Christian to Atheist to Christian Again

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Some thoughts on my story of faith and not faith, as well as some more thoughts about spiritual deconstruction stories (anti-testimonies) in general.

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My story is that I was raised in a Buddhist home and went to a Roman catholic school when i was a kid. Years later I went to high school I've been completely lost. I ended up becoming a Skeptic, Agnostic and started believing in Relativism and even THAT didn't made sense to me. Years later I went on vacation to China and I had to use vpn to watch YouTube and suddenly out of nowhere there was a video about Job and out of boredom I watched it. I watched it a lot of times because I never knew that God was also Just. Ever since than I've been a follower of Jesus and the Bible made me understand the world it truly It's now 4 years since I've been a Christian and looking back at my old self I was completely in darkness and Jesus saved me.


Atheist to Agnostic to "Thank you Jesus for saving my wretched soul!"


Same thing happened to me. I went from Christian to atheist to believing in God again. The only difference today is that I don't go to church anymore because they have politicized it and they have created a hostile environment. But when I find a church that is not telling you who to vote for, I may attend again.


This is my story. I left the faith in Bible College. I was selected by my professor to help him write apologetics against the new atheism (at the time). I stop my theology study and began to study Sagan, Dawkins, and Harris. I began to lose my faith and so did a few highly distinguished students. Word got out on campus and people began to debate us daily. We schooled them and they fell away. This only increased our new beliefs. I remember one night when I said to the night sky that God was not real and I felt liberated. I then believed it my goal to destroy the faiths of Christians since I knew the system too well. This lasted for about 6 years.

In 2013 I began to forget all the theology I learned in school. Reformed, dispensational, all of it. Piper, Spurgeon...everyone and began to search the scriptures myself. I read papers from scholars, something many Christians are afraid to do. I also read through the Bible 3x that year. Yahweh had me relearn EVERYTHING! See what I already knew, ie traditions, denominational doctrine couldn’t save me again since it failed the first time. Something new had to renew my faith. Now I am a Christian. It was an incredible ride and I teach and encourage as many Christians as I can to not give and to really understand theology. And in the end know the Father through our Lord Jesus.


"God is clearly the main character of the document" Amen brother


My brother just told me he was an atheist yesterday. We grew up in a Christian household, was active in church, and we prayed daily. After telling me he lost his faith, I asked him why, and I started doubting, too.

Please help pray for me and my brother that we may not stray from God and instead find our faith again and this time stronger.

God bless you all


I've been fighting to keep faith lately; it's so painful. Pray for me.


I have been "teaching the Bible" for over 60 years. For the first 30 years, I taught it like my "peers" taught me to teach it. Thirty years in, I discovered what you discovered: The Bible is not about me, it's about God's character, His hatred of sin, HIs love of His creation and His plan for its redemption. When I discovered that, I had to re-learn everything about teaching the Bible I had ever known. Now I know it is one cohesive story of how God has worked in HIs creation to rescue it from the curse of its fall...through Christ.


prayers please, my faith is in rocky territory. Still going to church but i'm hurting. Won't bore you with the details, just need prayers.


Stopped going to church and became an agnostic for a few years too. Funnily enough, I learned more about God from channels on YouTube like this than I did in church. I really do think God made me go through that phase so that I could come to understand Him more. Weaker foundations must be torn down to establish stronger ones.


I'm finally returning after years. This video is AWESOME


My journey:

New-atheist > Atheist > Agnostic > Buddhist > Christian

Reading philosophy, theology and trying to have an open mind has led me to Christ.


Noodles are nice I guess. I’d prefer chicken though.


I hate saying this, but after the 80's up through present day, "Evangelical" has become somewhat of a curse word for many people. All the fraudulence and money grubbing and promoting of war has just became to much too swallow. I had a trajectory somewhat like this... I was born into a Christian home, but I went hog wild for a while. Thank God I came back to my senses. God wants us to seek truth - it's very important. Some things weren't sitting well with me and I'm so thankful God never gave up on me and the Holy Spirit was there with me the entire time, calling me back home.


This is very meaningful, because sometimes God will let our faith fall apart in order to put it back correctly. If your at that point, don’t give up, pray lots and surely God will help you up!


if we are faithless, He remains faithful, for he cannot deny Himself- 2 Timothy 2 verse 13


Here's the deal. God works on his own timeline, not ours....and He doesn't quit. Even when it appears nothing is happening, rest assured He is faithful to His Word.


I ugly cried watching this. I relate so painfully, so vividly. While my faith has been on the mend for a year now, I still haven't had the strength to re-read the Bible. I'll try now. Thank you for your honesty.


I’m pleased to say I have recently regained my faith after many years, I already feel like I’m back on the right path ❤


I, myself was an atheist at some point after being an Evangelical protestant. I didn't primarily believe in the church. Then one day I was invited to go to a Eucharist. When I saw the Body and Blood of Christ it hit me. He was there looking for me. I didn't need to be perfect, not even his church had to either. He was there. Fixing what was broken inside. I have been a proud Catholic ever since. That was 17 years ago. Jesus did promise to be with us until the very end of the age. Mathew 28:20

Thank you for sharing your story Matt! God bless you and your family 😊😊😊
