Is the DOBERMAN Right For You?

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Protective, loyal, fast & furious - the Doberman is perhaps THE most daring and relentless guardian breed in the world. Is the feared and revered Doberman Pinscher "too much dog" for you to handle? Or is this exactly the working breed you've been looking for? Find out in this video!

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I remember this old guy had a doberman in the apartment complex i lived when i was a kid. He would sit outside with him almost all day it was a scary looking dog but the friendliest I've been around. Me and some other kid would walk it and exercise the dog for the old man. His apartment was next to the playground and anytime a male adult would come by was the only time the doberman would stand up and give out a bark. I like to think he was looking out for us as kids


About 20 years ago I lost my Doberman to cancer. I never got another dog after that, he was my best friend. Incredibly smart and loving dog breed.


I had a Doberman named Tinkerbell several years ago. Best dog I ever had. She was sweet, had a great disposition, never showed aggression to strangers or anyone until one time, when a repairman was working on my fence in my front yard. I had spoken to him outside earlier. He had approached the door and wanted to use an electrical outlet. I opened the screen door to let him in, and Tinkerbell brought her body in front of me, blocking me, her hackles were up, and she started growling in a low scary growl that I had never heard from her. We had had strangers, people she didn't know, in the house before. She was always friendly. But she wouldn't let this man in. I tried shaking his hand in front of her, telling her it was ok. No go. She would not let him in. I finally told the the man, "sorry, she's not going to let you in". She knew something I didn't. I loved that dog so much. She lived till 14. Broke my heart when she passed.


After owning a Labrador and a Belgian malinois mix, I now have my dream dog- a female Doberman pinscher. That intimidation factor is legit. From the time she was a little 30 lb puppy, people would stop in their tracks asking if she bit. That said, we’ve taken great trouble to socialize her properly. She will give strangers the stink eye and evaluate everyone she comes in contact with. Once you get the green light, she’s all love. That’s the emotional intelligence I love about her. Dobermans are badass and will defend their families, but they aren’t meatheads wanting to arbitrarily take out everybody who knocks on the door or passes by you on the street.

It’s true, though. She’s a bit of a space case with training. She will race away, run some laps, possibly crash into something, and then come back, like “Ok, boss! I’m ready now!” When she does focus, look out. That dog learns commands faster than any dog I’ve worked with for sure.

I’m surprised you didn’t mention DCM as a health concern. Thanks to some horrible breeding in the 70’s, dilated cardiomyopathy affects almost 60% of Dobermans today, and it is a death sentence. :(


We just got a 5yo female that is 118lbs. Her name is Karma. She was an early xmas gift for my 15yo. Shes amazing. My daughter handles her mostly by herself but we go on walks with them just in case because Karma about 25lbs heavier than my daughter. We had a neighbor break in several times before Karma. Hes a creeper. Hes done it once since we got Karma and havent seen him since. She guards that back door at night. She comes through each room and checks on everyone, including the other dogs. Then she settles in my daughters bed. She gets so excited and her little nub goes a mile a minute. Absolutely in love with her. I work overnight 12 hours a day. Karma has given us a piece of mind that Emma is safe. Karma 100% would give her life for us and we havent even had her long


Health= DCM is a huge issue. Just lost my dobbie to the disease. Diagnosed at 5 yo and under medical care (cardiology) for 2 years before he passed last week. My unsolicited advice is do not get a Doberman unless you are ready to care for them - emotionally and financially - and train them properly. They are very loving and mine was extremely attached to me. Best dog ever!


The question should rather be: Am I the right person for a doberman?

In my case, the answer is: No.


Very good video about owning Dobermans. I just lost mine, Samson, he was 110 lbs, European black and tan. He was my third. He was the best natured sweetest most loving dog. He would lay on my ottoman and put his head and front legs in my lap, which was a lapful. Training is the most important for you and your dog, because they will take over if you don’t assume leadership. My husband loved him, but wasn’t a leader with him, so they just payed together and enjoyed each others company. We once had a guy in the back yard checking gas lines, and my husband couldn’t get him into the house. I walked out told him to sit. He stopped and sat immediately, I walked up to him, and walked him back into the house. I trained him. He obeyed me. He escorted me from room to room always, and if I had to answer the door he sat right at the edge of the carpet and wouldn’t get on the entry tile unless I asked him to. Most people backed away from the door when they saw him. That is a big key in protection, just their look. If I was younger, I would get another, but I’m getting too old to go through the process again. I just love the breed.


A doubleman dog, without training, save my son from racoon attack. We were visiting and while the kids played, a rocoon appeared. This dog place himself infront of my son an neutralized the perv. I love them every since. They're very smart and mischievous too.


