How Could a Loving God Do This to Me?

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Aaron learned that by loving those around him, he could fulfill God’s plan for him despite the difficulties he faced with his disability. In the face of challenges, he chose happiness. In the end, he explains, “I came to understand my autism gives me a voice.”

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Imagine you have dreams and goals, a mind that aspires to greatness, but a body that doesn’t function.

My name is Aaron Jepson, and I have autism. For 15 years, I was unable to communicate with my parents, with my brothers, with anyone.

Three years ago, I learned how to communicate my thoughts and feelings. They all realized how smart I was this whole time. The first thing I communicated was how much I hated my life. How could a loving God do this to me? Though I was bitter, I knew my parents loved me.

They taught me that I was a child of God. I came to understand that my autism has given me a voice.

My life has purpose and is meant to be full of service and love, to share the light of Jesus Christ with everyone. For this, I rejoice and am exceedingly glad (see Matthew 5:12).
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I, my wife, my sons, her 3 brothers and parents, and many of our cousins, nieces, and nephews have autism. It's a blessing, and it's our biggest trial. We're still learning to choose our battles.


My son is 5 now and autistic. He's been reading since 4 and is just the most compassionate and intelligent lil guy ever. He's now speaking in full sentences and attends public school, has regular Neuro typical friends in the neighborhood and attends ABA therapies in the morning. I questioned God over and over at first. "why?!! Why would you do this to a child?" It's not fair! Anyways.... with persistence and wonderful advocates including his doctor, I've been told multiple times he's probably gifted. His teachers at school are saying the same thing. I love him. Im so grateful & proud of him he is who he is. I finally understand why it's important to be patient and wait for the Lord's plans. Because we are able to see things when We are ready. I wasn't ready until a few months ago because I was fixating on all the things he couldn't do not on all the things he was doing well. It was almost overnight I saw these changes. I know he didn't go to sleep waking up full of new skills but something changed within me through prayer and talking to our Lord. God opened my eyes. I'm so blessed!


I felt his joy in his smile , thank you for sharing you, make the world a brighter more kinder gentle world.
being touched by angel with a smile.
Fullness of Joy, for a moment that is eternity to memory it over and over again.
The church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints.


I'm on the spectrum, and also struggle with anxiety and migraines.
I have good days and bad days, but God is good always.


I am autistic as well. I like to write to express myself. I know that God loves me and that I have a Friend in my Savior. Even though I struggle with food allergies and feet problems, God is there for me!!


25 years ago when my son was diagnosed with autism, I asked why to Heavenly Father. As the years have gone by, I know why. He has been the biggest joy in our lives. He’s taught me about patience. He has taught me to learn humility, kindness and grace. I know that my faith has grown so much and I’m so grateful that I’ve been able to meet other parents who have kids with special needs.
Heavenly Father will never give you a challenge that you can’t handle. Have faith in him.


God bless you you always be a child of God Amen


You are still a good person my grandson has it i pray god to give you a blessing


Thank you Dear Lord Jesus! Prayers for grand boy gtaaj our grandson has autism and this inspires us so much pray for forgiveness please god . Thank you Dear god Jesus and thank you Dear guardian angels 🌹🌹❤️💙🙏🙏🙏🙏


Watching and listening to this handsome young man fills my heart. Aaron, God loves you, your family loves you and you have more of a positive impact on those around you (and who watched this video) than you can ever know. ❤


Our son has autism and this inspires us so much! Thank you Aaron! ❤❤❤


This is a beautiful sharing. Thank you msg our Lord continues to bless you young man ❤️❤️❤️much love ❤️


Little brother you are loved your family and GOD loves you! 💯🙏🏼😊


I love Aaron's story! Our ward had a family whose father and all five sons were autistic. Sadly, they had to move from the ward because the schools in our town did not understand the needs of the autistic. They did finally find a school system nearby that could work with the boys. But that was one of the most amazing families I've ever come across. Surely the Lord puts them in our midst to teach US lessons of patience and love.


Aaron, thank you for sharing this message. You are amazing. Thanks to your parents for the way they loved you and trusted in Heavenly Father. Your story will bring hope to so many families that are struggling with Autism and with other problems in life. Thank you for sharing your faith in God.


I have a younger brother who has autism as well and who can has more personality and confidence than most people with all their senses. He is my inspiration for self confidence at all times. 💙


God Will Do Something Unimaginable | Dieter F. Uchtdorf | October 2020


Every person who came or is on earth or will come has gifts and talents, ways to bless the human family. We are all gloriously beautiful because each are created in the image of God. How could it be otherwise?? God's beautiful and glorious in perfection, and each who has faith in Jesus Christ will be prefected in Him one day. This I know.


I really feeling blessed thank you so much my lord 🙏 and thank you for making this video 💓 God bless more 😇🙌


Thank you for your testimony and you are a blessing to all of us.
