DESTINY 2 ... For Noobs

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Destiny 2 is a RPG first person looter shooter space game. It's impossible to explain it in one sentence, so please allow me to fully explain it in this episode of "For Noobs!"

The Outro song is "Bone Theme" by Michael Wyckoff

#destiny2 #fornoobs #macro
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Hello from the future! 2024 is meh.

Okay so, you don’t have to buy the Bungie 30th anniversary for the BXR BUT there are some guns that are “pay to win, ” just not THAT gun 😆 that’s why I put it in “quotes”


Welcome to Destiny 2. Where our vaults are full, and wallets are empty


Damn, he just started and he’s already not over Cayde’s death. A true Hunter.


Minor correction, the bxr (battle rifle) can be earned without the 30th pack


I've been playing Destiny since 2015 and Destiny 2 is very, very hard to understand and especially hard to follow because there's so much that always comes in a DLC. But I must honestly say that this video is one of the best I've seen so far when it comes to explaining the game to new players. Good work.


Destiny 2’s free-to-play experience is really more of a demo in my experience.

There’s a lot of fun content for new players, and playing through it is a good way to see if you actually want to invest in the game. If you enjoyed the free-to-play content, here’s my suggestion on what expansions to get in what order.

1.) *Lightfall:* It’s D2’s newest annual dlc. It comes with a new campaign, a new destination, a new subclass, a raid, new strikes, lots of new gear and more.
2. *Witchqueen:* This expansion is a lot like Lightfall in terms of the amount of content you get. There’s a great campaign, a new patrol space, strikes, a raid, and cool gear.
3. *Beyond Light:* This one is solid and adds the same types of content. The campaign for this dlc is pretty good. The biggest buying point for this expansion is *Stasis, * a new ice themed subclass.
4. *Shadowkeep:* This dlc is mediocre if I’m being honest. It’s much older than the others, Bungie hadn’t yet settled into their current style. It’s campaign feels like a prolonged list of chores, rather than a collection of cool story missions.

There are other dlc’s too that include different pieces of content.

The *30th Anniversary Bundle* grants you access to a pirate themed dungeon and a host of reprised Destiny 1 weapons (including a powerful exotic rocket launcher).

The *Forsaken Pack* unlocks a bunch of exotic weapons, includes a dungeon and really cool raid.

The *Season Pass/Annual Pass* allows you to play through seasonal content. Each season there’s a new story with unique missions, quests, activities, and loot.

Annnd the *Dungeon Key.* Buying this grants you access to 2 new dungeons that Bungie releases each year going forward. In March, there’ll probably be another one.

Hope this comment was helpful.


RIP Cayde-6, you will be remembered.

Well, not by Macro.


Watch him decent into madness trying to get a godroll
Thanks for all the likes


Seeing a new player's perspective always feels strange but also makes me smile.


I know you did not just say that Forsaken was an OKAY story, that story was FANTASTIC


I never thought I'd hear fun and Gambit in the same sentence


Would love it if you made videos on each classes


ive played over 2k hours of destiny and i still enjoyed this video


13:01 wait until he hears that you don’t need to pay anything to get the BXR, not to mention that the Forerunner exists


thank you for the nice segmented layout of the video
it's not that we skip through it, im sure many watch the video in its entirety
but the option to do so is nice, and just by the segments, it's self evident a lot of thought and work was put in this


Just a little FYI. The bxr battler is free for everyone in dares of eternity. It's not locked behind any paywall and you dont need the dungeon. But there are some weapons and armors that are behind DLCs but you can absolutely do fine without em


It’s always fun to watch new lights learn how the game works as someone who’s been playing since the 2017 beta.


I would pay money to watch macro do legendary witch queen. What a fantastic campaign.


Exotic armor and weapons are an interesting topic, since they’re more powerful than normal stuff (in most cases) but you can only use one exotic weapon and armor piece at a time, so it’s not about if you have exotics or not, but instead which exotics do you pick.


i want to tell you, the 30th anniverssary dungeon is actually one of the best, you just need to have patience or have someone in you fireteam that know's what you're doing
