My Biggest Regrets in 9 Years of Thru-Hiking & Backpacking

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Some of my Biggest Regrets from 9 years of Backpacking & Thru-Hiking!

Come Hike Highlander Big Bear with ME!

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What are some of your BIGGEST REGRETS from Backpacking or Thru-Hiking? Let Me Know Down Below! 👇👇


no-one is wise when they are young...wisdom comes from experience. great content mate!


My biggest regret is that I didn't have (or make) the time to do more of it when I was younger.


I had a similar experience with UL packing. I'm in my fifties, so when I started backpacking, EVERYTHING was heavy. Nobody was talking ultarlight then, but a light baseweight would have been around 20 pounds, not 10. So when all this ultra lightweight gear started to come on the market, I started shedding pounds off my loadout. And the experience got so much better, so I thought - let's go UL and it will be even better... and I got there, but as my BW dropped below 12 pounds, everything besides the actual hiking got so much worse. My sleep was worse. My relaxed time in camp was worse. My meals were worse... So I started picking the luxury items that I missed most and adding them back in a bit at a time until eventually I settled around 13 pounds BW and that was the sweet spot for me where my pack was plenty light to not feel like a weight on my back, and the rest of the experience was truly comfortable and enjoyable.
UL + pillow + frying pan and seasonings + a couple extra clothing items and sometimes a camp chair = heaven


Realizing regret is the first step to changing future behaviour. You've grown a lot over the years, and gaining some wisdom along the way! Keep up the great work


I've followed you for some years now, meet you on two different occasions, and I think you're a good guy. The video was good to watch and actually to see someone tell "their" mistakes, not "beginner" mistakes as if they've never made the mistakes before. Unlike countless other youtubers, you've got the miles and the experience to make a video like this. Thanks for sharing your "wrong" or "mistakes" or whatever one would like to call it. I just hope like hell you don't fall in to the videos like many of these other youtubers are doing, your content has been way too damn good for that! As for the biggest regret, it's what you mentioned here and in another video a while back, good shoe wear and changing them when you first feel it's time they're gone and replace them immediately


I can’t really put my finger on why, but I feel like this is one of the best videos you’ve done in a while. I can’t tell if it’s because you seem specifically genuine, or if it’s that you’re giving very good advice, or if it’s a combination of a bunch of things. But I just wanted to let you know that it was enjoyable and informative. I don’t think you get told enough that you’re a credit, and a very valuable member, of our community.


I give you credit for admitting your mistakes. It takes courage and integrity to do it. Good luck and keep on hiking.


God, I love this one! Thank you sooo much for voicing this! I’m older now, 74, and still get out, but what I am able to do has changed radically. I was in extreme sports for years, loved it. I truly regret not revisiting some of the areas before they got so busy… my memories started in the 50’s..Yosemite with my folks, high sierras as a teen, the Canyon ….You can imagine… I did the AT in 70, was hurting and didn’t do any of the formal sign in stuff.. kinda regret that in a way… trail helped me heal.
Yet there is so much joy in what I CAN do. Being comfortable has enabled me to do more … I hike slower but longer hours and take in the beauty, the “why” of being out there. I’ve followed you for sometime, seemed like you lost your joy in it for awhile. It thrilled me to see you get that back! We do trail Angel things and the people we meet are amazing! So many different stories and experiences…. Just Thanks for sharing, think this might be you most impactful vlog yet! Hugz, Granny ❤


Wow! Dude, I am an old person and several years ago you and your videos helped me get back into backpacking. I did a small section of the AT with my son and it hasn't stopped there. I just walked/hiked entire the Camino de Santiago in Spain and while it isn't exactly backpacking we carried our "stuff" in a pack on our backs. I tried to keep it light, but I needed comfort too and it was a worthwhile compromise. This is a really inspirational video! One thing you can never regret is making the videos that have gotten countless folks out on the trail.


I think that is what makes backpacking great. The evolution of the backpacker. Age really does make us wiser. It is great to see that you document how you have evolved your thinking and passing it along to others. Keep it up.


This is all right-on Darwin. I’ve been backpacking for 50 years and I’ve also learned some some things from you. All of what you’ve said here is true for me except sharing gear with your mate. I’m locked-in on that but everybody’s relationship is different. Great vid.


Something I regret? Not getting out and hiking more… I’m trying to make it more of a priority, for my mental health. Thanks for the great vid, as always!


Hey Darwin, we planned our through hike in 2020 & began in GA Feb 21st 2021. I learned a lot from you, we tried some things you suggested & discovered it wasn't for us but that helped us find out what worked before we got on trail. Oddly, we shared a tent & loved it but wouldn't have considered sleeping head to foot. Shared a cock pot, stove, filter but we chose air mattress's and a pump. I learned about filming our experience from watching your videos. We being older 59 & 62 & being married 42 yrs loved each others company. It was the best experience of our lives. Sadly we had to quit in Bennington VT at 1, 615 miles due to a blood clot in my thigh from my cancer medicine. Thank you for your videos, I now know that it like anything is work to make it worth while.


Ultralight is a beautiful approach to hiking. It challenges and encourages. It frees and unburdens. It's always changing and growing. You may regret some parts - but to me it's all a beautiful adventure in discovering the best you can be.


While I’m still a novice in the hiking/backpacking world, I definitely can agree with ensuring you take care of your body! 20 years in the military and feeling for many years that I was young and infallible has definitely taken its toll. Definitely need to ensure that I am listening to what my body is telling me. thank you for another great video !


Ahhh, the wisdom that comes with age (through experience)! Thanks for the honesty.


Great video. After 25+ years, I can relate to so much! I recall a few years back you discussed "Simplicity vs. Weight" and that really resonated with me. I feel like backpacking is hard enough so the more simple I can make it for myself, the happier I am. E.g., I posted a recent overnight fastpack video... and I took a 16oz chair. It was glorious!


Great reflections and maturity! I regret not doing much training when younger and not hiking more. At 71 I now train hard to keep multiday hiking, and love each day Im out there now.


Have you ever considered carrying the heavier items in some sort of a belt kit? I'm not an ultralite hiker by any stretch, but I noticed that when I put more load on the hips and keep the rucksack feather-light, I'm able to cover more distance, maintain better balance and agility, minimise chances of injury and be less exhausted at the end of the day.
