Gastroparesis Signs & Symptoms (ex. Nausea, Abdominal Pain, Weight Loss)

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Gastroparesis Signs & Symptoms (ex. Nausea, Weight Loss)

Gastroparesis is a gastrointestinal disorder, essentially “stomach paralysis” that is due to delayed emptying of stomach contents into the small intestine. This delayed emptying, or paralysis of the stomach, can have many different causes and risk factors (please check out my lesson on that particular topic). Due to food sitting in the stomach for extended periods of time (due to delayed gastric emptying), gastroparesis can have a variety of classic signs and symptoms, which we discuss in this lesson.

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For anyone going through this I'm sorry to hear that.


I looked this up right now trying to figure find out why I feel like this, thanks for the help


This also makes it hard to breathe. I thought I had asthma without the wheezing but stomach issues were the cause behind it all.


This is the first time in over 3 years that i finally have an idea for my on and off chronic nausea, this video described my life in 6 minutes, During my endoscopy they said there was a little fluid in my stomach, and i was fasting for 12 hours prior to that btw, they couldn't even diagnose me, im so happy and stressed at the same time but now i have something to work with.


I do believe that I am already healed in the name of our Lord Jesus..


Also, those of us who take individual vitamins can feel stomach upset as well. An iron pill will often cause discomfort.


Don’t forget you can also trigger it from having an eating disorder or any eating patterns that are severe like restricting and then binging over and over - it messes up your stomach this is what happened to me. I also damaged the nerve I believe, with over excessive use of ibuprofen for a few months. Stupidly was taking way too many over a long period of time and rotten away my stomach lining ... this is most likely what actually triggered it for me.


I spent a month in hospital and what they done was to make me fast for 30 days. Allowing my body to rest and it worked.


Omgosh thank you so much for this information I believe this is what I be experiencing i even went to the hospital n they couldn't find nothing wrong but this video called out everything im going thru thank you again for sharing


Thanks this actually helped a lot. I was halfway through my breakfast this morning (a small breakfast wrap) when I was suddenly VERY full and nauseous to the point I thought I might be sick. I've had the pain and heartburn symptoms before (as well as the bloating and gross smelling/tasting burps) but didn't think anything of it. At least I know what it is now. 😭


My name is Cesar and I want to share my story of how I was accidently cured from Gastroparesis. I woke up one night with a terrible tooth ache. I neglected a cavity because going to the dentist was a nightmare due to my Gastroparesis and terrible Gag reflex. The dentist tried but even the thought of putting the xray plate in my mouth was a no go. My dentist suggested sedation so I had to go to a different dentist since he did not offer it. I went to a sedation dentistry in South Tampa and as i sat in the chair, the Doctor had to attend another patient so the assistant had to get the process started. It was apparent to me that the assistant was new since she looked a bit puzzled on how to start the Nitrus Oxyde tank but finally managed to do it. All I remember was that she turned the knob several times while I was wearing the gas mask. After 15-20 seconds I suddently began to feel very un easy and felt a relentless sense of paranoya and heart palpitations from the gas. I pulled off the mask in agony and the Doctor finally arrived to see what was the commotion. The Dr. realized that the Nitrus oxyde was turned way too high so she turned it back, wayyyy I felt a sense of calm and did not have a gag reflex during the process. The extraction was successful and I went home feeling calm and relaxed. I realized that the Nausea and the vomiting went away like 95%. I still have a tiny bit of nausea but nothing like before. I gained so much weight now and can eat anything and everything. I use to be 125lb soaking wet and put my family through hell with my illness. Im now Gastroparesis free and it was all after this experience. Its been 14 years since that incident and Im still going A ok. No more Domperidone and no more Gerd Meds. I told my Gastro who in my opinion is the best Gastro in the WORLD and in the Tampa Bay area about this incident just recently so Im sure he can possibly help you guys out. Dr Sheppard is an absolute God send, this man was immensly patient with me throughout my journey. If you guys have any questions for me Ill check back here evey now and then.


I’m 19 and I’ve been feeling like this for 2/3 weeks I can’t even enjoy a full meal


This video has been a blessing for me. over the course of a year or so I've been getting this pain especially after eating lemons, citrus. certain foods. The pain sometimes is excruciating. Like a burning in my upper abdominal. My doctor is ignoring this and putting it down to a heart problem which I know it not. [ only because my blood pressure was high., and cholesterol } He is sending me for a CT scan of my heart which I feel is unnecessary. Can some one please help in the treatment for this. It's debilitating to say the least. Thank you


I believe we all have the same abdominal problems! Whatever which symptoms you are having you need to pressure massage your stomach especially the upper stomach where the video showed us. My upper stomach hurt so much i always have someone pressure massage that area, yes you will feel pain from the deep pressure but it is a good pain. Pressure enough where you find some comfort pain it will go away if its being pressed. If you can't tolerate the deep massage then adjust the pressure to your tolerance. You might want to deep massage your whole stomach too if the pain has been many days because the abdominal pain will spread to the top right, top left and the whole middle sections. There are no cure but for the time being its just something to relieve us from the suffering.


How do you treat it? Ive bin having this for so many months always thinking I might be pregnant. So glad I saw this


This vid is a blessing. Recently got diagnosed with a severe form of gastroparesis (legit only 2 days ago) due to losing 50-70 pounds a month during flare ups) this vid better helps me understand it better. Not looking forward to having to deal with it all my
Life but I had a good pain free 19 years 😂.


thank you so much sir we really appreciate it.


Man this helps a lot, actually yesterday I was in bed feeling very nauseous and needed to vomit so I rushed the bathroom but didn’t make, vomited on the ground while running, slipped, and almost broke my back by landing on it😅


Does it raise blood pressure and heart rate too? I think this is what I’m experiencing, there comes a point when I belch and then I start to feel relief.


Sometimes after I eat I vomit maybe 15-20 minutes after. I always know when its about to happen because I have the weirdest taste form in my mouth and I can feel it moving up. This video was a great help.
