Overcoming LONELINESS & Making FRIENDS as an Adult! ☕ Faith + Simple Living

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One thing our happiness hinges on is RELATIONSHIPS! In our digital world we're losing physical touch with people...and our well being is suffering because of it. Today let's talk about how to gain it back!!!

BOOK RECOMMENDATION: For the Love by Jen Hatmaker


#faith #simpleliving

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I am chatty, a very chatty Mom and it does bring a smile to some ones face if you just say hi. There's a Mom that picks her kid up from school every day and yes she looks sour and even other parents say it. One day I just said Hi how are you, she smiled and said good thank you. So now every day when I see her she smiles and say's hi. The little things in life counts too :)


Please continue with this sunday talk, it's very uplifting and resetting for my intentions for the coming week. Love it.


Can I put something out here that just popped into my heart? We all love these Sunday videos. We all love Dawn and Diana. Can we lift them and their families up in prayer? We “rely” on them for these awesome videos, we love to watch them, we get inspired, we get entertained, we learn from them...but who knows the issues and trials they are facing in their lives right now?
Let’s lift them up and pray for these two lovely women who have blessed all of us so much! 💚


This video was great, thank you for your encourage to reach to new people. Thank you so much both of you. 💛💛


We had a dinner club with 4 other couples, for 19 years. The host & hostess were in charge of menu planning & then shared all the recipes with each couple. Whoever was hosting made the main course and then delegated the other menu items to each of the couples.
Appetizers went to two dif couples
Salad to another
Main course host/hostess
Dessert to another couple
We had so much fun doing this!!! We all had a great meal too!

Thank you for your channel Dawn & for the Sunday’s with Dianna!! You both are amazing & inspiring!


I moved to Texas two years ago for my husbands job. Being a stay at home mom is hard when trying to make friends as an adult. The craziest way I met a good friend was going to her years sale that she posted on fb marketplace. I ended up buying a rug from her and chatting. I got home and decided to reach out to her bc she was on the same boat. So I just sent her a message through her fb marketplace post, and we’ve been friends even since. I’m pretty outgoing but it definitely took a lot to put myself out there “and make the first move” so to speak. It’s almost like dating as adult but for friends lol!


Thank you for sharing some of your sunday with us, but most of all sharing your faith & your heart for God, and a word of encouragement.
Your site has been such a blessing in so many ways to me, and I am sure, to so many others. ☺


I often feel like a misfit but I have been much happier since basically having no friends this year. Just enjoying family life. So much more contentment.


Great! (As always!)... But you said something really profound for me. We find ourselves in a odd place as grandparents raising children. We are 30 years older than most of the families with the age of the kids we have, we have a special needs grandchild, and a child of our own struggling with a rare mental illness, our life is so different from people "our age". It's like we don't fit in anywhere. We're too old? for many parents and too tied down/school/kid focused for many people "our age". It never occurred to me to go to God with that loneliness/isolation and ask him to bring people across our path that we can be a friend to and them with us. Thank you both. Hugs.


Good morning Diana and Dawn. Amen to that beautiful prayer. I'm an introvert myself and it's hard for me to make friends. Every now and then I'll find someone to make a connection with and it lasts for a while. Then all of a sudden the connection is gone and I don't know why. Maybe it's God's plan for me to be just a family person. Even surrounded by family I still feel alone. Thank you for this video. It hit home. ☺😢


Good message ...it really is timely. I often feel so alone in life and I know it's my own fault .thank you for encouraging us to reach out to others. God bless you both


What great advice. I need to do this especially since we are semi retired. It’s the beginning of a new season for us. It’s easy to get busy with our own projects and family and forget to reach out to others. We do need each other.


My neighborhood has had a lot of change since we moved in over decade ago. A few years ago I wanted to get to know more of the women who had moved in since my previous friends had all moved. I talked to one of the new neighbors about starting a bunco group and we quickly found 10 others who wanted to play. We take turns hosting and providing snacks and prizes. We're on our 4th year now and it's been a fun way to connect with other women, make new friends and get new recipes. Even once a month out with friends is a great break for a busy mom!


You gals are so sweet. Keep being a "light" on social media. It is so appreciated. Have a blessed week and Happy Father's day to your hubbies :-)


Found your channel when searching for minimalism, but I really love your Sunday videos too. Please keep them coming. You and your sister are very spiritual and uplifting.


So much truth ❤🙏🏼”a grace to connect and a deeper understanding for what it means to be the body”❤this so much!


After my husband passed away I felt I should move closer to where our kids and grandkids lived. For nearly 2.5 years I tried to make new friends in my neighborhood, at church, at Curves, at Election Judge duties. It just didn't work out for me and I certainly didn't want my children to have to entertain me LOL! So after much thought and prayer I returned to our previous community. I miss the family being close but I also am thankful to reconnect with friends - old and new. The changing seasons of our lives can be a challenge. Thanks for your message today!


Loved this! ❤️ Good reminder that personalities different than our own are often what compliment us best! Having friends is so important, and being in a church family has meant the world to us, finding friends not only our age, but in different stages of life as well. A church family is one of God’s greatest blessings in our lives!


I love how the wall matches the coffee cup. It makes my heart happy!


I have this same issue. Last month I chose a church that have different aged women ministries and have gone to a few events. I am hopefull that with prayer, time, and being faithful to attending that it will bring some close relationships. Good topic
