This GPU is Still Best in budget in 2023!! (Compared to Arc A750, Rx 7600) | RTX 3060 12GB Review

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Hi, in this video I have completely broke down the performance of Zotac NVIDIA RTX 3060 12GB Twin Edge Graphics Card showing its Synthetic Benchmark Score, 3D benchmark score, Gaming Benchmark Score and all the other things.
So this video will help you to decide whether to buy RTX 3060 or Arc A750 or RX 7600.
RTX 3060 12GB, RTX 3060 12GB vs 4060 8GB,
RTX 3060 12GB vs 3060 ti 8GB, RTX 3060 12GB Gaming Test, RTX 3060 12gb VS Rx 7600,
RTX 3060 12GB vs rx6700 xt, RTX 3060 12GB vs RTX 4060,
RTX 3060 12GB vs Arc a750, RTX 3060 12GB Review, RTX 3060 12GB vs Arc a770,
RTX 3060 12GB vs rx 6600,
RTX 3060 12GB vs 8GB, RTX 3060 Review in Bangla, RTX 3060 12GB Review in Bangla, Zotac RTX 3060 12GB Review in Bangla, Zotac RTX 3060 12GB Twin Edge, Zotac RTX 3060 12GB OC Review, Rx 7600 vs RTX 3060, best pc games 2023 witout graphics Card, intel arc vs rtx 3060, Arc a750 vs rx 7600, Best Cpu for arc a750, best ddr3 gaming pc build,

Рекомендации по теме

Unbelievable professional quality.
I can only wonder how far and wide these will reach one day.
Keep up the good work.


Wish you all the best keep it up brother. Good job


Is 3060 12 GB suitable for 5700G processor with B550 motherboard for 3D Animation or productive work?


I have Ryzen 5 5600G and B450 Steel Legend.
If I get RTX 3060 12GB or ARC A770 16GB then will I face any bottleneck issue or any problem??


brother I don't understand your language but I want to ask one question I want to buy GPU ( INTEL ARC 750) VS ( GIGABYTE RTX 3060 ) IN PRICE ONLY ARC 750 IS 3000 CHEAPER BUT I want for video editing, rendering fast video, I don't want to do gaming, my focus on productivity SO WHICH ONE I SHOULD go for it In My Mind I Think I should go for RTX 3060 BECAUSE IT CONSUME LESS WATT POWER CAMPARE TO ARC 750 So tell me, please Reply as fast as you can .


ভাই Rtx 3060এর কম্পিটিটর arc a770 আর এই দুইটার বাজেট ও সেম। আর Rtx3050এর কম্পিটিটর arc a750.


Arc a770 or Zotac gaming rtx 3060 12gb


Vi valorant a ame aktaw lagata para na tv ta khale # 3060 any tips


you should bench with dlss/xess/fsr off


Akta value for money motherboard suggest korben please...15 k ar moddhe🤧


Core i5 13400 er sathe kemon perfrom korba productivity ta ei graphic card


Your opinion on this matter quite nice considering everything but in Bangladesh RTX 3060 12gb is priced at lowest 38000 tk. But on the other hand arc a750 is around 27000 tk in physical shops which is around more than 10000 tk less than rtx 3060. And arc is improving in every driver update and also it is a newer card. Though Intel isn't as stable as nvidia it has become quite stable in the recent updates. So my choice will be arc a750 possibly cause i like tinkering a little bit but for a beginner or regular user rtx 3060 is better but more expensive choice.