EU Strikes Russia with Devastating New Sanctions: Putin's Energy Sector Hit Hard!

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The European Council has approved the 14th package of sanctions against Russia, targeting its energy sector and military-industrial complex. Key measures include banning Russian LNG transshipment, halting investments in new LNG projects, and restricting supplies for Russia's military. The sanctions also impact Russia's financial transactions, political funding, and air and cargo transport within the EU. Plans for a 15th sanctions package and measures against Belarus are already underway. Stay updated on how these sanctions will impact Russia!
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Thanks for the update and views 🇺🇲🇺🇦
Oklahoma USA 🇺🇦🇺🇲


Money is the biggest motivator, Putin will soon fall from a window or get the Gaddafi treatment when the money men in Russia gets fed up.


The EU has made the best decision! NO more allowances for Russia!!! Make Accountability Great Again!!!


Russia launching a War like this in Europe is unforgivable


🐹🍁L'Allemagne, Japon, USA, on ne vend pas d'outils a la Russie SVP 💙💛


Make Russia pay, siezure of their frozen reserves is the only MORAL option. Give the $300b to UKR!


EU getting itself sanctioned....Rip to west people, , they will feel heat in coming soon


Why not cut off all trading instead of picking a bit here and a bit there?.
Do it now!


I think a very important point is that the West has been holding back on Sanctions ever since the start of the War and it could be argued that the West has not issued enough sanctions.
There is much more the World can do to deter Putin and no doubt will if Putin continues his agression.


China is so happy now they can build the LNG ships and supply them with the components they need


Living in EU feels like being in some sci-fi movie.


saya rasa EU melakukan sesuatu yg keliru!...
misalkan tiba saat nya nanti
kalau pada akhir nya Russia benar-benar terdesak
saya harap semua yg tertawa di pertemuan EU tdi, agar "membuka mata mereka lebar2 saat PESTA KEMBANG API DIMULAI!"
sebagai mana saat negara jepang mendapat paket dari Amerika di 2tempat diwilayah negara mereka.pada saat itu tiba, smua penyesalan datang terlambat.
lebih dari 5000, membayangkan 1kembang api saja sudah menakjubkan...apalagi 5/10/15/20 kembang api?😂🤣🤔😌😒😩😖


Lot of good theories.Now into the real world.


Great news Ukraine a great thank you to the EU for stepping up time now to deliver military support to the front line!


That oil fleet should all be taken away and scrapped.


I noticed Putins Sleeves on his jacket protrudes several inches past his thumbs, never mind his white shirt is not shown!


Impact of sanctions on the Russian economy:

In May, Russia's GDP growth accelerated from 4.4% to 4.5% in annual terms, according to data from the Ministry of Economy. In January-May, the Russian economy grew by 5% compared to the same period last year.

According to the department, the main growth drivers are the manufacturing industry and construction. Thus, the production of computers, electronics and optics in January-May 2024 increased by almost 40% compared to the same period last year. There is also positive dynamics in the chemical and food industries.

Electricity production increased by 3% in May. Production for 12 months set a historical record.

Industrial production (about 30% of GDP) increased by 5.3% in May.

The Moscow Exchange index in June amounted to 3, 140 points (+14% per annum). The index has been growing since April last year (15 months).

The real total return index increased compared to June last year (+10% per annum). It has also been growing since April 2023 (15 months).

Based on the results of the first four months, the growth of real wages in Russia amounted to 10.5% compared to the same period last year, according to Rosstat data.

The World Bank (WB) has recognized Russia as a high-income country. The financial institution published a document with this content on Monday, July 1.

Data for countries around the world whose economies grew at double-digit (almost double-digit) rates for more than 20 years in the 20th century are given below:

1. 13.8% - Russia - average annual growth for 22 years (1929–1955).
2. 11.5% - Taiwan - average annual growth for 27 years (1947-1973).
3. 10.4% - China - average annual growth for 25 years (1983-2007).
4. 10.2% - South Korea - average annual growth for 23 years (1966–1988).
5. 9.7% - Japan - average annual growth for 23 years (1948-1970).
6. 9.2% - Singapore - average annual growth for 24 years (1966-1989).

Thus, in the twentieth century, the world's largest national economic growth for more than 20 years was achieved in Russia in 1929–1955 (minus four war years). During this period, real wages grew 4 times, citizens’ deposits in savings banks grew 5 times, and the economy grew 14 times.

- First place in the world in terms of the share of mechanical engineering in the total volume of industrial production.
- Complete technical and economic independence of the state has been ensured.
- First place in the world in terms of agricultural mechanization.
- First place in Europe and second in the world in terms of absolute industry size.
- First place in Europe and second in the world in terms of labor productivity in industry.
- The latest industries and advanced technologies: nuclear, space, rocketry, aircraft manufacturing, instrument making, radio engineering, electronics, electrical engineering and others. From the point of view of the saturation of economic sectors with new equipment and technologies, the Russian economy and industry had the youngest production and technical apparatus in the world.

And sanctions did not prevent such economic growth in Russia!


When we're these parts sold to them? They claim parts from. America wee sold to Sukhoi....WHEN....Sukhoi hasn't built 10 new planes in 10 fucking years! Who knows how old the parts are and how long they've been on a shelf and how long ago they were sold and installed on the aircraft. Plus, they are all Consumer level parts, meaning any asshole can go online and order them! They're not militarily sensitive parts! The sights in Russian tanks like the T-90 and T-14 came out of French Leclerc tanks after they were decommissioned, cause you can buy them online!


We need Switzerland onboard just to be sure.


Bruh, how proud they are and then they gonna buy it from India and India gonna buy from Russia to sell more to EU like they was alredy doing...
