6 Health Tips To Improve Your Fertility and Help You Get Pregnant Now or Later

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Double board-certified fertility doctor, Natalie Crawford MD talks about health tips for your overall health and to improve your fertility if you are trying to conceive or want to get pregnant. Your period and your fertility can be impacted by the world around you
and these tips can help you preserve your fertility and Improve your egg quality-both now and later. If you want to be pregnant now, or someday-then learn about your body and lifestyle so you can optimize your fertility.

Answered in this video:
1. Does smoking cigarettes impact your fertility? How does marijuana impact fertility?

2. How do plastics and environmental toxins impact fertility and egg quality?

3. Protect yourself against STIs. Chlamydia infection can damage your Fallopian tubes. What does a prior chlamydia infection do to your tubes?

4. How does your diet impact fertility? Limit your exposure to red meat and
processed meat and refined processed foods as they impact embryo quality and egg quality.

5. Listen to your body and track your cycle. What is a normal cycle? How do you track your cycle? What are wanting signs that something is off? Your period should come at regular predictable intervals, not have spotting between cycles, and not be so painful you stay home or it soaks your clothes.

6. Don’t ignore your age and think about family planning. Consider egg freezing or early fertility testing if you know you are waiting to conceive.

*This is medical education not medical advice, please ask your doctor for your own medical care and medical questions
Join the Enhance Your Natural Fertility Program
Optimizing natural fertility Fertility and Sterility, Volume 90, Issue 5, S1

Fertility doctor, Natalie Crawford, MD is a double board certified OBGYN and REI, and co-founder of Fora Fertility, a boutique fertility practice in Austin, Texas.


715 W 34th Street, Austin, TX 78705

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Sharing fertility facts to educate women about trying to conceive, getting pregnant, ovulation, fertility treatments, IUI, IVF, becoming a doctor, life as a woman in medicine, and more.
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6 tips to improve your fertility and help you get pregnant now or later :
1. (0:52) Do not smoke cigarettes or marijuana. It decreases the number of eggs that you have and increase in abnormalities.
2. (1:59) Limit exposure to plastics where possible, like BPA. Drink and eat out of aluminium, steel, glass. Don’t heat up plastics (even Teflon coated non-stick pans).
3. (2:52) Reduce risk of STI specifically chlamydia (even in the past) because huge impact on fallopian tubes. Check fallopian tubes if needed.
4. (4:14) Limit consumption of processed food ( specifically processed meat, and packaged refined foods). Go fresh and whole foods, it’s best for you, as most as possible.
5. (5:31) Pay attention to periods as a vital sign. Caveat: hormonal contraception. Normal : regular predictable period within 1 to 2 days of average cycle interval, with cycle interval from 21 to 35 days. If consistent shortening of cycle interval is happening, it may be lowering of ovarian reserves. You can seek to have an ovarian reserve testing, specifically an AMH blood test to check it.
6. (9:01) Age is #1 predictor of success of pregnancy. Of course a woman can get pregnant in her late 30s and her 40s, but at 40 the chance of pregnancy per month is 5% whereas at 30 it is 20%.


Thank you for sharing these awesome videos. I am 34 and I just finished my master’s degree in nursing in August but now I am ready to get pregnant. I find your videos helpful and I hope I can get pregnant soon. 🙏


Actually many people are finding huge benefits by going on keto and carnivore diets and they are becoming pregnant faster! Grass-fed meat eggs butter is all very very good for embryo development and overall health


Can you give resources /studies on the negative impacts of consumption of red meat while trying to/being pregnant? Even grass fed grass finished? It’s typically labeled as “bad” but knowing our ancestors lived, reproduced, and thrived off it makes me wonder why it’s now bad. I’ve read organs are particularly good for you. Just looking to be informed here :) Thanks so much!


