Exploring Atheism and Personal Beliefs | Joe Rogan Experience with Neil deGrasse Tyson - JRE #1159

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Join Joe Rogan and Neil deGrasse Tyson as they delve into the concept of atheism and personal beliefs. Discover why Neil prefers not to identify as an atheist and how the conduct and behavior of leading atheists shape the perception of atheism today. They discuss the importance of respectful conversations with religious individuals and the significance of words with religious foundations. Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion on belief systems and personal conduct.

#AtheismDebate #PersonalBeliefs #RespectfulConversations #ReligiousBeliefs #JoeRoganExperience #NeildeGrasseTyson #ThoughtProvokingDiscussion #BeliefSystems #ConductandBehavior #MeaningfulConversations
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I wish more people were so open-minded.


It's more interesting to see what religions have in common and think about those things in the context of the universe as we know it. We live in a time where we don't know all the answers. One day we could find the meaning of life, and the answer could demotivate us from actually living, so it's nice to live in a stat of wonder while we can. Ignorance is bliss, and knowledge is power. Those two things sound like a recipe for God.


But your dissociating from that definition only reinforces the stigma you gave them into a stronger stigma. it's like trans people saying they are a different sex because they don't agree with what they perceive society to think of that certain sex. which Is clearly sexist.. Man and Woman are not defined by feminine or masculine appearance or behavior, that would be superficial and sexist.. ie. Football is a masculine sport. You're a woman that plays football, that doesn't make you a man it makes you a woman that plays a masculine sport. It would be sexist to think only men can play football. It would be sexist to think only women can get breast augmentation and plastic vaginas...Men can do that... They do that...


You'll have a better understanding after death, regardless what you believe.


Same reason I don't call myself an evangelical!


I believe there is a God, but on earth people change things for power and money and people
We are of the science that God created,
God is above the science,
Pray, Pray Things might just come through!!!!


I believe in God and He is atheist! Why? Because there is no other God! 5 000 years of Jewish written history with signs and facts that happened to a People who wrote their history! In my biased opinion!


He practices the "live and let live" philosophy. He is a genius.


"Wether or not it works it is not in me to do that!" ❤


As a science educator, shouldn't it be your role to engage in a discussion about the basis of reality? I mean it's not as if religious ideas were not directly contradicting science (creationism being an exemple among many others).

Let's also not forget that everyday religious laws are causing harm, distress and even death to many people too. Is being an abuse bystander morally something that you would praise? Because let's be real religion is abusive. And dangerous.
You're not morally "superior" because you "live and let live".


Fancy way of saying he has respect for people with other opinions and doesn’t think he’s the only person in the world who can have one. Also he has self respect which keeps a person from doing a lot of immature things lol


Neil, you are confusing the terms, "Atheist and Asshole."


"Jamie, pull up that video of me worshipping a bear. "


An atheist is merely someone who doesn't believe in a God. I am an atheist but I don't bring it up since it's rarely relevant. I've also learned that no one wants their beliefs challenged and most religious people aren't going to be convinced of anything I say and visa versa. It's also why I don't debate against flat-earthers/conspiracy theorists or people of opposing political views.

The description of atheist that he is talking about is more of a stereotype, which is one of the reasons it took me so long to realize that I dont believe in a God. It's not like being an atheist means you have specific beliefs or ideology except the lack of belief in a God.


"a person in the existence of God or gods."

Neil, you are an atheist, and so am I, but I do not believe that just because of what some atheist say or do applies to all atheist.

So, what do you call yourself?


I wonder if the "Hey look at me, I'm atheist" people get annoyed by the "Hey look at me, I'm vegan" people🤔😁


That man is a little too impressed with himself for me


I disagree with his characterisation of atheists. Sure, there are loud and arrogant people in any group, but I don't feel as though the word "atheist" has been tainted any more than the word "Christian" has been tainted. It's a perfectly good word.


True tolerance is everyone staying in their own lanes.


Neil isn't a good debater leave that for the pros.
