What Is The Difference Between Chest Pain From Heart And From Acid Reflux?

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I love the channel, it's great that you take questions. Thank you.


I have been suffering from acid reflux with stomach pain and chest pain for the past 9 months! I go through pain every day! I do not know what else to do! I've been taking so many antibiotics and nothing... I wasn't going to work anymore, until I came across Dr. Emovon on YouTube. Thank you for doing everything that you do and helping me during a hard time. I'll definitely spread this to the whole world, I'm totally free from acid reflux..👏👏


I am suffering from chest pain and pressure on either side from past few months.though pain is sufferable but on a single occasion the pain was pleuretic(worsening on deep breathing).I have occasional numbness and pains and needle on left body side.Can you please enlighten me on this


Any body here acide reflux That relate pain on rib not whole rib on little bit area please let me know thanks


I'm suffering from 4 years I'm 16 years old also I'm boxer


Your generosity towards my bad breath and acid reflux is incomparable, you assured me of getting healed just within 2 months and it was so. Thanks a lot Dr Emovon on YouTube I will keep letting the world know about your good work and about your YouTube channel.👏👏