I've never smoked a thing in my life I've never been on birth control I have eaten healthy and reduced toxins for years and years. I was a virgin until marriage and so was my husband, no diseases that we know of. I'm 29 been trying for a year and a half. Hubby has sperm test and is great. My cycle is very regular and I always know when I'm ovulating


I know this is an old video but for the women waiting or planning far ahead- genetic testing might be a good idea. My sisters daughter had the markers for CF (but not affected by it)and because her husband is black we guessed that it ran in my family. Got tested and found out I am a carrier but my husband is not. We knew ahead of time in case we wanted/needed to explore other options. Cant recommend this enough! The staff was also so happy to be giving me scary news when I was not pregnant!


My period is very accurate with tracking but I've been having difficulty conceiving after 4 months. Neither of us smoke, eat relatively healthy and try to have a semi active lifestyle despite working desk jobs. Only 30 and getting stressed :(


I can’t stop crying .. I’m 26 struggling with hormonal imbalances after being prescribed depot provera stopped it after 3 months and my cycles have not been the same….


Is it crucial that someone who is obese reaches a healthy BMI before getting pregnant with PCOS?


I want to thank you Dr. Natalie! I had an early pregnancy loss in April and your videos have really helped me keep positive and hopeful. I do have a question; Since the loss I haven't had consistently regular period yet. Is that common and how long should that go on before I get worried?


Hi Natalie! Thank you for sharing this information. Could you please make a video on RH incompatibility? 🙏🏼 thank you in advance!!!


This is actually informative and tells you realistic things that can help you. Versus other videos that only tell you common sense things


Thank you so much for your videos im 40 have 2 children would love another but recently had 2 periods in the space of 1 month im worried ive left it to late !!!


This was very informative and helpful! And you provide advice in such a friendly and at the same time professional way!


Hi Natalie, wonder if you could answer this for me please :) I'm based in the UK so I don't have easy access to a fertility specialist (still on a referral waiting list!). I've had a chemical, followed by 2 miscarriages: one at approx 8 weeks last year where it passed naturally, and another in July which was a missed miscarriage, so baby died just before 9 weeks but I didn't find out until the 12 week scan. I decided to go through with a MVA (Manual Vacuum Aspiration, I suppose equivalent to a D&C?) to end the pregnancy. I've since had 2 periods since the MVA and have noticed a change in the bleeding. Before the MVA I use to pass a lot of large clots and would get bad cramps when they passed. However I now just seem to pass blood and no clots, so barely any bad cramps - yay! I'm still bleeding as heavily as before too, just no clots. But it has got me wondering if there was maybe an issue with the way my womb lining was forming and that's why I was passing a lot of large clots before, but now it's been manually cleaned out, could it have resolved some underlying issue? Also wonder if this may have an effect on any future pregnancies too, as we're now waiting for some tests and to see the fertility specialist before trying again. Thanks!


My biological clock is ticking due to my age and I would like to get pregnant naturally if possible. If I freeze my eggs this month, would my period still come on time and I will still be able to conceive naturally next month?


What causes long days of bleeding? For example arrange from 7 to 19 days


I am 40 and have gotten pregnant 3 times. I had a blighted ovum at 9 weeks pregnant with the first and had to take the medication Cytotec to induce miscarriage. I got pregnant again right after that miscarriage, had a chemical pregnancy, then got pregnant again after that which also resulted in a chemical pregnancy and my doctor followed my HCG back down to zero for all. She has now recommended me to a fertility specialist which I don't want to do just yet. We want to try one more time before I travel down that avenue. Is there a chance that I will get pregnant and it sticks? I seem to get pregnant easily enough. It's just not developing.


My husband and I just started TTC. I'll be 34 in a few months but I still have a very regular 28/29 day cycle that I've had since it became normal in my early 20s. I'm hoping that means I have good odds despite my age. I was curious if the age when you got your first period matters at all. I was a very active kid and didn't get it until I was almost 16. I didn't have a regular cycle until I went to college. Do you have any insight into whether this plays a role?

Edit to correct typo


Are most of these tips also something men should follow as well? I assume so, but figured I’d ask
