How To Fix A Dead GPU / Graphics Card Using A Heat Gun | Coke & Dust Edition

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In This Video, I Show My Whole Process of "Fixing" a Dead Graphics Card With Screen Glitching & Freezing
🟣Links & More Info Below:
🟡Rework Station
🟡Thermometer Gun
🟡Metro DataVac Super Air Blower
🟠Louis Rossmann's Video Explaining How/Why This Works
" Reballing flip chip GPUs is BULLSHIT "
🟢Usually works:
On GPU's with graphical glitches / freezing / that stills how some life
Black display 50/50 chance
🔴Sometimes it does not work:
If you got a bad vram chip ( matrix effect screen glitch )
Or your pc was really dusty and something shorted out because of a cheap PSU
And you have full black screen
🟡Yes This Can Also Work On Laptop GPU's
I have tested it, after a heavy load of a game
It could break it again (PUBG is a good test to find out if your gpu is 100% or not) - At least the early version of the game
Please note: The shopping links above may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through them, I may receive a small commission, which helps support the channel. Thank you!
🟣Links & More Info Below:
🟡Rework Station
🟡Thermometer Gun
🟡Metro DataVac Super Air Blower
🟠Louis Rossmann's Video Explaining How/Why This Works
" Reballing flip chip GPUs is BULLSHIT "
🟢Usually works:
On GPU's with graphical glitches / freezing / that stills how some life
Black display 50/50 chance
🔴Sometimes it does not work:
If you got a bad vram chip ( matrix effect screen glitch )
Or your pc was really dusty and something shorted out because of a cheap PSU
And you have full black screen
🟡Yes This Can Also Work On Laptop GPU's
I have tested it, after a heavy load of a game
It could break it again (PUBG is a good test to find out if your gpu is 100% or not) - At least the early version of the game
Please note: The shopping links above may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through them, I may receive a small commission, which helps support the channel. Thank you!