What Is the Difference Between a Sacrament and an Ordinance?

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This is a really solid brief answer. WLC is not just good at philosophy and science commentary, but also theology. Great Job, WLC!


Excellent brief but accurate summary of the key difference between the view of certain Christian rituals as sacraments or as ordinances. Some Protestants view them as sacraments, but that view is more consistent with Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy than with Protestantism.


I have never been able to comprehend how people can look at the word of God visibly expressed in baptism and the Lord's Supper yet not see these things as means of grace. They are the word of God joined to physical elements, visible words, so why is God's word only a means of grace when it is not joined to physical elements? How is preaching at the pulpit a means of grace, yet the word preached with physical elements not? I have never understood how you circle that square. You say here it is a participation in the life of Christ. How does any means of participation in the life of Christ not convey grace?


I am not sure if Dr.Craig is really true about the Catholic Church. Catholics doesnt belief that Grace comes from the Church. They also belief Gracd comes from Jesus. But they do belief that Jesus was founding the Church. In Israel. before his cruxifiction. And that the Bible truly said These in Matthwe 18, 16.

For me the intresting question is another...,

The Marriage . Martin Luther once said : " Marriage is just a outward Thing (for the World), it is truly a secular Thing"

And Do you really belief that (as a Protestant ?)


An animal walks up to you and tells you, for you to live you must eat me, for without my meat you cannot live. So speaks the plant, and the water. What makes you think that partaking the bread and the wine is an action of remembrance. It is Jesus in flesh and blood. For us to live, we must eat of His body, and drink do His blood. God love you, bless you, and keep you. In the name of the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Amen.


If there are any Protestants who are watching, can you explain to me how you interpret John Chapter 6’s discourse on the bread of life? It seems to me that Jesus was being literal.


...so holy communion is an ordinance and not a sacrement?


The sanctified and holy Sabbath, is a sacrament, most of Christianity ignores, while being obsessive over unwritten crap, like Sunday. It's not a mystery. Satan is at work, where the most damage is possible.
