How to Determine If You're an Alcoholic | Alcoholism

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People will often ask us if there's just a few things that they need to look at to see if they have actually some problem with alcohol, and there actually are. You can really ask yourself a few basic questions to see if you're getting in some trouble with alcohol.

A question might be, that you might want to ask yourself, is, "Do I drink more than I set out to drink at a given time?" Or "Do I think I'm going to go out for a cocktail with friends for a couple of hours and end up drinking for a much longer span of time?" That's one question.

Another question might be, "Do I actually crave alcohol at times? Do I think about it a lot and crave it and feel like, Wow! In the middle of my day thinking about, 'I can't wait until work is over, so I can get to the cocktail lounge and into the bar and meet my buddies and have a drink." That's one question, so craving.

Another question is, "Do I have obligations that I've missed? Has alcohol contributed to me missing obligations, missing work because I was hung over, perhaps, or forgetting about an obligation, forgetting about a social obligation?" That's another one to ask yourself.

Another one is, "If I've had consequences of my alcohol use, perhaps friendship ending, problems in a relationship, perhaps a DWI, Driving While Intoxicated, do I continue drinking in spite of those consequences and even continue drinking in the same way that I used to drink in spite of those consequences?"

A final question you might want to ask yourself is if you have continued drinking in spite of putting yourself in physically hazardous situations. Physically hazardous situations can be driving while impaired or even getting into a car with someone else while they're impaired. Or some people will get themselves into risky sexual situations while they're impaired, doing things they wouldn't do if they weren't drinking.

So those are five questions that you could ask yourself to see if your alcohol use is problematic now or becoming problematic.

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“ I Don’t Have Problems I Just Enjoy The Taste “


me, 16 and having never drank hardly a sip of alcohol in my life: man idk i better watch this video


My cat has grown very adapt to dodging liquor bottles.


I agree. Been in recovery for thirty-five years. Still ask those questions today


Some one once told me that i had a drink problem, its not a problem if you enjoy it


I guess I have a problem with alcohol cause Youtube seems to suggest me videos about alcoholism every time I drink.


He made this up as he went along. I’m convinced 😂😂


I come from a long line of alcoholics on the male side of my family. I am lucky because I just don’t like the taste and never have. But one question they asked my uncle (an alcoholic) was “Can you go for 28 days straight having just one single drink a day (a beer, a glass of wine, a whiskey). If you can you are probably not an alcoholic. You have to have one drink because in alcoholics the brain chemistry actually changes.


I know I have drank with far too much regularity in the past but now reflecting on it I see that I'm not an alcoholic, but my only friend at the time was an alcoholic. I would only drink as a way to stay close to them and if I was away from them for a month I'd have only drank for 2 days (to a far lower amount of alcohol) of that month.
Everytime I tried to cut down they would consistently pressure me to drink with them (after a few weeks id have a few and by 2 weeks after that id be back to drinking with them daily). Their alcoholism was to the point that I have seen them sober twice in 3 years of knowing them.


It can be easy to tell when a person has been drinking. Signs include slurred speech and uncoordinated movements.


If you can't get through a single day without a drink, then you're an alcoholic.


How do you have 8 mill subs yet get 6k views a video


Forgetting obligations is a lagging indicator.


Them three last questions were actually one.


How about when I drink I can't stop or when I stop I can't stay stopped?


Explain to us how to reduce, we tired to drink


I miss the days when i was more Catholic than Alcoholic!😢


If you are watching this video to determine if you have a problem or not... You most definitely have a problem.


There’s no such thing as an alcoholic. Only someone who strongly prefers substances. A very large percentage of college students would fit the diagnosis of “substance use disorder” yet most of them grow out of heavy substance use. Just like the vast majority of people who’s preferences change over time.

It’s when someone is taught the powerlessness dogma and the disease model BS that they end up with very serious problems. I saw it take down my uncle... and almost took me down until I did the research and realized I was being peddled a bunch of lies. We are all in control of our own lives and our actions.

Just my 2 cents.


Yup I guess I'm an alcoholic it's not that I didn't know already but thanks for the assurance
