Top 10 Most POWERFUL Characters In Warhammer 40K.

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The Warhammer franchise is full of ludicrously powerful characters. and it makes sense, because it seems like just about everything in this universe Is designed to kill you in the most horrifying way imaginable. but despite the plethora of transhuman super soldiers, golden demigod guardians, Immortal killing machines and Masters of the psychic arts, there are entities that dwell just beyond the stars that make them all look like ants by comparison. beings of unimaginable destructive potential that can sunder entire worlds and unleash Legions of terrifying armies at a whim. from the chaos gods to the star Gods known as the Catan, from the master of mankind to a pair of bumbling orks dietys too busy fighting each other to do much of anything else, these are the top 10 most powerful entities in the entire Warhammer 40K franchise. apologies if my voice is a little raspy and this one I'm actually getting over a cold.

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0:00 intro
0:58 Cegorach
4:00 The C'tan
9:09 Khaine
11:14 Slaanesh
14:52 Nurgle
18:41 Gork and Mork
22:28 Tzeentch
26:44 The Emperor Of Mankind
36:07 Khorne
39:30 mystery.
49:11 Closing

*Warhammer 40,000 is an IP owned by Games Workshop. All assets contained within this video are property of their respective owners. The video is made for educational purposes only and is protected under fair use.
Opinions stated in the video belong solely to Weshammer and Lore forge LLC. and are in no way shape or form reflective of those held by Games Workshop. Weshammer and Lore forge LLC are not associated with Games Workshop.
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"No one is overpowered when everyone is overpowered"

-Some 40k writer, probably.


I think the Silent King and the Necrons are one of the factions with the greatest potential. The Tyranids now actively flee from the Necrons because it is always a net loss for them. If the Silent King is able to unite his kingdom, they're going to be massively dangerous. Although the good thing about the Necrons is they can be negotiated with. They seek dominion rather than destruction.


Someone on an old forum wrote "I like the mental image of Nurgle turning his back for a minute and then finding Gork and Mork cannonballing into his cauldron with flagrant disregard." and I just can't get that hilarious image out of my head.


I've always had a bit of a theory that the Hive Mind was the Outsider after having gone so mad it doesn't even remember itself anymore and consuming a few other galaxies before instinctually returning to the Milky Way. Unending hunger has always been the C'tan's thing, after all, and it explains why the Necrons are so invested in stopping the Tyrranids.


Can we all just appreciate how often Wes puts out great content like this?


I'm glad you gave Khaine the respect he deserves that the writers constantly deny him. He's a God of War not a Worf of Worf.


Could you imagine a galactic teamup where every single known faction comes together to fight off the great devourer?


As far as the C'tan being equal to the Chaos Gods at their peak, Godblight says as much. Further, they were able to go toe-to-toe with the Eldar Gods that dominated the chaos gods for 60, 000, 000 years.

Remember, the only reason Slaanesh was able to defeat the Eldar gods was because she was vastly more powerful than the other chaos gods immediately after her birth, having consumed the souls of quadrillions of alpha+ psykers in a moment.


So Khorne and Tzeench painting themselves green and pretending to be Gork and Mork is now cannon in my head.
Edit: I knew number one even before the video started


Wes makes a pretty good case for Khorne being the strongest of the Chaos God's. As much as I love my man Nurgle, every act of violence indirectly powers Khorne and given the setting is "Warhammer" it checks out...


I believe that, since the Emperor still has an anchor in the form of His body within the physical world, He can grow more naturally than the only timeless chaos gods. He will become stronger, eventually.


A quick note on the C'Tan: In the 9e codex, the C'Tan seem to not be reduced to only 5. The silent king personally defeated Nyadra'zatha, The Burning One, and uses a shard of it to power his throne. A few others are named off that weren't killed by The Outsider, such as the Endless Swarm, the Silent Cry, the Moulder of Worlds, and the Walking Blight, all of which are either imprisoned or broken. It also explains that the Nightbringer was shattered by the Necrons using something called the "Eye of Kathan'ta" so I don't know where that stands with the tales of Khaine shattering the Nightbringer. While not explictly stated, I always imagined that the Transcendent C'Tan Shard that can be used in the game gives players the opportunity to make their own C'Tan.

On a different note, to put into perspective how powerful the C'Tan were before being shattered the codex also talks about how The Void Dragon was shattered by the Talismans of Vaul or as most might know them, Blackstone Fortresses.


I like to think Gork and Mork are, together, stronger than every chaos god by a wide margin. Sure, the war in heaven created the chaos gods and turned the warp into hell, but presumably, after the necrons went to sleep, the warp likely calmed down a little. But orks still kept doing their thing, and everything they do is itself a practice of worship to Gork and Mork. If it wasn't orky, they wouldn't do it, would they? Whereas the Eldar have slow life cycles, reproduce slowly, and are now all but wiped out (including their gods), the Orks are massive in population and devout to only two different gods, and they're usually revered as a pair. So, let's say, a planet might have a few million Eldar worshipping a whole lot of gods, but another planet of orks would have trillions of orks, all chanting and screaming just for Gork and Mork. Let's not forget, also, how uncommon chaos orks are. Maybe you could argue it's because they're far simpler in their minds and desires and therefore less easily corruptible, but maybe that would theoretically make them far easier to corrupt, but we don't see colossal chaos ork warbands.
Imagine how powerful Khorne would be if there were sextillions of screaming cultists worshipping him in their every action.
To Gork and Mork, the four chaos gods must resemble children playing in the sand


An Avatar of Kaine and Lt. Worf get into a fight, Worf trips on a rock dodging Kaines sword and dies. Kaines' sword hits a wall, breaks, and a shard bounces into his head killing him.


I would to see an Avatar of Khain fight a Deathbringer Shard. Have Imperials or Tau witness a shadow of the War in Heaven to know true fear.


Here's some random headcanon: the two lost primarchs were sent to the same planet. As children, they fought as children do over toys, perceived slights, etc. Eventually they just started fighting and never stopped. Being primarchs, their resiliency kept one from achieving a win over the other as they fought for years. They were discovered by orks as adults, but were unrecognisable as human due to years of broken bones, cuts, scrapes, etc healing in such horrific conditions. By this point their fighting had become so effective that the orks who wanted in just got squished as collateral damage. The orks finally recognised them as their gods made manifest, and because they're orks, thats exactly what the primarchs became.


emperor of man and khorne have a lot in common
sitting on a throne✅
people kill in his name✅
always worshipped and fed remains✅
everything around them is one color✅


i'd pick Khaine over Slaanesh based on Majorkill's take on it, that he got depowered so much due to Slaanesh's birth causing the deaths of millions of eldar worshippers


I think my two favourite pieces about the Emperor are that story of him in the last church in Terra and then all his interactions with Kai Zulane in outcast dead. My favourite in that being when he tells Zulane that one can only be either omnipotent or omniscient but not at the same time. Really felt like a nice way to explain that the two arguments you presented for his character are both true at the same time


Wes, I love your deep dives on each faction, especially the Death Guard… I have listened to it over 30 times now.