I’m a 68 yo woman, got my first Doberman 40 years ago when I worked for a vet and fell in love. Would say your video is spot on except sadly for a serious health condition: dilated cardiomyopathy. It’s insidious and may not cause symptoms until sudden death. I have a 10 yo wonderful female now, her male littermate died 4 years ago of DCM. Unless we can get control of backyard breeders, this will most likely result in extinction of this outstanding breed within 40-60 years. NC State and other institutions are doing genetic research but so far only 2 genes have been identified (compared to around 150 that have been identified in DCM in humans.) In the eight Dobermans I have had, yes I am addicted to the breed, have not had one case of dysplasia or bloat, but have had 3 cases of sudden death from DCM. Even so, I want another one. They are the best: beautiful, lovable, so intelligent, actually snuggly, playful, funny, and other people are afraid of them. To anyone who has time and patience for basic training and socializing, you can’t get a better dog.


We just rescued one! We left her ears floppy, such a sweet girl! Shes a Rust with black! Shes beautiful. Still training on the leash, next socializing and She loves to RUN! Your videos are great! Thank you


I really appreciate how easily understandable you made the info. And how you were not biased in either way towards the dog


X factor intimidation, they are ranked in the top 5 of Intelligence, the are the 3rd fastest dog breed, they also rank right behind scent hounds on scent tracking, they make excellent search and rescue dogs. The dog that found the most people in the 9/11 rubble was a Doberman. I think that breeders in the us have morphed them into a more family role since the 1970’s getting rid of harshness they had in the early 1900’s. The same thing will ultimately happen to Mali’s when there is a bunch of people that want to make a working line dog a family pet.

I’ve had 4 Dobermans, to me it’s the most well rounded dog breed. Plus they are hilarious.


My girl Topaz was an amazing dog. Kept my grandmother safe when the rest of the family was on vacation for a couple weeks. She wanted to stay home. Well we did this 2 years in a row. Both times, someone tried to break in and My girl Topaz kept my grandmother safe. She ran from upstairs to downstairs and just went ballistic. My grandmother stated she heard someone on our first floor roof running away and slid down a tree from where the criminals got onto the roof. What an amazing dog. Did all this without any protection training.
I could never get another doberman because there is no way another could compare to my sweet girl. RIP Topaz you were so loved. Just typing this brings😢 to my eyes and this is over 25 years ago. What a dog


I LOVED my Doberman. He was the sweetest dog and wow so impressive when running. Nearly every person we came across would be in awe of him. No other dogs could keep up with him at the dog park. I had him in apartments but would constantly go to the dog park. So I’d say it’s possible to have them in an apartment but only if you’re willing to make a large dog park your second home 😊


I had Dobermans for years. So smart and great protectors! Once my ex-husband’s uncle came to visit and came in (unannounced, without knocking)and it took her two jumps from the lower level to stop him in his tracks! 😂 She was my first dog as an adult. She was incredibly smart and so sweet, that I named her Honey ❤! 85 pound female…all muscle.


I have to disagree. Dobermans definitely have a natural instinct to gaurd against strangers, they don't need any training to gaurd. In fact the training they need is to subdue their guarding instincts. My Doberman had to be introduced to everyone who entered the house because he would get aggressive with strangers, & he never had any training. We learned from our mistake, so we made it a point to socializ my new Doberman to avoid stranger aggression. That said she is still protective on the leash. These are amazing smart dogs that are more human than dog. For me guarding is a 10/10. Trainability is also a 10/10, they take their owner very seriously so they are usually ready to obey the one person that is their entire life mission to protect. Thats just been my experience with my Dobermans


We had a grand dog Doberman female that came to live with us part of the time for two reasons: she had more room to run safely on our farm and our home back a long lane and also she was a wonderful companion for our very nervous, neurotic yellow lab!! Oh this Doberman was raised with children was just THE SWEETEST dog ever and NEEDED constant petting and attention when at your side!! When outside, she found her spot, laid down with head and chest erect and front feet crossed, alert and constantly on guard! If anyone or any car or truck approached, she alerted us with the most ferocious bark you have ever heard! Many strange cars backed out and turned around, I know for sure! But, if they weren’t afraid or knew us, when approaching her and calling her name, she immediately went up and wanted some lovin and would show her sweet, beautiful nature!! She was amazing and I wish I could find another dog just like her. She was so good for our lab. Regrettably, she left us way too soon and our lab as well. The absolute worst part of pet ownership is saying goodbye to our wonderful companions…
Thank you for the work that you do to help all of us take better care of our wonderful dogs ❤.


Dobermans are also WHINERS, and are definitely prone to having separation anxiety. Start training for that while they are Young. Give the puppy time alone by itself. You’ll thank yourself for it in the future.


My dad purchased a Doberman from a breeder and their father was a Warlock Doberman so they assumed the pups would vary. The only male in the litter, and he was the kindest soul ever 💕🫂 He helped raise our Husky mix, and was also the most wonderful and gentle foster dad to kittens & cats throughout the years 🙏🥹🥲 He even tried to make friends with my rescue guinea pig and rescue gerbil. Such a loving & beautiful soul 💕
