Why you should NEVER* encrypt your backups

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What concerns you more, a drive failing or the contents of that drive getting out? If someone broke into your house, are the physical items and files they could steal more valuable and sensitive than what's on your computer? If someone got a hold of your backups, is what they'd find there relationship or career ending?

These are the questions you need to ask yourself before deciding on whether or not to encrypt your backups. Fail safe vs. fail secure.

I used to just assume you should encrypt, especially in today's climate, and especially after talking to information security people.

But, after talking to backup and information technology people, I discovered there's a lot more to it than I imagined. And, I think you will too. So, hit play already!


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I found this a little confusing. Is your point that if an unencrypted drive fails, data CAN be recovered from it but if an encrypted drive fails, data CAN'T be recovered from it? Thanks


Pure, unadulterated, unabashed, raw wisdom. Computers are binary, security isn’t.


Mobile devices (like laptops) are highly susceptible to theft if you travel with them or often have them out in public. That’s one reason iOS has such strong built-in encryption. So consider encrypting those even if your backups at home are unencrypted.


Really well said. I usually encrypt my backups depending on what they are.


Yeah - it makes sense - even though keeping some unencrypted is like an open-side-door to a high security building - it makes sense to have an unencrypted local bu - but not a cloud or remote / mobile (carry with) backup. THUS - you really want the CONTROL and it has to be EASY TO CONTROL. For example - if you file browse your backups and you CAN'T TELL which are encryption and which are not, what are you going to do - all of a sudden you're OUT OF CONTROL and your PLAN HAS FAILED. Thus yesterday I made a new packup using acronis, and it had no check box option to encypt so I didn't pay attention. I then cloned the backup drive for remote storage, only to find out the last backup was unencrypted. NOT TO PLAN!


What about backing up the same files encrypted and in different places? If one device fails you can still recover everything.


1) I am backing up my laptop on my personal external hard drive. Do I need to be concerned at all about a security breach? Or does the fact that it's a personal external hard drive mean that I don't have to worry about incrypting? 2) What do you mean by a hard drive "failing"? 3) If I encrypt, but that means I cannot retrieve any of the data that is on my external hard drive, then what is the point of backing it up?


Why are you backing up to a removable drive? You bring it home, the same idiot starts another fire, ALL of your backups are gone. Encrypt it and put it in the cloud.


Encrypting local backups is hardly ever necessary (unless you're really paranoid).
One major reason is, if my main NAS goes poof, I want to swap in my backup system ASAP, so I cannot have some encrypted, or proprietary format (looking at you, Borg, Restic and Synology Hyperbackup) that I first need to restore to be usable.
For off-site backups (both to systems I control and cloud storage), on-the-fly encryption (rclone to the rescue) is key though.


Excellent summary of Pros and Cons. Thank you.


I've tried encrypting my Time Machine backups. Backups took significantly longer and overall didn’t work as well anymore, so it just wasn’t worth it. The only problem would be a break-in with the thief then going through my data—but if he has my iMac anyway, what good would an encrypted backup do? My Backblaze backup is encrypted, however.


There are different forms of encryption. Example a password based encryption is easy to transport, but a physical or certificate encryption is difficult or impossible to transport and can be a source of single point failure. Further, unless you own (not rent) a Cloud NAS all your data is going to be scanned, not completely private, more vulnerable and worse some Cloud services don't encrypt your data at all. Some also have exceptionally poor user policies like Amazon, Google and Microsoft.

This video is pretty misleading and can easily cause people problems.

I've often recommended a simple WD RAID NAS at a trusted family member's home with a VPN and 256-bit AES. Obviously there are more secure options, it's just a function of money.

Otherwise, for free you can backup unlimited all of your photos (12 MP) and videos (1080p) using Google Photo and Google Drive or Apple Cloud (15 GB); and a 5 member family plan cheap for more storage eg 2TB $10. You can software encrypt your files (see above). Using a keychain USB easily transport your files; about $200 512 GB or 1 TB $400.


Wow, the Segway Portable PowerStation Cube Series seems like an incredible backup power solution for outdoor adventures! It's great that it offers massive capacity, fast recharging, and versatile sockets. Plus, its waterproof technology and comprehensive protections make it reliable in any weather condition. Thanks for sharing this recommendation!


Hi Rene, I love this encryption info. Very helpful!! Thank you! I have a question that's a bit random... do you use a teleprompter when presenting? I liked the way the presentation looked. Can you give info on that? Thanks for any help. Lori


Encrypt backs you are SURE are safe (like... stored IN a safe!), encrypt everything else. Have multiple copies. At least 2 off-site external backups.


This is an excellent video. Very helpful. Thank you for posting.


Ok, it basically then, it comes down to this. Don't encrypt non sensitive things, but do back them up. Encrypt sensitive things, and do encrypt the backups of the sensitive things. Make sure the keys for those backups are kept secure and backed up with someone or some place you trust. I think its that simple and intuitive. Cloud shmoud!!


I just wonder how secure is Apple Time Machine backup encryption. Those (bad guys) that might steal data. Wouldn't they have tools to decrypt it?


I don't actually care that much to encrypt my PC, it is almost impossible that someone even tries to steal data from my main rig. So I think that the only things that are worth bringing encrypted are USB drives and Notebooks and only in case you have some sensitive data that is better to prevent from being stolen.


This isn't a problem until it is. Feels like that time is getting closer.
