Orthodoxy and the Atonement with Subdeacon Mark!

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#Logos #Orthodoxy #Atonement
In this video Subdeacon Mark and I discuss the Christian Orthodox understanding of atonement. We also get into the Latin and Neo-Latin conception as well as why they are wrong. Make sure to check it out and let me know what you think.
God bless 🙏

Thank you 🙏

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When he talked about how man eats death due to the curse of the fall. Something just clicked in my mind about the Eucharist. We are eating not just the death of Christ we are eating his life in the resurrection power. That is so deep. Praise God!


Very interesting. I'll have to listen to this a couple times.


Coming from 40 years in the Evangelical church, it is VERY difficult for me to ignore the scriptures that point to the penal substitution, and even what I read in some of the Church Fathers, Chrystostom, for example who uses legal language and throws me back into confusion. I really wish God had made things clearer. But I will listen again and hopefully the Holy Spirit will deal with my heart.


I’m only twenty minutes in and so loving this!!

There is no need for merit with God only for man who is sinning against God. God’s side and mans side!! There has been such and inversion of God’s will on this!! Talk about compounding the problem. Once you view is aligned to God’s side rather than man’s it’s like being in a whole other reality.

Well this is so beautiful an insight. To die to the one side and be reborn to the other.

Amazing. 🙏😇❤️

Thank you Patrick and Subdeacon Mark and that is thanks to God.


Thank you for the light . . .for my path as I journey on.


Subdeacon Mark, thank you very much for a very good talk. I enjoyed it very much. I just would like to comment, that The Russian church does not lean towards the apokatastasis. However, if you look in scripture, there are teachings that the righteous shall go to eternal bliss/ to the kingdom and the sinners shall go to eternal suffering; others teach that all shall be saved. ‘In the end, God will be All in all’ (I may be misquoting that) so there is not one answer but two. However, man will have a choice, as you said, ‘Choice is given’, if man doesn’t want to spend eternity with God, He will not force them. The same fire that can be the warmth and illumination of Gods favor, can be torment and suffering for the condemned. All in all great talk and explanation of the orthodox teachings.


Brother Cotel hope you are well. Christ is Risen!


Thank you very much for this informative class. God bless. 🙏


Glad Subdeacon Mark saw my Michael Douglas meme lol.


this is good! Knowing Good and Evil means knowing Everything = owning and ruling over Everything - a Divine prerogative.


This is a most enjoyable exorcism to me


A Catholic view of the atonement might say this: when Jesus atones or makes satisfaction for our sins, he transforms them into the vehicle of goodness, not by appeasing God’s wrath, but somehow introducing God’s love into the world in a new way.

What Jesus did, God willed; and what Jesus wanted, God wanted. In other words, God’s love is the motivation, the cause of our redemption, not its result. It’s only correct to say that Jesus was punished for our sins if we mean that he suffered unjustly the punishment that sinners justly deserve. It’s incorrect to say that God punished Jesus for our sins, because Jesus voluntarily, out of God’s own love, chose to accept the death that the world set up for him.

Whatever Jesus is doing, he is doing it as himself, that is, as the incarnate Son of God -- and whatever he is doing, he desires to communicate it to us. But there’s more. Jesus does something else here, something of value. He’s an agent, an actor in this drama. He makes the cross mean something. In a human way, he makes his torture and death mean his absolute detestation and hatred of sin, and the disgustingness and hatefulness of sin itself. What Christ’s suffering adds to the suffering of people who repent of their own sins is “an expression of utmost detestation for all sins and utmost sorrow over every offense against God.” We do this as penitents for our own sins, but Jesus does it for all sins, everywhere. He shows what they are. They’re a tortured and dead body on the cross


Being a new catechumen, I'm a bit confused about his statement on recapitulation. I thought this was the Orthodox view of the atonement? I'm new, so any insight would be helpful. Thanks!


I love Orthodox and its theology and spirituality — but a common pattern, I’ve tended to notice (not always of course) is a bit of sanctimony in its distinguishing itself from the “West” (I agree that the Orthodox tradition explains things better and its theology is simply better in many ways, but why the tacit or implicit condemnation of every other Christian? Seems unnecessary). Also, this is one of the most moving and beautiful explanations of the atonement I’ve ever heard.


2 Corinthians 5:18 & 19 God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself . . . .


Thanks for this. Penal Substitution is one of the main reasons I left Protestant Church World.


GOD showed us the way because he is that way that all spirtual people all over the world looked for, before christ we needed a guru a rabbi to show us the way and a spirtual secrets and the underlying teachings of the torah text and christ came showed us the way and the truth and he gave us LIFE and why was he cruscified ? So that we can do the same we must become cruscified towards the world and attach to GOD so that we can become pure and become a vessel that GOD can work through . Thats why saint paul said i am cruscified with christ i no longer live but christ lives in me theosis is why christ came .

Adam was made like this but when he ate the fruit he didnt know how to use the tools that god gave him so he started using the good things for his own selfishness and we too .


I like the portion of the Meyendorff quote that man cannot be forced into a union with God even in virtue of God's goodness. I think that is another reason (besides the freedom God gave us to reflect and use) against universal salvation. It is not necessary to establish that God is all good and/or all loving. God does not need creation to establish His Goodness and/or that He is Love.


Even if the fall never occurred the incarceration would have happened


The uses of language is another problem. Their word's are not revelent for our own era. Myth meant differently from our own meaning of same word. Criticism same, different meaning to our own. So you can't go back to a past that cannot conform too our own cultural and linguistic definition's.
