Self-Esteem: How It Changes And 2 Ways to Boost It

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Self-esteem can change in a snap. It's not always your fault, but it is 100% within your control to take it back when you've lost it. In this video I talk about how your self-esteem changes over your life, then things that help and hurt it, and how to get it back.

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A famous drag queen once said. Self esteem is gained through doing esteemable acts (Katya). This line changed my life. Just doing those simple things like calling your Mother, making your house tidy, taking time out to play with a pet.


maybe that's why my self esteem has been improving, instead of feeling bad about myself or jealous when I see someone that's good at a certain task, I admire them for it and try to adapt and/or emulate said quality in me, it has helped me become a better person for sure.


Aside of the consistent quality contents, can we also appreciate Dr. Marks' consistently amusing thumbnails? Hope you guys accidentally remember something that make you smile today!


Focusing on other people's strengths to boost your own self-esteem seems like an often overlooked (or counterintuitive) but powerful way to improve how you view yourself. So interesting!! And it also makes you become more social in nature which can provide a good support network instead of going down the route of self-isolation which is common when people are experiencing challenges with their self-esteem


My sister has been doing “I am “ positive affirmations with my niece since she was a baby. As strange as that was to me, I can now understand the importance of building up a child’s self esteem from an early age.


Puberty was the worst time for me.
I was awkward, called the ugly girl. Started my period, always felt too fat, had an eating disorder. All with an alcoholic mom. Definitely took at a decade or so to find my self worth.


My self esteem was very poor due to emotional neglect and sexual abuse as a child. It was not until my late 20s, early 30s
That I really worked on it . Learning to love myself in a healthy way really helped in building better relationships . My self esteem still fluctuates but I'm okay with that.


I just can't get enough of the content you make Tracey.. it has helped me in ways not even my therapist could ever do.


My childhood and early adulthood was hell. Not a single friend or anyone to trust. Highly abusive and it wasn't until I hit my mid-20s that I realised that what I suffered was not normal. I thought it was normal as I had no reference point.


Early blows to one's self esteem can last a lifetime. During my adolescence I was told that I had developed lumbar scoliosis. As I got older it really started to manifest itself. One day another child pointed me out and called me "funny made", I was so embarrassed. Needless to say, I never recovered from that remark. It followed me to college where I refused to participate in freshman p. e. classes because was afraid to undress in front of others I received an F for the course which dropped my overall GPA to 3.5. I was reluctant to approach
girls for fear of being rejected. I never got married. Presently at 70 years old I am still embarrassed by those early memories.


I'm 51 and I've never had good self esteem. I truly want to feel confident and am always working on it. My mother also has low self esteem


How to boost your self-esteem?
5:30 recognise and utilise your strengths
7:04 develop a plan to use your strengths
7:50 recognise it in others so you become sensitive to the same in you too

9:27 learn to accept compliments


I always tell myself that no matter what, God loves me and I am good enough for Him. That's all that matters.


Had extremely low self esteem as a teenager, and it's only been going uphill since adulthood through therapy and support (to the point that now I have good self esteem, although it is a little fragile and easily influenced), however I still get extremely uncomfortable from getting compliments. I've learned to accept compliments and not downplay them and accept them at a surface level, but I still get this inherent physical discomfort from getting compliments, I wonder if that will ever change.


Hey there Doc, Im going to show my daughter this video. Shes 14 and thinks shes ugly, , low self worth, etc. As gorgeous as she is, I dont understand why she doesnt see her inner and physical beauty. Im working with the baby in boosting her self esteem. 14 is a rough age.


I suffered from a debilitating form of low self esteem, from the age of 7-30. Deep feelings of worthlessness, sorrow, ugliness etc. this came from my life experiences. However, as I got older I began to realize my power and see my value. I realized that while I was suffering I making myself worst than it had to be. Once I noticed my strengths and started taking care of myself things got better. Thanks for listening yall lol JussJess


So valuable! I learn something from you EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


great information! As a kid/teen I was bullied for being gay (back in the 70s). I still struggle with my level of self-esteem, but getting involved in the arts (theatre/visual arts/music) I found that I was surrounded by people who embraced "difference". Finding a community of people who love you for being different can really help to boost self-esteem (I think)


Social factors like media and kids being mean, bullying really plays a role. My elementary years still kinda haunt me.


Just bc someone is good at something that I'm not it doesn't mean that they're good at everything..yet this is exactly my way of thinking, which is pretty warped 🤨. Thank you!
