This Is Why Videos/Photos Of Sasquatch Are Always Blurry. THE NAH

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I talk briefly about the reasons why with all our cameras and technology how we still only get blurry low quality videos of the elusive creature.

The truth is pretty simple and its because there is a lot more to filming and photography than most know. If the general public knew a little more about how the technology worked then it would come as no surprise why there are so many blurry and no good videos and photos of bigfoot - being the norm. However, the fact that videos and photos are on the rise is suggestive of what one would expect in such a world where such technology is at our fingertips.

Here is a link to the camera I am shooting with and talking about for the demonstration.

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I had an encounter. It absolutely scared the living shit out of us. All we were thinking was getting out of there with our life. I was also carrying a 12 gauge loaded and my cell phone. The thought of taking a picture (or a shot) for that matter never crossed our mind. That is why most videos are caught by accident. They are so big and scary-- looking at it made me feel like I was having a panic attack. It took my son saying something to me before I snapped out of it and we took off. Scariest day of my life by far--and I've been shot at. Didn't compare. For everyone watching this and wishing they could see one--be careful what you wish for, it is not a fun experience (at least ours wasn't)


Funny i just commented on this, and YouTube suggests your vid. I said lots of these pics and vids on digital cams are artifacts from the difference between light and dark areas. BUT that said there is another phenomenon that cannot be explained that easy. Its not all about extended field or fixed focus, there is actually a smudging effect that seems to distorts the sharpness between the lines when these things are caught on cam with nothing separating the subject from the lens. I have seen this in many real shots and captured it myself, the reason i am positive is because i have actually seen them walk off from behind trees that after hiding there and they appear this way while the cam panned and was on them. Not all have this effect though, i believe that if caught off gaurd in the open they cannot use the surroundings to enhance themselves. This is become more and more known as more ppl are experiencing them and now ppl have cams on them that are getting better and soon this argument will be resolved.


This guy shouldn't be wandering around alone anywhere near anyone in the Sasquatch nation.


Omg THANK YOU!!!! I took photography in college and MOST people just do NOT have any clue how easy it is to end up with blurry photo/video! And I totally understand that in the middle of an encounter...the persons brain isn’t going to be on focusing. Lol it’s going to be on what’s happening at that moment!


Was on a hike with my teen daughter and a big heavy black bear came down through the trees and onto the trail about 80 to 100 feet in front of us. It stopped and looked at us. I wasn't completely scared as I know black bear are afraid of humans and generally go the opposite way. But my point is that I tried to get my phone out and get a picture and got nothing . Probably my fault but still it happens. Also, pulled into my driveway one day and saw a big buck at the apple tree. Grabbed my phone as fast as I could, saw the buck on my screen and snapped the picture and the deer ran into the woods. Excited to see the picture just to find out I had a picture of an apple tree with no deer in it! Blows my mind.


I agree 100 percent with all that you said, you summed it up perfectly. I would just like to add to what you said by noting that you have to also consider the fear, shock and adrenaline factor as well!


At first i though this guy was a dodo, but then i started watching and listening to his vids, then i realized that he is legitimately a believer that takes it serious, in my opinion he should do some research in new Brunswick Canada ' along with "Steve", how to hunt, i can and did document 3 sightings within 50 klm area, however one witness has passed, i could take some hardcore investigative teams to these sights.


Have you seen Timbergiantbigfoots big red it looks like a Bigfoot and he was scared his camera was shaking a little but the footage is great best I have seen apart from the Patterson video. People were saying why didn’t he get closer, can you imagine what was going through his mind


I have noticed another thing. Most of the people that look for these things are solo or small groups gathered. Spread out, Unite, use tactics, survey from hights. Outsmart them. What good is a whole bunch of meetings and videos when time could be spent figuring out where these things are. If they even exist.


Man, I was struggling real hard on that bunny hill


Oh please, your woking so hard to justify a very expensive piece of crap camera. Admit it an ancient mechanical camera like the one Roger Patterson used to film the famous first sasquatch video was near perfect focus. Why was that? Because grains of film are 100, 000 times more detailed then any megapixel cam out there today. When you enlarge conventional film, it just keeps getting better. Try that with a digital camera and you get blurry pixilations!


Great vid to remind people that the average person who does not only manage to spot a bigfoot, but have the clarity of mind to take photograph all while figuratively, or literally pissing themselves, is probbably neither equiped or educated in how to take professional, or even reasonably quality shot in a few seconds time. An edited version of this should be spliced into every "Bigfoot" or Sasquatch footage video from now until we find this crafty bigfooted S.O.B. Good work.


Yeah, but every single video? After a while the law of averages has to kick in, but funny how it never does. I wish we could get a video of Sasquatch as clear as the one you just filmed of your gf, but nope. After a while the excuses get old.


Fuck that I'm talking bout when so called state of the art surveillance camera on someone house all of the sudden are blurry I used to believe but now in the digital age I'd feel better if there were no pics or footage but all of the blurry naw


I have told my family and friends for years do not use auto focus for that very reason, i got to where i refuse to look at there photos until they stopped using auto focus, and when they did it was like a light turned on in there brains !!!


U making a lot of sense, I agree with you 💯


It's more that mere camera movement and inaccurate light settings. Bigfoot is a biological ENTITY with paranormal capabilities to manipulate many man-made devices. I know of several people including myself who have taken a photo of bigfoot at point blank range only to see it full of dark contrast and undefined. The backgrounds were normal, not problems whatsoever A person I know has a high end Nikon DSLR camera as i have some good Canon equiptment, and both our series of photos/cameras were deliberately manipulated by an unknown procedure to make an average photo instead of a perfect one. It's not always the photographer or their excellent cameras, but some form of electronic manipulation able to create an unacceptable picture.

There is one photo taken on late November 2005 with a small compact 5.2 MP canon camera that produced an excellent photo of a bigfoot. If anyone would like to see it, send a message.


100 Per Cent Spot On Its Great That Someone Took The Time To Explain Thanks For Video


You're one lucky guy she's beautiful and thanks for the explanation I hope the naysayers see this


💕 Good info. Last night it snowed in my town (central Tx) & we don't get much, if any per year, so I wanted a quick photo of the "backyard" of my apt. So I wondered if I put my phone up against the window glass, maybe it wouldn't "register" the screen being in front ? Should've worked, right ? HaHa Anyway, there's the screen, in perfect focus, and my beautiful snowy backyard blurred. Sure glad Sasquatch didn't choose that time to wander through ! 🤣😂
Thanks for your videos! 👍🏼🙋🏻‍♀️
