Cons of atheism | Joe Rogan

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Another type of corruption | Joe Rogan

David Choe | Joe Rogan

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I grew up in the 70's. Not many wife's worked. I remember many neighbours calling around for a cuppa tea. I knew who lived in every house on our street. Everyone was friendly. I used to bike ride everywhere. Knocked on strangers doors for a drink. Everyone was welcoming. Good old days. Couldn't tell you who lives 3 doors away now. It's sad. Here's an idea!!! Stop trying to outdo your neighbour, and try introducing yourself to them. Community support NOT government support. Be nice to each other.


Joe, you are likely an agnostic atheist who understands the value of a shared moral code and the importance of community for social animals like homo sapiens. So, an atheist who is a humanist! Welcome aboard!


I believe in God and Jesus. I just dont believe 95% of religiion. I pray and give thanks to God. I ask for guidance and help.


Everybody want to go to heaven but don't nobody want to be down with Jesus


There is slavery in the Bible but clearly doesn’t condone it. It is showing the people that had faith that God would lead the way for them and shows us what character looks like from these examples


I have to say all my life I've never felt any kind of guidance, not once. But when I read the words of Jesus I was for the first time struck in a way I can't even explain. His words spoke, in a "kind" stabbing manner, directly to my heart. At no other time in my life did direction or structure flow to me, it was always from me. I could never be a Bible thumping evangelist, but in my heart the words of Jesus will likely never be equalled by anything some random person has to say. That is enough for me to believe him.


Joe has clearly never actually read the bible.


An atheist doesn't know God doesn't exist. No one knows if god exists or if god doesn't exist.
Atheism means you have no faith in a god of any sort.


No one knows for sure if there is a God. That's why they call it faith.


It doesn’t condone slavery or treat women any kind of way. There’s nothing I know in the Bible or the Torah that condone slavery or put women below men. There are mentions of these things in religious texts because that’s how the world was, but there’s nothing in these two books that condone either of those things. The Torah and the Bible outline being respectful to your master and to your slaves, as well as man to love his wife and woman to respect her husband. Both texts also discuss serving your spouse. There are specific descriptions in both the old testament and the Torah that state that you must give them freedom and that you can’t mistreat them, or else the master should be put to the same mistreatment as the slave. This is literally written out very plainly in Exodus of the bible and in the Torah.


Facts. I keep getting people telling me to go to church and shit. I'm a nice dude, if god is gonna send me to hell because I didn't beg him to love me then he isn't a god I want to follow. My belief is: if god is real, and he is as all loving as people claim, then me simply going through life and doing my best to be kind and good should get me into heaven.


Joe simply doesn’t understand biblical context. Women weren’t treated as second class citizens they just simply couldn’t live without a man and man and women had a certain dynamic to them so they could be the best team possible to raise the strongest family possible. A lot has changed and stayed the same the last 4-3000 years


For a man who believeth not in God he is a fool.


Just so you know Atheists never say "i know there is no God" ... what they say is " i don't know if there is God" ... big difference


This is why you have to separate "man" from God. There is so much pain that "man" causes that people place on God. If you do that you are missing the point in an extreme way. Be wise. Its either the greatest story ever told or its the truth ✌❤🙏


I consider myself to be a henotheist. I have had my own deep spiritual experiences and gnosis through my god, and the depth of my experience in NO WAY negates or diminishes the experience and gnosis of others. In fact, I think if anything, it perhaps makes their experience More valid because i know I can experience these things so why on earth wouldn't somebody else? Im pretty cool, but im not That special.


Why can't theists at least know what atheism means before they try and debate it


That’s fair. It definitely is a pitfall many dismissive atheists fall into that that don’t really understand what religion is about and where the value lies. They also overestimate their rational abilities and knowledge.


Get the definition of atheist right, then you can have a conversation.


An atheist isn't saying that he knows there is no god. An atheist is simply saying he lacks belief in god. It's not a specific knowledge claim. In fact, it's the opposite of a specific knowledge claim.
