Starting Destiny 2 in 2022 | Which class should you play?

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Starting Destiny 2 in 2022 | Which class should you play?

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Ah yes, the four classic elements: Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Purple.


Basically play warlock for easy pve play titan to be able to just rank through almost anything and play hunter to be constantly running away trying to recover health and have everyone hate you in pvp


I love how you describe the subclasses. Void is like purple lol


I enjoy all three classes a lot, but I always come back to my titan. Especially now with how crazy arc titans are. I think titans have benefited the most from the 3.0 subclass updates.


"Void is like purple" lmao. I do think void is the coolest element though, I always thought of it as like anti matter or black hole energy. For all its faults, destiny has some of the most amazing art direction in any game


Well done! I couldn’t imagine how I can explain to someone new what to pick but I’ll definitely point them to this video. I agree we change often. I first started as hunter but really a warlock main. Oddly enough, due to hating to do things 3 times, I actually deleted my Titan after 8+ years of running three. I feel I can’t keep up anymore plays masterworking armor for builds etc. If I was brave, I’d even drop down to one character but I can’t pick so I’ll stick with two.


Man, I was sold on Warlock until I tried to jump. Haven't played in a while and completely forgot 💀. just flailing about in the air getting shot at.


Titan's dont seem to lead the charge actually. They seem to hold positions much more. Quite defensive oriented. Hunters are the opposite, so I guess they would be the ones pushing 24/7. Warlocks are pretty much support for either in the midrange


Wow dude, last time I saw you was when outriders was popping off. Pumped for more destiny content.


i mean i know its an unpopular opinion but i REALLY think hunter is definitely the worst of the 3 to start destiny with.
1. they really have to focus on EVERY single stat whilst the other classes dont need mobility much at all to be meta. this makes it difficult for new players cause getting high stat gear and knowing how to farm it is already difficult enough and now they gotta balance all the stats instead of just 5? rip.

2. hunters are by far the most fragile class. the other classes are super newplayer friendly because the titan gives you a shield that in the early game is basically indestructible and the warlocks get a long lasting healing rift. hunters do have tech to avoid damage but that takes a lot of time and skill to master which leads me to my next reason.

3. hunters take a lottt more skill to master and a lot more skill to do very well with in mid-late game pvp and pve. hunters have to use their tech very well to avoid damage and the entire hunter gimmick is that you can use ur melee and if u get a kill with it you instantly get ur melee back then if you miss you can dodge to get it back. the issue with this is that the hunter requires a lot of accuracy to have the insanely good dps that the other classes have purely because they can put up big ass walls or just heal themselves.

4. lastly hunters just have worse ultimates for pve if ur playing solo. the best hunter subclasses are very small range huge DPS moves which means ur good at killing bosses but killings tons of the small guys/ads is really difficult with hunter ults whilst the other 2 classes can pop their ult and run around and kill dozens upon dozens of enemies with their ult whilst also being able to focus one target and outputting almost the same amount of damage after they use their entire ult. takes longer but similar dps and way more versatility.

overall i love hunters and would honestly argue their the best class once you get a good team and master the hunter but until you get to that point i feel like their by far the worst but not at all bad.


There are some weapons that are specific to each class, but they are very minimal.


Yes this was really helpful thanks you


I have been thinking of starting actually, I just don't want to be too weak to catch up with everyone else. That's why I haven't installed it. Oh yeah, I don't like playing first person shooter games. No Destiny


It’s funny I just went back too warlock main recently from hunter


If you only liked one class in destiny and really do not care for the others then it's better to have multiple of the same class because you would get more of the same class loot. Also currently the best class in the game would probably be warlock not a bias I like all classes but warlock just do everything almost


Currentley on the screen for select class, clicked this video and I'm disssapointed I need to wait 10 minutes on this loading screen to pick which class I need 😢


Me:i wonder what element i should pick



If you play all 3 characters don’t you have to start over each time


Ah yes. The four main elements of the universe. Fire, ice, lightning, and purple. 😂


I do believe the Titan is more beginner friendly. Their class ability being tied to resilience is the main reason I say that.

I started with Hunter, about a year ago, right before Outriders. I made all 3 classes but the triple jump off the Hunter made me dislike using all the other classes.

I'm starting to enjoy Titan for PvP the most as that wall is ridiculous. Lol.
