How Chords and Scales are Related - Why a Chord is a Scale (Chord-Scale System)
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In this series of videos I cover everything you need to know about Jazz Scales, including but not limited to:
- How scales are related to chords (the Chord-Scale System)
- Why you can use different scales over the same chord
- Commonly used jazz scales including: melodic minor modes, bebop scales, whole tone scale, diminished scale, pentatonic scale.
In this Jazz Piano Tutorial I answer the following questions:
How are chords and scales related?
Why can you use multiple scales over a single chord?
Why do certain scales sound good over certain chords?
I try to show you that chords and scales are actually the same thing. Or more accurately, fully extended chord (extended up to the 13th) is it's own diatonic scale.
For example the chord:
CMaj13 is in the key of C Major because it uses every single note in the C Major Scale: C, E, G, B, D, F, A
C13 is in the key of F Major because it uses every single note in the F Major Scale: C, E, G, Bb, D, F, A
and so on...I go over a number of example.
This will then lead on to the fact that non-fully extended chords are slightly ambiguous and the key that they are in depends on the previous and subsequent chords.
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