TOP 7 Autism Myths vs Facts (MUST SEE!)

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Here are the TOP 7 Autism Myths Vs Facts reality that every needs to see! Buckle Up - and enjoy!


There are lots of myths and urban legends floating around about autism. Some hold some truth and meaning but most don’t.

I have collected 7 of the most interesting ones to debunk and show the facts behind the myth to help clear the mist and create more understanding for autism.

1.Everyone Is A Little Bit Autistic
Not at all, In fact about 1 in 100 in the UK are and about 1 in 60 in the USA are.

2.Only Boys Can have Autism
This is untrue, the ratio is that autism is 3 times more likely to be diagnosed in males than females but this is a diagnostic thing not genetic.

3.Vaccines Cause Autism
THIS IS NOT TRUE, and has been tested and vetted to be a bogus claim.

4.Only Children Have Autism
Not at all, autism is al ice long disability that is neurological and persists a person sons entire life.

5.Bleaching Cures It
This is not only wrong but extremely dangerous, please contact the police if you know anyone is doing this.

6.Autism Is An Excuse for Naughty Behaviour
This is just what people say who don’t understand autism or are not willing to understand. Autism is not an excuse it is a life long disability.

7.Autism Didn’t Exists Until Pushy Parents Did
This is incorrect, as far back as some very prominent scientists like Isaac Newton and the likes, have been documented that they displayed autistic traits and behaviour.

#autismmyths #autism #AutismAwarenessMonth
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"Only boys have autism." This thinking is why I was diagnosed at 21, while my brother was diagnosed at age 9. My parents were even told point blank there was no possible way I could be autistic. Thank you, "Professionals" for contributing to making my teen years utter hell.


The comment of, "you just want to be different." Or, "you just want to have Autism". Or, "You don't look/seem Autistic". When such people don't know Jack about Autism & they think it's cooking cutter & they think they know better than several trained professionals who just spent a few seconds watching you, talking to you, & then talking to your family & testing you ... but said they could tell even before the testing that you have AS.


200 years ago people with autism was labelled eccentric and are usually super clever. Thanks for your super chats. I really enjoy listening to you


This has helped so much as I am currently facing an assessment for ASD and I am super scared as my friends and partner have noticed traits that I have, So thanks for giving the content out there to help someone new coming into this journey it is really appreciated.


I had someone tell me I am not autistic I just have to change how I After that day I stopped talking to them.


Neuro Tribes. Great book. A lot of these myths were covered.


One of the first comments I got was: "it's just in your head, get over


You should talk about Grunya Sukhareva she did work about Autism in 1925 and studied children that were boys and girls. Stephanie Bethany talked about her and did an excellent job about it.


At my last job my supervisor told me I was using Autism as an excuse after admitting he didnt know much about it.


Im learning to accept my autism and these are all true. I have relatives, and family friends who are also on the spectrum, my cousins from my dads side and moms side have it, and a old family friend of my mom's her friends son also is on the spectrum, but he's more on the lower functioning severe side.
People saying "StOp UsInG AuTiSm aZ aNnn ExCusEE" is also irritating and annoying. I don't use autism as an excuse for anything, it's a part of me, or that.
Autism mainfests differently in everyone.


What do you think about "everyone is a little autistic" is something that someone undiagnosed might say?

I wonder this at times.


Hey Dan, really love your videos and there's only one little bit feedback I got for you: would it be OK if you stopped calling autism a disability/disorder? I find it's a misleading way to describe what it really is. Our brains are not broken, they're just wired differently 😀
other than that keep doing what you're doing 😊


Come on whoever says that vaccines cause autism probably still thinks that the earth is flat😂


As Gen x I wasn’t diagnosed until 2020. I don’t have OCD ADHD or any major comorbidities. I do have an acquaintance who works as a Speech therapist and with autistic children that told her mum (a friend of my wife’s) when we first met in 2019 (without my knowledge before I was diagnosed) she thought I was on the spectrum.
I spent 100+ hours on this channel, Dr Tony Atwood’s, etc comparing them with what my wife sees…researching before going for a diagnosis.


Is this a previously unreleased video? Because you've got short hair now? I'm confused.


Me (an adult woman with Autism ): Huh. Interesting.


I know lots of females or afab peeps on the spectrum. So that one's just dumb.


I had a therapist who helped diagnose me with Autism later tell me I was using it as an excuse to not work and not do other things and that was one of the last sessions I had with him. The last straw was when he bumped me up against the wall as he was much taller than me, as I was already leaving, but he came out of nowhere.


Thank you Dan, it's important to educate people about autism to disprove these myths. You're doing a great job of doing this, keep it up 😊


My therapist told me there is no point referring me for an autism test as if I have it there is no treatment or help you can get in UK. I feel like if I have autism I can understand myself more and learn what I can and can't change and what adjustments I can include to make my life easier then maybe I will learn to accept and like myself.