10 Places In America To Buy CHEAP LAND For 2023 (Land for sale) - Traveling Cloud

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Land can be quite expensive in America, but in this video, I go over the Top 10 Counties where you can buy land for sale. Surprisingly there is a lot of cheap land for sale all across America in certain counties and if you are really interested in perhaps making a purchase in the near future or just looking what your options are then stay tuned. Subscribe if you enjoyed the video and have a good rest of your week.


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Me and mine bought 48 acers in Maine logging country back in the 80's. We built a cabin and lived rough. Then we learned about local tree growth, taxation, land and water use regulations. Don't want to discourage anyone 's dreams, just do a little research at the town and county level first.


I bought 43.86 acres for 455 an acre in central Maine a year ago at least 35 acres is all woods it's awesome and I got $4, 300 acres all around me that's all woods without crossing any roads or getting close to any houses


Just as a caution, be aware of some strange rules that you should check on. Some places in the US require a certain size "lot" to be able to build. At one time, in some of Colorado, you couldn't build if you had less than 20 acres in a contiguous piece. The builder I knew of would build a house, then subdivide the property and sell the house. Another place, someone bought to build, and had to clear a spot. Turned out it was illegal to build on a spot for 20 years after a tree had been cut in that area. There is a significant part of the western part of the country where it is illegal to harvest any water from your property. Can't water the garden, or livestock. Can't do your own dishes or get a drink. You have no rights to the ground water or rain water on your own property. Someone else holds the water rights. There are other rights that may have been sold (mineral, oil, hunting come to mind) so be careful what you buy. When we lived near an airport, someone else owned the air rights above a certain level above our house. Lots of luck to all.


Arizona and New Mexico, get all their water from lake Mead, they may run out of water in a few years. So buyers do your homework, it may be cheap, because people are selling before the water is gone.


I've been in contact with a coach Rodger Michael Karl for a while now mainly because I lack the depth knowledge and mental fortitude to deal with these recurring market conditions. I made over $220K during this dip, which made it clear there's more to the market than we average joes know. Having an investment adviser is currently the best course of action, especially for those who are close to retirement ...


Warren frequently makes good arguments. But hearing from someone with his level of experience is also beneficial. Given that the majority of my holdings ($650K) consist of Nasdaq, Apple, and Tesla companies, his opinion or any other professional recommendations on what to do would be greatly appreciated. I entered the market early, but I'm not sure if I should sell or buy back at a bargain considering the status of the market.


I lived in Presidio. It's 125F almost every day during summer, it's in a flood plain with sewage treatment upstream, they lose power regularly, they have one Internet / cable company and it crawls, corruption / drug trade throughout the area, border patrol is overzealous; going to get groceries or ship a package is a 3hr round trip through what feels like a DMZ, little economy, bad food, salty water, people keep getting cancers in the area, fine dust / occasional sandstorms, lots of people hiding there with snitch scars, etc. It's a beautiful place though, especially the skies.


Presidio county is in Western TX, not eastern


America as we know it is finished. All indications point to 2023 being a year of severe economic pain across the country. Put that money to work right away to make it grow. I knew I had to make an investment. I never imagined that a few thousand dollars per month would add up. However, it is. I've made around $600, 000 since 2020.


Thank you to all the REAL people looking to own Land. I don't wanna hear anything this bot has to say. Keep grinding & I pray you find your dream 🙏 💪🏾💪🏾


I use to flip raw land and some of these places have bad water and some have zero water and you have to buy water from a truck IF they come all the way out that way. Some of these places get 120 degrees too. Just watch what you buy. Cheap is not always a good way to spend your money


Stay away from all desert land because septic systems will be expensive. Hooking electricity will be expensive. Getting water will be expensive. Most importantly watch out for the floods.


Presidio County Texas is almost as far WEST as you can get in the state, not east.


The land you are showing is in LANCASTER it's technically LA county but it is a good hour and a half drive WITHOUT traffic. If you can't work remote or if you can't find work IN Lancaster, the drive home is an easy 2-4 hours depending on traffic


A lot of these places are inaccessible as there are no drivable roads that lead to the property out in the middle of no where usually many miles from the nearest main road. The land usually have no utilities running to them and are overgrown with brush and snakes. THAT'S WHY ! they're so cheap. Good luck and always visit the land before buying.


You can buy cheaper land in West Virginia, in an area that is not a desert... All 10 places could have been in WV. I bought 77 acres for under $50, 000. Same with my house. Focus on where you want to be, then search...because there will always be deals (hint: If you are patient and diligent, read local paper for delinquent property taxes...something I didn't know when I bought). Oh, I'm a California transplant, in case you were wondering. Great walking trails in my area. And while the cost of living is increasing, I did raise a child here on $700/mo.


These prices are for "raw" land, raw meaning undeveloped. The cost of placing infrastructure, power, water etc is where the costs go way up.


You have to check also if the area gets flooded. Some have droughts, but some have floods.


I have searched for land for several years and what I found is that cheap land is cheap for a reason. More often than not there is no work, in desert areas you might be looking at having to install a super deep well often costing over 100 thousand dollars. You can get dirt cheap land in Nevada but you might have to drill a 700’+ deep well just to get arsenic contaminated water. Power might be miles away. In the south like Arkansas you can get cheap land but there are some drawbacks there too, if you are not used to southern summers you will think you are dying, the chiggers will eat you alive, a lot of severe weather and not much money. But wells are pretty shallow, most areas perk well for septics and some counties don’t require building permits. However no building permits could mean that your next door neighbor might be living in what looks like a landfill, and may smell like it too.


Texas is even bigger than I was aware of if Eastern Texas starts that far West! 😁
