How Long Does It Take to Boost Your Google SEO Rankings? | 1 Month, 12 Month, and 2 Year Timeline

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You've put in the hard work to try and boost your SEO rankings, but you're not sure how long it'll take for Google to notice.

Everyone's telling you to invest thousands of dollars or thousands of your hours into SEO.

And if you do, when should you expect results? The last thing you want to do is spend thousands of dollars or thousands of your hours and it not do anything for you.

That would just suck.

Hey, everyone, I'm Neil Patel, and today I'm going to share with you how long it takes to see results from SEO. Here are the SEO basics.

Within a matter of 12 months, you fast forward; I went to all the way to roughly 89,000 visitors a month from Google, right?

So in one year I almost 10xed my results. You fast forward another 12 months; I hit over 450,000 visitors a month from Google.

So in two years, I went from 9,000 to 400K and roughly 50,000 thousand visitors a month.

That's a considerable increase, right?

Just think about that.

Nine to 450K.

That's crazy.

I'd been in SEO for a long time, well over ten years. But I'll keep this simple, this is post about SEO for beginners, not pros.

When you first begin SEO, in the first three months, you should see more impressions.

Log into Google Search Console and look at Search Analytics.

You will see how many impressions you're getting.

As the first three months go by, your impressions should be going up.

If they're not going up, you're probably doing something off, or you're in a competitive space.

Within six months for sure, the impression count should go up. And within your Google Analytics, you should see traffic from Google other than terms from your brand name.

You already may be getting a lot of traffic for your brand name, but you should be getting traffic for keywords outside of your brand name, even if it's not a lot.

So in the first six months, you should be getting traffic from key terms that aren't your brand name.

Within a year, things should start kicking in.

Within two years, that's when you're going to see the bulk of your SEO growth.

By then you've built up your authority and trust in Google, and you just start ranking for almost anything.

Now, here's a caveat. If you're not building links and you're not writing a lot of content, and you're not getting social signals to your site, it can take even longer to get rankings.

So, to get results within the timeframes I'm giving you, you need to be publishing at least one blog post a week, building at least five to 10 links a month, and you need to be promoting your content every single week on Facebook, Twitter, and any of your other social profiles.

If you do that, you'll get results within the first 12 months, but you'll see the bulk of your results come within the first two years.
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Thanks man, good suggestions. Its been 6-7 months and Im now getting 1k+ impressions a day in search. Seems to be going up really fast the last two months.


Thank you Niel, you have just made me see it the right way.
It takes time, work and consistency. Not just about time but work, link building and engagement.


Thank you for your videos and resources! I spent 2 years doing everything I could to boost SEO and I paid an SEO professional, only to see no difference in my rankings. I found your SEO analyzer tool a month ago and I’m already ranking without even having completed all the recommendations yet. Thank you!


This is the first ever ad, which I explicitly clicked to watch lol.
All hail Neil Patel


I have a blog of 5 months. But traffic is almost zero. Can you review and tell me the reason?


Any outliers you've seen that outpaced that? Anything beyond a word of mouth viral product/service?


Best explanation I have ever listen to
It's a killer explanation
I love you Sir


Hey Neil, hope I'm not too late to this party. You mention to do at least 1 blog post per week, 5-10 backlinks per month, and social media promotion. This looks like a good baseline for growth.

My question is, have you noticed a point of diminishing returns? I'm planning to have 2-4 1, 000 word blog posts published every week, in conjunction with the skyscraper method, among other link building techniques. Is this overkill, in your opinion?


Hello sir have a website...I am posting article my traffic was not growing...what to I am making 10 backlink par week


Thanks a lot Neil. This was very important.


How old should a website be before it gets ranked? For example if my website is just 1 month old, but already have like 10 posts/pages targeting low competitive keywords, it is already eligble for ranking?


Always clear and helpful videos. Where have you been all my life, lol

Thanks Neil :)


Are Impressions and Visitors the same thing? If not, what's the difference? Thanks!


Thanks for the tip Neil I have a new website and I am pushing everyday to get it going


Neil how much content should I have out before I start outreaching for links?


Thanks for the video it's been one month's and I can see some impression in console. Can u also make a small video on plagiarism like up-to what percentage it is acceptable stuff like that


I want to boost my main website... SO, I use 301 expired domain redirect to my main website... Sir, I want to know which type expired domain require or How much DA and PA required? I the redirected domain is related to my main website? Is that domain back link affect my main site rankings? Please Tell Me Sir the solution of this...


Super helpful video. I did wonder how long it would take.


Thanks Neil once again for your honest opinions. SEO seems a long and ardous path, and no guarantee that Google will be the same, it is difficult to predict results it seems. Need a lot of patience. Hats off to you.


Hey Neil
Awesome Video as always,
Kindly recommend some lead generation tools, so we can cold Email and convert prospects into clients.
