Sasquatch Ideas, Considerations and Conjecture.

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NAH: North American Hominid.

Thank you everyone that has decided to come with me on this journey - this video is for you! You all got me motivated so I made this yesterday! It was supposed to be short, but ended up taking all day and time this morning! I dive into some of my thoughts and ideas on this subject. Its kinda behind the scenes of the documentary, the way I interpreted the evidence and interactions; where I drew my sources and parallels from and some of the questions I have myself.

Unfortunately, I had great video clips from primate documentaries illustrating what I was talking about, but copyright prevented me from publishing earlier so now there is my personal b-roll that tries its best to conform with what i'm discussing. I will however put titles and links below so you can go check the sources out for yourself!

I hope you enjoy this video and it helps us start asking the right questions and putting the pieces together!

Source Links/Titles and Articles:

Chimp Hunting Methods:

Koko The Gorilla Who Talks:
- This is a movie title, could not find a free link to it.

Chimpanzee Memory & Speed Test:

Fossil Records Breaking The Mold:

Certain Behaviors: Chip Throwing Rocks At Trees:

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They are better at being wild, then we are at being civilized.think about that.


We ALL like females around (most all of us) I don't think it's too hard to imagine it might not be any different for other forms of life.


26:00 on mushrooms and acid i feel like my thought process is sped up, and i feel like i can see things and become one with nature.. maybe its a glimpse into how they are like.. idk food for thought


Sasquatch is like Bruce Lee... Bruce Lee worked out every waking hour of his life... it's all he did... he was phenomenal in his craft/art He makes impossible look easy ! Like Sasquatch supposedly QUIETLY running up a huge STEEP mountain in mere seconds.... I'm saying Sasquatch's spent every sleeping and waking hour out in those forests... with nothing but time to hone the skills.


Pretty good you need to go on Bigfoot oddesey maybe as a guest to discuss more about these creatures


I really enjoy your thinking, and the spirit/attitude with which you share, not only with sasquatch, but also with your fellow human primates! 🙂
Have you explored Christopher Noel’s ideas on saquatch - in particular his book The Mind of Sasquatch?
If so, what are your thoughts?
Also, what about Todd Standing?
I was sorry to hear Madison is now your former girlfriend... you seemed like a lovely couple. Wishing you both all the best.


Steve from how to hunt is on the same theory as me. Sasquatch may be Nephelim. Part human part demon spirit.


I have recon about a home security system south of green mt falls with the thing in plain view raiding a shed


💕 Pretty interesting ! Oh yeh !
The way you explained how you think they felt about your ex girlfriend & you as a unit, was interesting. I hope if you run into the same one's one day, they won't treat you differently because you're alone now. They may be somewhat confused, and treat you way differently, know what I mean ?
I also like the apple gifting interactions.
Thanks for sharing. I hope we'll be hearing more on both matters, and others !! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼🙋🏻‍♀️


Anyone else think he looks and and sounds like Ari Shaffir? Lol i mean a cool nicer version of ari, and i mean no offense.


Vejo seriedade em seu trabalho, e como vc aborda os aspectos envolvidos, de maneira natural.
Como vc mesmo já citou, vc deve ser aceito por eles, para poder ter o '' contato '' visual ou até físico com esses seres.
Conseguir contato através de vocalização seria um grande passo a seguir.
De qualquer forma, sua abordagem em classifica-los como seres de extrema inteligência, supera qq abordagem que já vi até hoje. Nunca acreditei que a espécie ''bigfoot ''fosse um animal selvagem, mas sim um humanoide ancestral, sobrevivente de eras antidiluvianas, ou até mesmo um ''Nefelin''.Um ser que possa viver inclusive entre dimensões, como um ''espírito'' .
Continue com seu exelente trabalho e cuidado sempre.
Um grande abraço direto do Brasil.


Have you ever heard of the Law of One? If not you should look into it. Many questions are answered. Ra says that these hominids are a 2nd density entity that is striving for 3rd through karmic retribution. It says they came to our planet from Maldek when it was destroyed. It also talks about a few different types. This information came out in 1982 and you can hear it around session 10-12. Cannot remember exactly which one but around that area. There are 106 sessions so it can be a bit overwhelming. Anyway, hopefully that gives you a bit of info or you may just think it is too woo. To me it seems like sasquatch. The more you dig the more you realize it is the truth.


Very thought provoking video. Conjecture and theory are geat things when taken for what they are, which you did. Your comparisons of other primates to the NAH is really interesting. Great use of greenscrean and b roll to add visual interest to your video. Sasquatch weather forecaster haha!


You have a great way of communicating your information. When you laugh before you come out with what your about to say shows me you understand how crazy it is going to sound, but you present it in a way, I think that everyone can appreciate, and at the same time has to make people think outside our human way of thinking. Not an easy task. To take it a step further, how crazy would it be if they were actually more intelligent and advanced than we are? That's totally crazy right? Or is it? I would throw in another curve ball, that will really sound whacky. But, I'll quit while I'm ahead. (Woo):0) Very nice work, I enjoy watching your videos and I am learning a lot from you. These are great keep it up!


They are not animals you will figure that out after your first encounter.believe me.


Thanks. That was very interesting. I’ve learned so much. For instance, the 10 times faster thought process seems very plausible and would explain why they are always two steps ahead and almost in stealth mode.


Great stuff as always 👍

What's your view on what answers eDNA could possibly offer, in the search and confirmation of the NAH? Personally, and in as far as pursuing the NAH genome, I think it's now the only way to go. I say this, as the disaster that was the Ketchum project, has tainted the traditional DNA process, beyond repair.

I believe Environmental DNA offers an amazingly exciting opportunity, in both confirming the species, and bringing additional legitimacy to the controversial topic.


Coco was fascinating. Have you checked out the Bobo studies being done here in the US? Equally as fascinating.


I think they walk so quietly because they walk like they're stalking all the time. They are so good at and used to being quiet they can move swiftly while doing it I think the muscular control it takes to be quiet makes them look like they're gliding as they walk


Great video Mateo! I know you spend years trying to interact with these beings and I value your opinion! Be careful and good luck!
