What is MS? - National MS Society

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I live in the uk and was diagnosed in 1987. I have secondary progressive an have been in wheelchair since 1994. It seems to run in my family. My sister was the first to be diagnosed at age 16 in the mid 60s, my mother and her sister, my aunt and my younger brother in the 80s. I thought I was the last but sadly my nephew, my sisters boy has now been diagnosed over a year ago and has the most severe type of ms and is being tested for Parkinson's as well. My daughter is 28 and is having minor symptoms and I pray that she will not be next in line of our seemingly family curse. Is there anyone here that has a similar history?

Despite my illness I have done a lot of stuff. I left school with no qualifications but when I was 40 and my daughter started school I went into adult education and got qualifications. I learned to use a computer and started writing a book and did creative writing courses which led me to be invited into our local writers circle and became their secretary for six years. I had to step down unfortunately because my husband became ill and could not drive there anymore. He was diagnosed with level 7 dementia in 2015 and died in 2016. My sister, my mother, brother and aunt have all passed and now it is just me and my nephew. I am really sad for him and he is only 50. I am 64 but consider myself the lucky one. Although I am no longer writing, instead I am now doing art, crafts and jewellery making which I love. I have carers come in to me four times a day and they are marvellous, caring and great fun and we have a good laugh most days.

Having ms does not have to be the end of the world. I have clinical depression as well but am being treated for that (I found the depression to be as debilitating as the ms) which helped to see things more clearly. I try my best to live each day at a time to try o excel at what I can do and except what I can't. I have my daughter and a few good friends and most of the Time i am content and I also have a good sense of humour which is a godsend.

I am sorry that this is such a long comment but it helps to get things off my chest. I send love and healing thoughts to all ms sufferers and hope that they can still be fulfilled. God bless you all and stay strong. ❤️🇬🇧


I was a friends house one day this week and I had very neurological night before and her Dad asked if I was alright. I just told him I had a very neurological night. He insisted I sit down. One thing is I am glad I don't have seizures anymore. But I wake up feeling like I had one. Neurologist keep telling me nothing is wrong with me too. Like I am faking it. I have gone to ER for my seizures and nothing was done. They kept saying I was not having them. One time when I was at ER for another problem a nurse came in with a big stack of papers and asked if I still have seizures I honestly said no and that stack of papers was about my seizures.


Thanks for video, i have MS secondary progressive, is one disease of Nervous sistem central, brain and spinal, no speak about symptoms, edss 4, Damage. Myelin, fatigue, i have this, paralysis, , my legs, i make copaxone


I was just tested yesterday and waiting for the results. I also have Spinal Stenosis & DDD, does anyone else have these same issues?


Research has shown that myelin is not the only target of the immune attack/response. I hope that this video is not oversimplifying the nature of the MS disease process.


Please keep an eye on your lungs. I now have 18 years of damage. It's called fibroid restrictive lung disease. I have up to 6 months to a year.


If you have Ms you need to go see a neurologist to set up a therapy!


I just Kno that this MS sux... I can't walk like a normal person BT rather a turtles PACE. My legs & feet r numb and I use a wheelchair to aid my mobility. I PRAY TO THE LORD FOR HEALING AND THAT HE MITE FIND ME WORTHY OF A MIRACLE. IDK WAT TO DO, BT I REFUSE TO B THIS WAY....I WILL HEAL MYSELF AND JESUS WILL HELP ME.
