TOP 7 Autism Myths vs Facts (MUST SEE!)

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Here are the TOP 7 Autism Myths Vs Facts reality that every needs to see! Buckle Up - and enjoy!
There are lots of myths and urban legends floating around about autism. Some hold some truth and meaning but most don’t.
I have collected 7 of the most interesting ones to debunk and show the facts behind the myth to help clear the mist and create more understanding for autism.
1.Everyone Is A Little Bit Autistic
Not at all, In fact about 1 in 100 in the UK are and about 1 in 60 in the USA are.
2.Only Boys Can have Autism
This is untrue, the ratio is that autism is 3 times more likely to be diagnosed in males than females but this is a diagnostic thing not genetic.
3.Vaccines Cause Autism
THIS IS NOT TRUE, and has been tested and vetted to be a bogus claim.
4.Only Children Have Autism
Not at all, autism is al ice long disability that is neurological and persists a person sons entire life.
5.Bleaching Cures It
This is not only wrong but extremely dangerous, please contact the police if you know anyone is doing this.
6.Autism Is An Excuse for Naughty Behaviour
This is just what people say who don’t understand autism or are not willing to understand. Autism is not an excuse it is a life long disability.
7.Autism Didn’t Exists Until Pushy Parents Did
This is incorrect, as far back as some very prominent scientists like Isaac Newton and the likes, have been documented that they displayed autistic traits and behaviour.
#autismmyths #autism #AutismAwarenessMonth
There are lots of myths and urban legends floating around about autism. Some hold some truth and meaning but most don’t.
I have collected 7 of the most interesting ones to debunk and show the facts behind the myth to help clear the mist and create more understanding for autism.
1.Everyone Is A Little Bit Autistic
Not at all, In fact about 1 in 100 in the UK are and about 1 in 60 in the USA are.
2.Only Boys Can have Autism
This is untrue, the ratio is that autism is 3 times more likely to be diagnosed in males than females but this is a diagnostic thing not genetic.
3.Vaccines Cause Autism
THIS IS NOT TRUE, and has been tested and vetted to be a bogus claim.
4.Only Children Have Autism
Not at all, autism is al ice long disability that is neurological and persists a person sons entire life.
5.Bleaching Cures It
This is not only wrong but extremely dangerous, please contact the police if you know anyone is doing this.
6.Autism Is An Excuse for Naughty Behaviour
This is just what people say who don’t understand autism or are not willing to understand. Autism is not an excuse it is a life long disability.
7.Autism Didn’t Exists Until Pushy Parents Did
This is incorrect, as far back as some very prominent scientists like Isaac Newton and the likes, have been documented that they displayed autistic traits and behaviour.
#autismmyths #autism #AutismAwarenessMonth