Adam’s Rib was Misinterpreted 🧐 #creation #adamandeve #shortsvideo #facts #truth #hebrew #translate

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give credit to the man that did 75% of the work not even for you because you just used it


Close, hatsela is the side, edge or literally the ribs, which in context in the verse would be
"eve was formed from a bone God took from Adams HATSELA [Adams side, edge, or ribs]"
Other translations say
"God made a woman from the HATSELA [side, edge, ribs] He took from the man"

When you take a side from a man, when you are bursting at the sides, when someone grabs you around your sides, where are they grabbing? I think the author knew what they were writing.

You need to do your research, the point where you say "it's misogyny to say a woman came from an insignificant thing like a rib bone"
Does not make sense when literally a couple verses before it talks about Man coming from an insignificant thing like dust! Is that Misandry then? The entire Bible was not written for one gender if it was then it contradicts itself at every turn.

When you assume things (like the rib is insignificant and therefore it's misogyny) then you can find anything wrong with anything. But the point those early verses is we are all completely insignificant compared to God, we had a fantastic relationship in the home he built for us, and we threw it away, but this is how we can get it back. Men greater than woman? Dust more significant than bones? I think you're assuming things and missing the point.


What is the point? Side or rib.. woman came from man. If man and woman are equal then why the differences. But, it doesn’t mean the same job that a woman performs as a man do should equate to less pay ( everything else being equal).


Lilith was the first woman not Eve! .. Lilith wanted to be equal to Adam so they parted ways and God then created Eve.


Interesting hypothesis. Thought provoking!


Credit @magnify you literally ripped the dude off


Great! So now explain how you fashion a woman from a “side” of a box or door🧐 Could it be that the source of this definition is incomplete? Rather than the Genesis account being mistranslated? It begs further inquisition of the Holy Spirit as to why this translation was used!


In hebrew tsela translates to rib, maybe thats the source
