10 Of The Most Powerful Two Stroke Bikes

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'lifecouldbeadream' by future james

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“Suzuki rg500 gamma” by Alvaro

“Suzuki RG500 - 570cc conversion running Jim Lomas stainless pipes” by Stone Automotive

“130mph on RG500” by Jeremy Condie

“Kawasaki KR500 コーク・バリントン車 Kawasaki Good Times World カワサキ レーサーKR500 Hugh Neville (Kork) Ballington” by 一二三渡辺

“KAWASAKI KR500・・・鈴鹿イベント!2015.5.23” by dorasuta0813

“Kawasaki KR 500 Frighi” by Team Cipriani

“No11 Kawasaki KR500” by demio1561

“Yamaha TZ 750 Start up” by Pete Scott

“Rebuilt Tz 750 first startup” by YZR750

“Sunday Ride Classic 2011 - Yamaha TZ 750 OW31” by Edouard B.

“1982 HONDA NS500【動画1000本目!】” by MOTO CROQUIS

“HONDA HRC NS500 (1984) Vol.1 - Freddie Spencer's NS500” by Deckay_F

“1998 Bimota 500 Vdue Fuel Injected” by Jetson Parker

“Bimota 500 VDue sound” by Darkema93

“another 500 Vdue Test ride GoPro @1080p” by 500-Vdue

“Honda NSR500V Sight & sound with Steve Plater” by Pete Scott

“NSR500V dyno power run” by Performance Engineering

“Honda NSR500V at Donington [On-board]” by NSRWORLD

“The Ronax 500 in action” by Ronax

“Ronax 500 V4 2” by teamheronsuzuki

“2. Platz Ronax 500 in Oschersleben” by Ronax

“Ronax 500 onboard” by Ronax

“YAMAHA YZR500 "Norick Bike" 1997” by MOTO CROQUIS

“YAMAHA YZR500 WARM UP” by Pete Scott

“YZR500 Marlboro IOM JG Mansfield” by James Mansfield

“Suter 500 2-stroke fire up” by ThommoHawk

“Suter MMX 500 Onboard” by Sport-Bikes

“NSR 500 Two Stroke Engine” by Mechmoto Pty

“NSR500(1997) Engine Warm up” by Suibotsusya

“NSR500 Hondaコレクションホール走行テスト -Car Watch” by Impress Watch
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Guys, I wish you a beautiful day! If you are interested in more automotive stuff, follow me on Instagram for nice pictures of cool cars.


Two strokes the sound and the smell of them still makes me feel like the excited kid who learned to ride on one.


408hp/ Liter N/A is still unmatched to this day . simply amazing. gotta bring 2 strokes back if you with me hit like.


Had an 87 Yamaha RZ350. It near killed me a few times. I killed it... twice. We loved each other.


two strokes will always have a special place in my heart


4 stroke :


The sound of a big two-stroke revving out at max r.p.m. is the best and baddest sound in the world.


Its sad that most people these days don't even know what a two stroke is. I ride a 74 Kawi H2 750 and always get people asking me why my bike smokes and when I explain that its a two stroke they get confused or look at the pipes and then tell me its a 3 cylinder not a two cylinder...


I raced both two strokes and four strokes. I won six championships, and two national championships on two strokes. The two strokes had no engine braking, and in the back of your mind you always expected it to seize.. two strokes were much cheaper to maintain, and easier to work on. My TZ 250 require new pistons every 200 miles, and a new crankshaft every 600 miles..I like the two strokes


My dad and i (then 17 years) bought a Honda nsr 250, we had such a blast with it. Everytime my dad started it and was tuning it and tested the throttle response...man if closed my eyes in my imagination i was in the paddock with doohan, schwantz, rainy. Good memories. I cherish them with my heart


Bring the two strokes back! Pure racing beasts! Love it


Its crazy to think what advances we've made in like 75-100 years, i remember reading that a lot of early 1900's Harley single cylinder engines were around 350-500cc and only output 3-4hp on average (not to say there werent more powerful engines developed) but the power per displacement is just amazing nowadays


One of the most amazing things about the 2 strokes for me, besides the thrill of the ride with that narrow powerband is that, at high revs both the single cylinder and multicylinder bikes sound very similar unlike, the 4 strokes.


As an ex 400 cc production racer in So. Calif in the early 80s I eventually became a proud owner of a TZR-250 later in 1992. Living in LA I had the title of being the top rider from the rock store to the view point at Mulholland Drive in my ex RD-400 cc Yamaha. A decade later I recaptured my title on my tiny TZR-250. This TZR was like riding a 17 lb bicycle with 100 horse power, even though my TZ R was putting out 65 hp. This thing was crazy fast going into, and out of turns. I used to laugh so loud inside my helmet as I used to leave everyone in the dust on the way to the view point finish, even though they had stripped down Suzuki 750s specifically for this Mulholland ride with well over 100 hp.


(00:45) Suzuki RG500 Made up until 1989, I have one of the last of the 6, 276 made, RG500 CH number 873 RG500 Pepsi-Suzuki "Kevin Schwantz" GP Race Replica. It goes 'berserk' at over 7000 rpm when everything, timing, carburetion and disc valves really set to work. Best bike I have ever owned and ridden, and that's a long list.


Back in good old 77 i rode S2 350 kawasaki, an RD 250 and my very first bike was a yammy DT 175, i loved them all. Now there is an original Suzuki 1100 Katana 83 model in the garage, i miss going out for a blast.


It’s not only the power but how light the whole package was when compared with the 4 strokes . Put a huge smile on your face every time you fired it up. Castrol R heaven.


no one gonna talk about the smell of the exhaust fume?
Its like a perfume


I’m glad I owned many two strokes .. screw green peace


Nothing beats the old Honda CR500 2 strokes. Mad power to weight ratio and the gearing is 1st to hooolly sheeeet.
