The UNFAIR Story Of How Hades Fell Into The Role Of Evil In Hercules...

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The Unfair (& Kinda Sad) Story Of How Hades Fell Into The Role Of Evil | Disney's Hercules

The great thing about the most notable Disney villains is the fact that the writers took the time to give each one an in-depth reason for acting the way that they did. Including the fact that some villains were literally molded by the world around them. Or worse, by the damaging effects of a family’s betrayal. And in this particular case, the character that comes to mind is Hades from Disney’s classic, Hercules. Hades was a formidable foe, not because of his physical strength but because of the strength of his mind. Believe it or not, though, the blue-flamed sack of comedic sorrow only became a villain after he was practically forced into the role by his own family.

Inspired by The REAL Reason Hades Kept Meg Under His Control For So Long...| Disney's Hercules
Inspired by The VERY Messed Up Origins of Hades | Disney Explained - Jon Solo
Inspired by Disney Theory: How Hades Turned Hercules Mortal (Pink Potion Explained): Discovering Disney
Inspired by Who Is Megara’s Ex-Boyfriend? | Hercules Theory: Discovering Disney
Inspired by HERCULES Clip - "Baby Hercules" (1997)

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Even in the series, Hades invited his family to the underworld and even Zeus tried to find an excuse to not go. His family is mainly the catalyst to how he is.


Hades I so misunderstood, like he wasn’t even the worst god he kept his promises unlike Zeus, was faithful to his wife and is isnt a bad ruler. You could argue that his kidnapping of Persephone was evil but it was Zeus fault as well.

Edit: me also silently screaming when the say Hercules, great movie but isn’t mix Greek and Roman - Heracles is Greek and his father is Zeus. Hercules is Roman and his father is Jupiter


correction. The fates didn't decide when someone dies. it is when someone was dying that they cut the thread, it wasn't their decision. They could know when someone dies, but they didn't decide if that person died. The fates do not interfere with fate, they just weave it.


Considering how the other gods and goddesses mocked him on Mount Olympus, I don't blame Hades for being bitter.


Maybe Disney could one day make a comedic redemption arc (the one Disney villain who really deserves one) & romance film for Hades & Persephone as a sequel to Hercules, where he's revealed to actually be a misunderstood good guy and a romantic, perhaps teaming up with a mistrustful Hercules, against Chronus and/or Typhon, or something or someone else that seriously threatens Olympus, etc...


I hate how Disney made Hades the villain when he was actually the most level-headed Greek god. It would have made more sense to make Hera or Ares the villain.


I know it was mentioned in the video that Hades was the eldest of his brothers (and that is true in the original Greek Mythology), but I believe in the Disney universe Hades is actually the youngest of his brothers. He’d constantly state that fact that he was the “baby brother” of Zeus and Poseidon in the animated series from 1998 (though, the series isn’t entirely canon and it’s basically an alternate universe of sorts since Hercules is a teenager and is constantly running into Hades who knows he’s alive before he’s 18). Though, a lot of reading material featuring Hades that came out in 2023 would mention he was the eldest, so maybe he is? I dunno. Just thought I’d mention that lol. I honestly do love the idea do Hades being the youngest in the Disney universe lol. He definitely gives off bratty little brother vibes 😂


From Wikipedia :)

"Hades and his two brothers, Poseidon and Zeus, drew lots[22] for realms to rule. Zeus received the sky, Poseidon received the seas, and Hades received the underworld"


F in the chat for Hestia, the actual oldest of the original six Olympians


Ill be honest, Hades is actually a likable character for a Disney villain. I liked Hades in the Disney movie.


Hades was the only reason I watched Hercules, he made it fun, and he's the most rememberable character, the rest are just jerks, he was hated simply for being the god of the underworld, and they all laugh at him when Zeus makes fun of him, they laugh like it was the funniest thing ever, proving they were deliberately mocking him.


i understand hades i to was seen as a villain by two ex friends of mine


The DuckTales version of Hades is actually more accurate to the original myth. He seems to be fairly well-liked amongst the other gods, or at the very least, treated as an equal. Their version of Zeus is also much more accurate, being an evil tyrant who looks down on everyone.


We didn’t even get much of a tour, which is a pity, since parts of it in the mythos is pretty awesome


In the beginning of the film, Zeus exclaims when Hades arrived "Hades!... You finally made it.." almost like Zeus has invited Him before but he usually didn't show or did most of the time yet*headcanon* Zeus probably never showed up in the under world when Hades invited him and the other gods
And also the way Zeus said that line, it sounded almost forced like yeah Zeus invited him but I don't think he actually wanted him to come I think the invite was more of a way to rub in Hades face that he has something better than him but that's just a theory


I never see Hades with his wife persephone In the movie or in the show Was she ever in it ?


Hades could have been born has the god of the underworld or Zeus could have him there. But either way has family should have treated him, and Zues should considered his order brothers feelings


I like the movie, but I always hated how Hades was treated by the others, he was actually a pretty chill guy if you get on his good side. All he wanted was his family's respect and comfort, but instead he got ridiculed and ousted as a villain just for ruleing the underworld, that his own two-faced younger brother Zeus forced onto him. In many ways, Zeus and the gods of Olympus are the TRUE villains of the movie, not Hades.


Disney destroyed the actual story of Hercules.
