Where to Buy a Cheap Mermaid Tail

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I am so often asked where to buy the cheapest mermaid tails and I have a few things to say about it.

Thank you so much for watching my video, I hope you enjoyed it and happy swimming!

Courtney Mermaid

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Being a mermaid is about so much more than just swimming in a mermaid tail, it is a way of life. It is a journey of discovering who you are and who your are meant to be and of sharing a passion for the water with others and forging friendships that will last a life time. It is about believing in yourself through the thick and thin and encouraging others to do the same.
Being a mermaid is about keeping that little spark alive, that little spark that reminds us that anything is possible with a monofin, some fabric and dream.

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Also as someone who has saved money for a monofin, everyone PLEASE do your research and be careful because while mermaiding is lots of fun, your safety is top priority!


I bought a Fin Fun tail on black Friday. Sales are the best. 👌


Im so glad you made a video on this topic. Ive seen many peole buying the knockoff tails. I made my first tail on my own with spandex fabric and Mermaid Lindens monofin line.


Whenever I hear "I want a cheap mermaid tail!" my brain translates as "I want to potentially drown!"
Going into water with a heavy thing that binds your legs together is always a risk. Do your dang research, save up and shell out.


When I found your channel I thought you were a huge youtuber. I love you so much Courtney! 😍😙❤


Could you do a video on best technique for getting custom printed fabric? I’m really wanting to make my own tail but I just don’t know where to get custom fabric made.


If you don't want to spend $85 on a tail, you could just by a second hand finfun


Whenever I see someone asking for a cheap tail, I think they either wanna drown or they want the maker to admit their work is worth nothing. With my tail, it's so much more affordable than a full silicone tail, but I still had to put in months of research, work, & testing so I knew it wouldn't fall apart. I tried to save where I could, like using my super old Rapid monofin instead of getting a new one, but be smart about the prices. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


I noticed that someone was selling a knockoff tail because it had the original artists watermark on the picture so I went to the original artist site and it was mind blowing how many of their tails I have seen without realizing it


Wow i was searching this viseo for 3 days😅😂😍❤


I’m going to start saving up as soon as I find a job, I’ve been thinking about Swimtails because of their Pro line but idk, I’ve never had a tail before so I don’t want to start off too strong you know? But I’m a little bit on the older side, and I can swim comfortably in deep water and I know how to swim well and stuff so I should be fine, but idk


I am trying to save up for a fin fun tail and monofin because the tails on amazon are the worst and I want to support a good tailmaking company. I have one tail, and I got it off of amazon with the monofin and it is so thin it is see through, and the monofin is crappy and I have to tie it together for it to work, but I still love being a mermaid, and I just hope that I can get a better tail.


I have a mermaid tail but i only have 1 bag that the monofin fits in, but that bag is sooo uncomfortable ._.


My tail only cost me £42 but I did my reaserch and got it from planet mermaid on a great sale so saved a lot because the only size left was mine!


"safety much!?!?!?"... I spent enough time scuba diving to recognize the necessity of safety... Videos like this are great to eduficate the newbies... newts? newmaids?


I will be making on soon. I'm exited, I have one that I bought in the paste. Im using it for my patter.


So true! Cheap is cheap - and in this instance, cheap can be dangerous, so it's worth investing a little for the safety factor. I've recently started designing, printing and making my own based on a FinFun monofin, because importing tails from the US to South Africa is now becoming *super* expensive (also $300 for a FinFun tail - thank you exchange rate and greedy customs). I've started supporting a local company in South Africa who prints my fabric, and a local courier company too, keeping it all local! :) It's been quite a learning process, but your channel and beautiful tails have helped inspire me to design my own tails from scratch and take them from Photoshop to print to finished tail! ♥




I saw a video of someone trying one of these cheap tails from ebay. It ripped when she tried it on. It was also impossible to swim in, because it wouldn't hold the monofin in place... So yeah. It's better to make it yourself or save up for something proper. And my Finfolk Aqua Fairy is coming TODAY! I just hope customs ain't going to be too hard on my bank account... And I hope it fits. Probably will feel snug over my merbaby belly. <3 I love your videos!


once more, great video! Keep on swimming swimming swimming....
