Invasion into Russia: Ukraine crosses into Kursk Region!

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The objectives were to make sure that Russia has to guard their whole border as well. That way they can't have a concentration of troops in one area to penetrate into Ukraine land. Also it's a trap for the Russians to respond with aviation, that's why you are seeing the downed Russian helicopters and planes. Those are high value targets. They are finite and don't grow on trees. Everything has a purpose.


It seems one can simply walk into Mordor.


I think there is a point. You have to remind the Russian army that those borders must be defended. Legally or not Russia has deployed conscripts in Ukraine. Every body, every rifle. Every vehicle, tank, drone and artillery piece that isn't being used offensively in Ukraine but defensively in Russia is a positive thing.

Remember the first time it caught the Russian border guards with their pants down. The 2nd time they threated Belgorod itself. All this has pulled assets. Russia's 2nd Karkiev offensive is likely a result as well.

So it has had an effect.

During WW2 an often overlooked effect of the allied air campaign was the fact it stripped German Army divisions of their high altitude anti aircraft guns. This meant no more flak 75s or flak 88s for the Infrantry or Panzer divisions which heavily effected the German Army's ability to conduct combined arms Warfare as the multi purpose flak guns functioned as anti air, artillery and anti tank roles both offensively and defensively. Germany became heavily reliant during the later years on heavy armor to launch counter attacks defensively as a result as troops had fewer and fewer anti armor assets within the divisions.


Some smart American ex-soldier once said: "The first report is always wrong.". Eventhough it doesn't look good, we'll just have to wait and see.


So Russia now the second best army in Russia. Hey somebody had to say it.


Congratulations to Ukraine on the Special Border Crossing Operation.


My guess is the Russian volunteers did not volunteer to fight to defend Ukrainian land, but to overthrow Putin. So they are sent to where they are willing to fight.

This will still serve to occupy some Russian resources, so it is better than not using them.


My first thought on hearing this news was "bait". Russia will want to immediately respond to this as forcefully as they can, probably with disregard to OpSec. We know Ukraine has access to western reconnaissance and intelligence to monitor the response but they also now have F16s and anti radiation missiles.
My guess is this is part of a wider plan to get Russia to show their hand so Ukraine can shoot at it.


It shows Russian vulnerability.. it messes with Russia's game plan. Its confusing you and me, So it's confusing the Russians.


It screws up Russian plans and timelines. It puts them on the defensive. It takes the initiative away from them. Plus, the refinery strikes will have a impact eventually, If the Russians have to move battalion and brigade size forces around the region to react then this may cut into dwindling fuel supplies of the Russians. Can I see reasons for using these Russian liberation units to plug possible weak areas of the UKR lines? Yes, but it is hard to win wars by defense only. The Doolittle B-24 strike against Japan accomplished very little in terms of real bomb damage to Japan, but the strike did have strategic implications. The Japanese high command was embarrassed, and they put the plan into place that resulted in the Battle of Midway and the loss of the 4 Kido Butai aircraft carriers.


Its not an invasion, its a special military visit.
"There is nothing the justifies this attack."
AFAWK. It might have been a spoiling attack if the Russians had been staging forces, were moving, or otherwise it was an opportunity to hit something.


Moral boosting really does matter. Never underestimate it. For other troops - new recruits - Ukrainians.
War is far from just fighting on the front lines.


Like the Doolittle raid of WW2, this breaks the illusion of invulnerability.


You would have vetoed Doolittle‘s raid on Tokyo.


It's not that bad of an action depending on their losses. Once in a while they have to remind Russians that they also have to guard their (very long) borders and stretch their forces thin. So they can't just put random conscripts on the border and hope for the best while having all their good forces inside Ukraine.
So all in all Ukraine might lose some equipment but Russia will have to reinforce hundreds of miles of border.
Also having young conscripts as war prisoners have better exchange value than 50-60 year old people drafted from Siberia or even prisons.

It might be a confusing move in the short term, since some Ukrainian fronts also need troops, but in my opinion this is a strategic move to draw Russian forces to border guard duty, which will pay off longer term, as long as the Ukrainians don't try to hold territory and keep it to short raids.


It dispels the Russian held idea that the UA won't or can't go into Russia. It's the same play as Russia with Vovchansk, force your opponent to increase defensive depth in areas that are restive and poorly held.


Trading APC-s with helicopters seems like a good deal to me.
Why would you even assume any additional UA reserves are deployed if it's clearly a Russian rebel's operation?
The rebels have always had their own agenda and shouldn't be expected to be part of main UA effort.


Maybe they need to keep their Russian Legion busy, as they don't like them hanging around behind the lines for too long


The number of times you said "by law" is surprising to me. I mean, when have we seen russia following laws? Especially as it has pertained to this war.
