Sepsis 1, Infection and response

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Thank you so much, watching your online lectures prepared me for my acute care exam (nursing).


thank you Dr Campbell. this is a very well-explained video.


A 68-year-old woman suffering from sepsis is hospitalized in the internal ward and is being treated
in antibiotics and antipyretics. During her examination this morning, she was sleepy, vital signs
Within the scope of the norm, breathing on her own, with no unusual findings on physical examination.
Suddenly the monitor beeps due to a drop in storage. The patient is tachypneic and tachycardiac.
What is the first step to be taken?
1) Connecting the patient to oxygen goggles
2) Intubation
3) Observing the oral cavity and suctioning secretions when necessary
4) Gas test to diagnose the source of distortion


I went septic last summer. We traveled out of town, ate crab, crawfish and boiled shrimp for 3 days. On Sunday I got a bad case of diarrhea. I stayed on the toilet for 12 hrs straight and never figured anyone could shit for so long. I took Imodium finally fell asleep for 2 hrs. We got up and I felt fine and drove the 4 hrs home. As soon as I got in the drive way, I ran to the bathroom and puked and shit some more. An hr later, I called my daughter to come get me and take me to the ER. Got to the ER and puked and shit more. Anyways, the ER took their time with me and my daughter walked in the room and asked what my dx was and they said "she's septic" I remember telling them "I'm gonna die" so she being an ER nurse at another hospital down the road started grilling them and popping questions left n right and why haven't they done this and done that. I thank God for her! Anyways, I stayed in the icu for 3 days. I've got my lab work and it was off the charts.


How can this be prevented? Especially someone who has a stoma


I went into the ER. Came out of ICU 6 days later.
Not fun


I have had septic phenomena and delirium for three years in a row. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening again.


I got sepsis after a surgery, do not recommended, 0/10. Nice little scar from the picc line tho. Nothing like putting antibiotics straight into your heart


Aspiring sci-fi author here. This is the closest answer to a problem I've thrown at my colonists. I'm hoping you can help me fill in the blanks of the crisis I've invented. A quick recap of where I'm at... just roll with the reasons...

The colonists are currently all young men between 15-22. Reasons.
The planet has breathable air, and some typical weirdness, most of which won't apply.
They've landed in a temperate zone, but they think it's tropical cuzz solar physics.
They're using pure deet for the local bug problem. They smell very manly.
A group of them are digging a canal to straighten a river. Reasons.
Heat and humidity, they start taking off their shirts, cuzz young men do young men stupid.
Working man abrasions and scratches with deet and alien soil rubbed in.
Fever. Over 40c / 104f?
They're sent back to the main camp where the head doctor is. Maybe 20 years old, with the information downloaded into his brain, but no schooling, and very limited mentoring. Reasons.

There is a fully decked out medical shuttle aboard the space ship in orbit - includes MRI though I don't know if it applies here, if the head doctor asks the more experienced ship doctor, what will the answer be? She's almost 50yo, but her experience is predominantly 100 crew in a virtually sterile ship; reasons.

Nobody wants to leave this shuttle in atmosphere because being delicate equipment it will start to degrade. They also don't want to make too many trips with it, because it's delicate, and the ride is rough; electronical shaken baby syndrome? As long as the shuttle stays in environmentally controlled vacuum, it will be fine for centuries. Left hand right hand reasons.

I started with fever. My research has lead me to sepsis and septic shock. I can't find a timeline. I know I'm gonna kill four men by the time this is dealt with, I currently have about six with stages of delirious fever and one just died already. They arrive at camp, and the shuttle is in the process of undocking internally from the ship; once it's out it still has to cross the distance, gently enter atmosphere and gently land, never mind the distance the sick need to cross to get to it.

I've found some pretty spiffy words. None of which my head doctor would likely use, because of his age and thus lack of real-world experience.

If I had a timeline of how sepsis plays out, I can modify my story to fit. Without a timeline, I'm basing everything off of a typical fever, which has me thinking I can probably save them, which I don't wanna do.

Can you help me out with this?


I must appreciate Doctor Ani John on YouTube for helping me and my husband in getting rid of Sepsis virus permanently after so many years in pain God sent you to save my family with your natural herbs and roots all thanks to you doctor you are a God sent keep saving lives sir I really appreciate all you have done for me and my family my God bless you richly sir🙏.


My mother got sepsis a month ago..she has lost her memory..she goes back in time with her mom who passed in 87..and she cant walk yet..will it get better? It hurts so much talking with her..cause she goes from being my mom to being someone else.


Nice lecture. I can varify all of this as watched my Nan die of sepsis and it was similar. Swollen body lots of pain difficulty breathing. Bruised skin. And face sucked in she was in a embryo type position in her bed too in Palestine care. Painfully way to die really she was in lots of pain tbh.
