Public defenders wants CCW cases dismissed in Wayne County

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One of the largest public defender offices in Wayne County today called for prosecutor Kym Worthy to drop all cases against those accused of carrying a concealed weapon.
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One big thing they forgot to mention is Wayne county didn’t do their part to allow people to be licensed. If you went to the satellite building to turn in your paperwork, you were locked out/turned away, after standing out there looking stupid. Then you were given a number for a Woodward department that was always closed. After pressing, you may have gotten an appointment for a year later. In fact they’ve even been sued over it. So if you’re going to throw the book at these people, then the government has to be held accountable for not doing their job. I had to press politicians, just to get my students an appointment. In all reality, their punishing people for what resulted from their failure.


So what you’re asking for is something like a constitutional concealed carry? I can get behind that. Instead of just letting a prosecutor apply law or ignore the law at there leisure though, let’s put something on the books so it’s not just a big stick for the prosecutor to hit only certain individuals with when it’s convenient.


Gun Violents is due too criminals not people legallying carry there firearm!!


So because one woman made a mistake and shot her own child people who improperly carry is a hazard or danger to the rest of Detroit? This chief is such a pawn and political figure head he doesn’t have his own thoughts or words


Lets talk about why they are illegally carrying a legally purchased firearm incorrectly... The wait to carry is the problem... You think people are gonna wait to be safe after taking a $100 class
Buying a 5-7 hundred dollar gun while living in detroit? Wayne county is the only county that's on bullshit...
People knew it was getting dangerous so they went to legally posses a firearm for safety.. Why would criminals go buy guns from a federal license dealer take the class and have no record prior....

The pandemic created a real hostile environment with financial instability... I feel as though they knew that..


They need to reform that law about carrying in your car.. car jackings are on the rise, yet they want you to disarm yourself and lock your unloaded firearm in the trunk of your car whilst diving.. that's like wiping your butt before you poop, makes no sense


I was always told ignorance of the law is no excuse. If your going to "legally" purchase a hand gun you know what constitutes a ccw.


I think they should be charged if they are breaking the law. Open carry is nice but once you cover it up with something or get in a car with it on you, that is considered concealed carrying. Spend the money to avoid this. The class is not that hard to pass.


Has NOTHING TO DO all comes to being a responsible gun owner and keeping YOUR license current...EVERY responsible gun owner knows this...IF You are not carrying a current CPL..the blame falls on YOU, not the officer arresting you...smh


Know the dam law or don't carry a dam.firearm.


Look I'm all for right to carry for lawful people BUT if the state or city has laws that don't allow you to do so in any or a particular manner then you've broken the law. Get it right, work to change the law or ignore it and go to jail.


I’m one of the people who was charged with they own gun that ain’t right I ain’t have no passed and I didn’t know it was I there though I took it out I had cpl


*Michigan CCW laws are corrupt. Example: I got a WW2 Boot Knife for my 18th Birthday. A couple of days later I was stopped and frisked by a Gibraltar, Michigan cop who found the knife in my coat, and said it was too big and took it. He left only to return 10 maybe 12 minutes later, as I were still walking home, pulled up and arrested me for Illegal C.C.W. and I was convicted of it too.
So I'm not supposed to ever be able to carry a pistol for my own protection, right ? Please.
I'm an R-BTK amputee missing 1/2 my guts due to blood clotting medicine turning my blood acidic and eating 2 thin spots and a hole into the back of my Aorta, I bled out internally, died on the table, was saved and placed in a clinical coma for 5 days while they removed over 2/3 of my total intestine's and bowel's in a vain attempt to save me. I was given 6 months to a year to live.
That was five (5) years ago. I'm still alive and kicking and living on the S.W. side of Detroit in the Fitzgerald Neighborhood.
Think I'm unarmed ? Think again. Think I'm just another victim waiting to happen ? Better think two times now...
There ya' go sport. I'm no threat. Never was. Just a guy given a knife on his prior's, nothing.
Now. Do YOU think these CCW laws are just, or is it "just me" who thinks they need adjustment, and fast ?
With all due respect to those whom deserve it,
Mr. Cross, T.C. aka: S.P.S.M. 72-3rd-S.W. 12 Block Tokie*


Seems like you're saying blacks aren't responsible enough to keep their license in order or follow carry laws. Ignorance to the law in not a defense
