Pain and discomfort are a part of my life. Im typing this from a bathroom floor vomiting


Neurofeedback and biofeedback might be able to help if damage to the autonomic nervous system is in the brain, which is usually what happens. I would also recommend the Comra laser therapy to heal any tissue or nerve damage.


Idk what to do to help it
I feel like I'm going to die


I had symptoms before the undigested food and vomiting. GERD was an everyday thing for me since I was 19 (46 now). So was extreme stomach cramps that happened occasionally. I had bad vomiting from the GERD because I would actually inhale acid, i digested just fine. Didn’t become lactose intolerant til about 2013 after I had a 12lb tumor removed and an extreme hysterectomy. Found out I had a hiatal hernia while in hospital (was told it wasn’t bad enough to cause my paresis but the tumor and hernia were the only things that made sense). That was around the time of the diarrhea, started taking lactaid or drinking almond milk, helped some but was still there for about a year. Then turned to IBS. Cramps started getting worse where tummy would cramp at LEAST once a day and so severe my mouth would water or make me vomit. Then about 2 yrs ago I started to throw up any type of vegetable or fruit, completely undigested and sometimes it would be days after I ate it. So stopped eating them til I could get to a gastroenterologist, he also sent me to a gastrointestinal surgeon who did an emptying test. After 4hrs I still had 40% in my stomach. BAD gastroparesis though they don’t know how I got it. Actually became diabetic AFTER because of the food I could digest which was mostly carbs. Also became EXTREMELY anemic, needed 3 bags of blood and a night in the hospital. Now my doc is trying to get my insurance to approve Zenpep for me which in an enzyme that helps you digest with the hopes of eating fruits and veggies again.


I was about 149 pounds like 7-12 months ago... I'm 116 now. After 4 hours my body only digested 43. I was just diagnosed this past week. But the next opening to see my doctor isn't for another month. I just want to know how to manage the pain and nausea l, and the best things to eat.
They thought originally i had GERD (acid reflux and heart burn). Been dealing with this for seven years. They only just started taking me seriously and boom three appointments later, I have Gastroparisis.


I was diagnosed with which probably resulted from elevated blood sugars for an extended period of time (A1C is currently 5.7-5.9) last year. My symptoms so far are upper backpain, chest pain, heartburn, and a whole bunch of bloating. I had contracted h pylori last year and had covid and also had damage from elevated blood sugar so who the hell knows what exactly caused it. It really fucking sucks.


These cartoon slides are very very educational on the condition. Thank you!


I wonder if this is what I have but I’m not sure, the comments kinda reassure me that this isn’t what I have bc they seem more intense than what I deal with. Current diagnosis of IBS, on a high dose of Linzess I am constipated for multiple days and then have diarrhea with intense nausea and for a while I have not being able to eat as much as I used to. I’ve lost some weight, I was unable to fit into a dress I got 5 months ago that fit very tightly. I used to be a BIG eater, now It doesn’t take much for me to feel full and nauseous. Before I started the Linzess I was extremely constipated, I took a powerful laxative and ended up vomiting 6 times with intense stomach pain in between each bout of vomiting. Haven’t had that since changing my diet and getting medicated


Azithromycin is the closest thing to a cure at the moment. After a few days of using it your symptoms would pretty much disappear and your tummy would feel new again.


I’m losing my mind over this. This is pretty much one of the things the doctor told me I could have, and I got tested for diabetes today and won’t know the results until Monday. I’m only 23, I hope this isn’t the case


Gastroparesis it in my body more year about 7 year, I Resist difillcule and not solution for me


I have nausea for 1 year before all these symptoms started currently working with GI specialist haven’t been able to diagnose me yet. This maybe it. I had bad acid reflux since August 2022 to today November 2022 2-3times a week vomit now down to 1 a week
