Boom! Properly exegeting “but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved”.

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"For I know the plans I have for you declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11

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ABC's of Salvation....

Admit you are a sinner in need of a savior.

Believe in the finished redemtive work of Jesus Christ on the cross alone for the remission of all your sins (past, present and future) and eternal life!

Call on the name of the Lord. ("All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:13)

"I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me." (John 14:6)

"When you declare with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead you will be saved. For with the heart man believes and is justified and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." ( Romans 10:9-10)

"For it is by grace you are saved through faith. It is not your own doing. It is the FREE gift of God. Not by works lest any man boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9)

To Reach Pastor Tim by Mail: 1425 Jonathan Creek Road, Sullivan, IL 61951

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Over the past two years, I have asked Father God to remove anything I have heard, read, believed, that was not of Him or from Him. Every time I hear your messages, it is like a chain is broken. “Doing” has been so subtly embedded over the years. The most freeing statement you have taught me is, “ It’s not a salvation issue!” Bless you Pastor Tim for liberty, freedom and grace in Christ Jesus!


Satan will challenge your beliefs to the point that gets you scared and think "Am I really saved?". You need to rebuke that thought in the name of Jesus Christ as soon as it enters you mind. If you believe and have faith and accept what Jesus did for you on the cross and He rose from the grave on the third day, you are SAVED and SEALED. That's God promise and plan from Day 1 of creation. Heaven and Earth will pass away, but His words will not pass away. God called me out of this earth and gave me a chance to accept His salvation plan. I believed in that Jesus is 100% God and 100% man, and He died for my sins. I don't deserve what Jesus did for me. My sins condemn me to Hell, but Jesus's blood covers all my sins. When I go before God, he won't see me as sinful, but blameless!! I'm so thankful. Even though I still live in a fleshy, lustful, dieing body, I will always fall short of the glory of God. I can't wait for the rapture. I want my new and perfect body serving Jesus Christ for ever and ever.


Satan is attacking me alot, but a dose Tim Henderson keeps me on the right track and im allways happy after watching. Thanks Tim!


Thank you Jesus for saving my soul without me deserving NOTHING..


Yiiiippppeee! That's it, done, no more doubts for me!
Please pray for Alister, he's a recovering alcoholic, he used to drink 10+ bottles of QCsherry every day. I used to take him in to my house cos he was homeless, sometimes he'd arrive at my house early hours of the morning, I never turned him away, even though he used to stink so bad. 14months ago he was found collapsed in a pool of blood and vomit, they put him in hospital on life support machine, many prayers went up for him and he's now recovering- not because he wanted to stop drinking, but that he has been put in care home under an order so he can't leave, for his protection from himself. I woke up at 349am this morning to a message on my phone, it was him telling me ''sorry I let you down Steve, ' he hasn't let me down, I don't know what he means, but I just cried for half an hour. He believes and reads his Bible, I implore you brother's 🐏 and sisters 🐑, please pray for him, thank you so much xx ✝️♥️


Your joy is so contagious, amen brother!!


It shall be as in the days of Noah:today is the day for salvation, it is a free gift.


When I hear my Saviours name in Hebrew I leap inside . God Bless


Dear Pastor Tim, Thanks so much for explaining that in such detail. Now I finally understand you to say that if a person is truly saved, they will repent, turn away from their sinful lifestyle, have a complete renewing of their mind by the Holy Ghost, and will adopt a new life in Jesus. Again, thanks so much for breaking it down into simple pieces so that people like me can understand.


The first time I heard you say “co-savior”, I got chills! That is a term that will be used to wake people up to GRACE salvation ...Holy Spirit inspired!


My heavenly father in the name of Jesus rip loose the deceived and set them free. Give those who have been deceived to someone who feeds and waters them with truth and enlighten their spirit. For your Glory father according to Matt the blind leading the blind shall be plucked up for your Glory father


Thank you so much for your videos you are a life line!! We are not made for this hate, sickness, confusion, drug addiction, evil politicians and most of all what is hurting my soul to the core is watching what is before our children’s eyes. Just going to the grocery store in the middle of the day what your child can see and once they see it you can’t change it!! Please come quickly Lord this is so bad!


having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever,


Thank You for clarifying this! So many think it's if we as Christians can just endure til the end, then, we will be saved. Totally leaving what Jesus did out of it.


It really is pride-based... thank you for expounding on this particular scripture & positioning!


Pastor Tim, the lordship salvation crowd has grown and gotten strong. Satan hates the truth. Thanks for preaching the truth.


I pray I can retain all this information so that I can share it with the Pharisees in Jesus name. May they repent


Please watch the videoclip and lyric video of the group "SUICIDEBOYS" and the song "You're now tuning in with 66.6 FM with DJ.Rapture" and please tell me what you think. Thank you and God bless you.


Parable of the Ski Jumpers:
Imagine you are an acrobat ski jumper and you need to perform a neat trick in front of a judging panel. This “competition” is different however. There are ski jumpers of all skill levels, and there are only two scores; a pass or a fail. And to get a pass from the judges, you just need to give it your best effort, because that’s what the judges want of you. Though in absolute terms, inevitably some will do better than others, depending on skill levels. There’s even one girl who had just learned to ski yesterday and could barely ski, but the judges encouraged her, and she had given it a try, and fell flat on her face - poor girl, but she got a pass! Another had many years of experience, and he had managed to do an impressive quadruple-twisting triple flip. He had practised many days for this jump, and he got a pass. And one came who was disabled and on a wheelchair, he couldn’t walk, but he tried to please the judges by trying to get up off his wheelchair. The judges said “stop right there, you have made a tremendous effort already”, and the judges passed him.

No one however, can do a perfect jump, because for a perfect jump, one will need to do a double-back, quadruple-twisting triple flip, quintuple somersault, while juggling four balls at the same time, and landing perfectly with two balls in each hand, and if that weren’t enough - with a rubber chicken up your ass. It is impossible.

One of the better jumpers looked upon the girl who’d just started skiing, and he made fun of her, and he boasted in front of others of the tricks he could do. One of the judges heard this, and immediately he was disqualified and the judge failed him for his arrogance and pride.

Another jumper was scheduled to jump, but when he was just about to ski, he chickened out despite encouragement from the judges and did not attempt to jump, and so he got a fail. Another jumper did a no-show and did not even turn up, needless to say he got a fail. And another thought he can just turn up and not have to jump - he didn’t even have his skis on! And so when the judges asked him to jump, he refused. He got a fail.

If one relies on his ability to make a high quality jump to pass, it is impossible (John 15:4), because to try to pass by making a perfect jump is impossible. One who compares his abilities to other is the same as relying on his/her abilities - they get a fail (parable of the Denarius, Ephesians 2:8-9). However, as people will different abilities can still pass, therefore it isn’t how great one’s jump is, but acknowledge you can’t possibly do a perfect jump and give it your best (as the judges want you to), and the judges will award you a pass. The judges are very gracious. But the ones who didn’t even try - they got a fail (parable of the talents, John 15:2, James 2:17-18).


Has anyone ever watched Carter conlon?
