The Bulletproof CURE to Codependency and Neediness (GUARANTEED)

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#lawofattraction #spirituality #awakening

I used to be a needy little b*tch. For a long, I felt co-dependent. Not only did I feel it, but I was it. I was looking for validation from the outside.

I'd find myself in relationships feeling like I really wanted to control the dynamic. I would change and mold myself like a little shapeshifter to being what I thought everybody else wanted me to be, and I felt a sense of, like, I didn't have a sense of necessarily straight when I was, like, showing up.

I felt like I was, like, very moldable, and it had me feeling dependent on the outside.

And the key to curing co-dependency and to curing neediness are gonna be the three things I share with you in this video that I guarantee will work if you commit to them.
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Yes! “Needing nothing attracts everything”.. when we “need” we tend to “lie” by not being our true self, which eliminates our confidence, lowers our frequency and continues to push the things we want away!


7 things to remember about caring what others think:

1. Everyone has insecurities of their own
2. Your value isn’t dependent on how much people like you
3. What others think isn’t your business anyways
4. People usually forget our “embarrassing” moments within seconds.
5. There is nothing wrong with being different than others.
6. You are by far your worst critic
7. We will all die, why waste your life unable to express yourself fully.

You are a unique and beautiful expression of source, don’t get it twisted✌🏽💚
- from a growing youtuber


I lost happiness after breaking up with my gf. I realized that i depend on others for my happiness so i started reading and watching videos about frequencies and being happy with myself. Today i looked at my face in the car mirror. I noticed how nice my smile is. I always hated my smile. Its crazy how powerful this stuff is.


Good point . Being rejected isn’t about you it’s about not having matching energy


I used to feel the exact same way. Codependent neediness needs to be healed at the root. Inner child healing and self love 🙏


i paused this video at least 15 different times to cry lmao every single word of this resonated with me SO much...this is exactly what i needed to hear. thank you !!!


I love how you really know psychology that’s what lack most of the people on here they don’t know the real issue


Smile without a reason, eat fruits, veggies. Take a look at the sky when you go outside in the morning. Breath in. Realize how blessed you are to live another day. Be joyful. Spread good vibes during the day. Your life will change by doing these things everyday. Your life will shape based on your habits. You can do it. You can be whatever you want to be. You are amazing, you have the power. Trust yourself. The universe wants you to succeed, to live joyfully. May this year be the year you start living life the way you want. 
~ Much love from a Law Of Attraction YouTuber💜


It really works, everything works out well when you start being yourself and not trying to be a people pleaser.


I always feel safe when watching and learning from you. X


2:57 definition of codependency and neediness
04:06 the locus of control
07:29 1. Frame, your own frame
09:19 2. Vulnerability
11:37 (chipmunk off topic but funny)
12:39 3. Values what do you value


Aaron Doughty your growth is awesome. I Have been following you since 2016-2017 and there's so much of difference in your content and in your energy. Sending you love and blessings! ❤


You see who is truly there in your life for you when you are vulnerable and the relationship grows. Vulnerability will make most narcissists really happy, because then they know they got ammo, they think they got you on the hook, and they’ll use it to devalue and discard you later. If you’re vulnerable and the person is not returning it, that shows an imbalanced relationship. Don’t give unhealthy people who fear vulnerability use yours that you express as a weapon against you until you see they are showing signs of trustworthiness. And if you do decide to be vulnerable prematurely, don’t allow yourself to feel hurt (or if you do, grieve that there are hurt people who would use your vulnerability as a weapon, and then let it go). Move on to healthier people who are able to share their own vulnerabilities and respect you and hear you when you express yours. Never use them as a weapon to manipulate or defend yourself.


i love how he got distracted and excited by the chipmunk


Aaron I have been on this journey with you. When I was at my lowest I swear listening to these videos really helped me understand my own lack of self worth and I started to look within. One year later, my life has drastically changed. I'm no longer looking outside of myself for validation and when I notice that I am, I am able to turn the mirror back to my own wounds. Thank you and keep up the good work. 💚


This was confirmation for me; i’ve been doing this and feel such an amazing shift! The happiest I’ve ever been 🙂


Thank you!! Also, “frisky little animals” 😂 cutest digression ever.


Great and much needed lessons Aaron, needed to hear this 20 yrs ago but better late then never 😅... Only this yr i found the strength to stop fitting in and moulding myself to people i did not even like. The need to be authentic is hard to ignore midlife.


Ok so my name is lily i, m 15 and i, v spiritual awakened and i, m still dealing with the codeppncy and acting ways I shouldn't, this is tough, but thank u


Wow!! I just realized that I’m codependent 😬. Abandonment is my fear and it does stem from my childhood. Thank you so much for this video!
