1 MINUTE LAW: When can I use deadly force in self defense?

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Top Wisconsin attorney gives a crash course in the basics of deadly force law. This is obviously not everything that you need to know, but is a very fast overview of some of the law out there to keep you on the right side of the law!

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To prevent great bodily harm in self defense almost means allowing the attacker to commit the violent act and then if it rises to great bodily harm . Only then can you defend yourself is how it seems anyway. I mean even one good punch can be deadly especially if you hit your head during a fall related to the punch. Concerning self defense to avoid great bodily harm is clear by no means. And with all do respect and despite my intense research. No attorney had given me a clear and convincing answer . Does one exist


How you gauge if someone is attacking you if it’s deadly or not ? When you die, who’s to determine that.


Remember, the “deadly threat” can also apply to bystanders. Also, always think reasonably when considering the use of deadly force to stop such threat.


The question _should_ be “When *SHOULD* I use deadly force?” ‘Can’ is one issue but I believe the core question is ‘Should.’


I have always thought about this question.
Is a a .22 pistol shot in the butt considered deadly force?
They pull a knife on you, so you pull out a pistol. They run, and you shoot them in the butt. You go to jail for attempted murder.
1. they were running away, so you didn't have to shoot.
2. your weapon can kill if the bullet hits on the correct spot of the body. Thus attempted murder.


In Wisconsin we have open carry, concealed carry, threat to use force, 3rd party defense and castle doctrine.
To explain it in one minute is impossible
I disagree with using someone breaking into your home as an example because castle doctrine extends to Home Workplace in motorvehicle.
If someone is breaking/Forcing their way into your “Castle “ and you are in it. You can assume they mean you harm. You can “Stand your ground”


I'm disabled in multiple ways from Epilepsy to Severe PTSD & Memory loss to Fibromyalgia and Herniated Discs. I use a cane to be able to walk, get up, bend down basically any movement andam bed ritten most the time from pain. Now; if a man charges at me with intent to cause me harm and since I am disabled; I am not going to wait until after I'm attacked to defend myself as by that point I will be incapacitated and helpless to escape. So, with that considered. I would use deadly force for my first form of defense and wont hesitate to wait until after I'm attacked. Does that seem reasonable to you?


What a person is older and has medical issues ? A "simple mugging" could be very deadly. So much context in self defense situations, criminals always have the advantage it seems...


How about being stalked, and identifying your stalker?being driven to the edge


Tom, you forgot to mention the fact that a person DOES NOT have the right to claim self defense in act of committing a crime PERIOD… If you are in the act of committing ANY crime you DO NOT have the right to claim self defense! Also if you are committing a crime & are armed while doing so (whether you ever drew or not) chances are the crime is automatically upgraded to a Felony.


If you have to kill someone in self defense make sure you're banged up by the time the cops show up. If the attacker had a knife cut yourself with it a little. Too many innocent people going to prison for simply defending themselves, you got to play dirty.


I don't know mqn there's a gray area when it comes especially in ny there is no stand thr ground law


Each state is different, look up your states laws folks


Does this dude have baby hands or am i trippin
