How To Fix A Dead GPU / Graphics Card Using A Heat Gun | Coke & Dust Edition

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In This Video, I Show My Whole Process of "Fixing" a Dead Graphics Card With Screen Glitching & Freezing
🟣Links & More Info Below:

🟡Rework Station

🟡Thermometer Gun

🟡Metro DataVac Super Air Blower


🟠Louis Rossmann's Video Explaining How/Why This Works
" Reballing flip chip GPUs is BULLSHIT "

🟢Usually works:
On GPU's with graphical glitches / freezing / that stills how some life
Black display 50/50 chance

🔴Sometimes it does not work:
If you got a bad vram chip ( matrix effect screen glitch )
Or your pc was really dusty and something shorted out because of a cheap PSU
And you have full black screen

🟡Yes This Can Also Work On Laptop GPU's
I have tested it, after a heavy load of a game
It could break it again (PUBG is a good test to find out if your gpu is 100% or not) - At least the early version of the game


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I've been repairing electronics for decades. The problem with this repair is that it requires re-soldering of memory chips or GPU chips. Reheating may require flux. You know that tin becomes crap if you reheat it too long, especially lead-free tin. Lead-free tin is the beginning of all evil. Lead tin is now banned, but it may be the only option to repair really old electronics. I had a Raden HD 5970 Black Edition crash, if the GPU didn't die, it can be fixed. This is a dual GPU card. I have everything else, but missing air soldering tools. Baking at 200°C is not necessarily a technique because solder joints deteriorate when reheated. Reheating tin joints requires flux. Everything is much worse if the tin is lead-free. Lead tin is hard to buy, but as a professional repairman, I could buy it. Minimun requirement is flux ven tin joints reheated. If card works very short perieod time then solder joints go bad again. Than meen yuo need preheating machine and use of resoldering stencil for ships and that meas reballing. A microscope with a good camera would help and a thermal camera would be good. I'm missing almost all the tools. I have repaired a lot of electronics that can be over 20 years old. The new boss kicked me out, even though I had almost irreplaceable skills for the company's equipment. I knew a small and important part and I didn't share that information anymore. Panic sets in when I'm no longer in the company. My part can be missing and forever for that company. The Russian radar manufacturer was interested in me and the company wanted an employment contract and I don't know the reason, because I had already been selected. I have used to learn the command language, if I have done it with other devices, I know how to do it also with Russian devices. I have named it Kapula language.


I spilled sprite on top of my computer yesterday. It fell through my radiator fans, through the radiator and on the back of my GTX 1080TI. Nothing immediately happened but I shut off my computer as fast as I could and cleaned what I could and attempted to turn it on...Black screen, nothing each time I tried, "no input". Swapped the card for my back up and found your video, studied religiously as well as studied your source video. Began dismantling and cleaning, didn't end up using WD-40, just water then dried and a few alcohol q-tip cleans. Got my $25 heat gun from wal-mart and got to work. Assembled after cooling and it worked just fine! Thank you for saving my bank!


I baked my GPU in the oven 3 times in last 14 months and it still works.


I just did this with a digital heat gun and after melting the solder twice it seems to now be working great. I ran the heaven benchmark for 30 mins and played some Skyrim and so far no issues whatsoever.

Thank you for the tutorial!!!


Got a water damaged r9 270 my parents broke a few years back. They got it replaced with a 1050ti under warranty a long while back, but it would be pretty sweet to get this thing running again. It would be perfect for an emulation-centered build. I'm pretty sure my parents didn't know about the water (or whatever liquid) damage, but I could see it stained on the port shield. Wish me luck!


a motherboard tutorial replacing some components would be nice. like how to troubleshoot etc.


I wish the GPU's would be manufactured with sockets like the CPU and motherboard do. Seems the manufacturers only want these to fail so you end up purchasing another card. Good on their part as it is more money in the bank for them but bad on ours part as it costs us MORE money. Of course this will never change as prices would be even more than what they are now. Sucks to be a gamer!!!!


There is no need to use WD-40 if you got no corrosion, water is fine if all you have is coke syrup


Nice video! Revived a reference 580 using the heat gun method. Been running fine for now.


what about the oil from your skin on the thermal pads you touched and didn't clean off?


About to try this now with my Msi Gtx970 gaming x, your video is really nice and I wish it will work


Your method look very effective but as I'm new into this, and my both card have same issue, one of my card start having just one hour ago. It's very annoying that we don't get usually here in Pakistan GPU repair guy, specially trusted one.

I found your tool very useful but expensive also.

will try your method if I ever get chance to have these tools.


Man I cannot believe you ran the GPU underwater, I thought for sure it would kill it but I guess not ; )


Three years later! Is card still working ?


this is only 50/50 chance, troubleshooting each components and replacing it, that's the best way....


a friend gave me an old gtx 960, coke got spilled on it and the pc immediately turned off. we replaced the gpu and the psu to newer „safer“ ones but i still have the 960 here, either gonna sell it as broken or try to fix it one last time…

so i saw that below the vrm heatsink two small chips look faulty/burnt. i can tell that some if the solder is fucked up and the pcb around it as well as the thermal pad below the heatsink look a tiny bit broken so i guess thats why no motherboard/psu will even turn on with the card installed.

do you think heating it up could revive that thing even though the vrms were probably overheating?


Just performed this on an R9 270x and it worked first time!! 😀👍 Not sure how long it will last but I'm hopeful


Heating a Graphic card GPU with a heat gun wont acutely melt the graphics card. GPU As Graphic cards GPU are made primarily of multiple wafers of silicates molten silicate when melted turns in to magma. There is a considerable range of melting temperatures for different compositions of magma. All the silicates are molten at about 1200°C (when a part of rock) and all are solid when cooled to about 600°C. Often the silicates are grouped as high, medium and low-melting point solids So I doubt if you can damage them.


i did this to some rtx cards.. but the micron memory chip are so bad..


5:00 hold on. That hot air gun isn't burning up that cardboard box?
