Reading without inner voice

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From tiktok creator @soupytime
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How do you just do the animal crossing sound casually like that! Just what?? How????


the neat part about inner narrator is that you can adapt different voices, for example, i heard your voice and i automatically read everything in the comments in your voice. At least it works for me like that


This is possibly the most fascinating topic I have ever stumbled upon. For me, most thinking and definitely reading is no different than having a conversation out loud, it's just in my head. So the idea of skipping the talking part and just understanding blows my mind! Silently reading a book is the exact same as reading it out loud in terms of comprehension.


Anyone else able to switch the internal narrator when you're reading? Go all Stephen Fry or Morgan Freeman when you're bored of your own voice?


Ah I get it, like the words and all are just programmed into your brain already so you see them and just spit them out vs an inner monologue person has to recognize the letters sound them out and slap them together before speaking them… yea you’re an npc.


How do people self reflect without an inner monologue?


Yeah! I can do both so I know exactly what you mean! Sometimes I read with a narrator but it’s soooo much slower. When I skim, I don’t hear the words, I just know them. And it feels exactly like how you described. Same with when I’m thinking! I will just feel a concept with no words. Occasionally a word will accompany or I will purposefully mentally speak out my thoughts if I’m trying to slow down my mind. Usually I don’t however. Does anyone else do this?


this is me!!!! it blows my mind that people actually hear a voice in their heads like dang doesn’t that scare you?? 😭 i see the words and comprehend them and just know what i’m reading but i don’t hear any words. like if you see the color black, u don’t have to think “that’s black” u just inherently know it’s black . does that make sense??


Without an inner monolouge people think with images and feelings which is increadibly vauge yet understood perfectly.


Stop saying that people without a inner monologue are soulless cause it doesn’t make no sense.
Simply u can think to yourself without hearing a voice that’s simple


Been trying to explain this to my husband who has an inner monologue...I do not have one. Trying to explain how you think to another person when your entire life, you thought that everyone thought the same way as you do, is extremely hard. I used to think when some said things like, "picture this in your mind", was just a weird turn of phrase, and when they would say it, I would just go.."ok", to let the conversation continue.


I think you’re just confusing hearing the voice physical with imagining how it sounds. We don’t actually hear the voice it’s part of your thoughts. Otherwise you aren’t really thinking, you’re just reacting and have no real thoughts.


It's called Unsymbolised Thinking. Most people use words or images to think and convey meaning. But if you remove those, you can't represent your ideas in any form of symbol. It's really hard to explain by its very nature, like raw fundamental thought. I find it's why I can process software languages so fast, but it's unbelievably annoying when i have an assignment to do.

Fun activity: see if you can think in taste or texture. like see if you can accurately imagine biting an apple


That explains why I dont like reading...hearing myself read makes me annoyed as hell


I’m more of a visual thinker but I use Morgan freeman’s voice to narrate


My internal monolog is really dominant in my consciousness. My primary focus in meditation is to try to quiet the internal monolog and get some distance from it.

You have done a great job of trying to explain the lack of an internal monolog.


I really understand you, I finally found someone like me 😭. I also think sometimes how can other people have inner voices that talk to them, it’s ridiculous.


If you were a superhero, your power would be panic attack


I think that this is a trait is next level. If we evolve into more intelligent beings this is a precursor. We can be trained to do this. High level musicians do a version of this when they read complex music. We read ahead of what we are playing, and there's not enough time to process what is happening in verbal thought, but, kind of like she said, there's this sensation, where you feel your understanding of the material, and the proof is in the performance.

We all do this already. Go in a room with a good amount of objects, and look around it. Do you have to name everything in the room to know what it is. Does a voice in your head have to say bookshelf to know you're look a bookshelf? Or lamp to know a lamp?

Many people at some point in their lives experience an "A ha " moment, where suddenly something occurs and we process it all in a moment, and it becomes overwhelming because of this feeling of urgency to get the thought out, in which we are limited by speaking or writings speed.


When I read those words I just heard the voice I would be speaking if I spoke it out of my mouth
