Ben Shapiro Makes WEIRD Point About Obesity In The United States

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"One key takeaway: America is amazing at keeping obese people alive. The overall US life expectancy is 79.11 despite an obesity rate of 40%; France is at 83.13 despite an obesity rate nearly 60% lower; Japan is at 85.03 with an obesity rate about 90% lower."


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Рекомендации по теме

Life Expectancy (Years)
1 Japan 84.22
2 Switzerland 83.42
3 Singapore 83.25
4 South Korea 83.21
5 Spain 83.18
6 Cyprus 83.12
7 Australia 83.05
8 Italy 82.91
9 Norway 82.61
10 Israel 82.58
11 France 82.43
12 Luxembourg 82.41
13 Sweden 82.40
14 Iceland 82.34
15 Canada 82.23
16 New Zealand 81.94
17 Malta 81.87
18 Ireland 81.84
19 Netherlands 81.78
20 Germany 81.75
21 Austria 81.61
22 Finland 81.60
23 Kuwait 81.60
24 Portugal 81.48
25 Belgium 81.40
26 United Kingdom 81.39
27 Slovenia 81.33
28 Denmark 81.31
29 Greece 81.11
30 Costa Rica 80.88
31 Chile 80.67
32 Peru 79.90
33 Maldives 79.70
34 Panama 79.36
35 Colombia 79.28
36 Czechia 79.12
37 Estonia 78.65
38 Croatia 78.57
39 Turkey 78.56
40 United States of America 78.51


Just imagine how much longer our life expectancy would be without guns.


I am in Scotland. Someone in my U.S family is dealing with cancer they have good health insurance but are almost bankrupt playing for treatment. My wife was diagnosed with Ramsey Hunt Syndrome. It presents like a stroke. We called our community doctor an ambulance and para medics were with us in 15 minutes took my wife to hospital she was diagnosed given medication and was home in 3 hours all my wife has to do is get well. No co-payments or out of pocket the ambulance is part of our NHS. We pay 6% on every wage for our universal healthcare so it is there when we need it. If you are unemployed you are still covered. Prescriptions are free at the point of use in Scotland. We see healthcare as a right in Scotland in the U.S. Having a gun is a right therein lies the problem. Take Care Stay Safe.


It's because the U.S. food industry is about profit. There are many ingredients making our food cheaper but unhealthier. There are 7 ingredients McDonald's uses here that Europe banned


I was raised and lived in the US until the age of 30, and now live in a country with national health care. I will never move back to the States for this reason only. As a an older adult it's now a deal breaker.


Besides lack of universal health care and the corn fructose issue, another important issue in my opinion is the fact that you need a car to go anywhere, even short distances in the united states. When I visited my uncle, who lives in the twin cities, I noticed that there were hardly any small shops in the neighbourhood. Also, there weren't any footpaths. This forces people to need cars to go everywhere. When I was a kid, I used to walk or cycle to school. I live in the netherlands, where cycle paths are ubiquitous. The dutch diet isn't particularly healthy. Also, the percentage of overweight and obese people in most European countries is not that different from that of the us overall. Overweight people are people with a bmi between 25 and 30. Obese people are people with a bmi over 30. Bmi is an abbreviation for body mass index. It's a ratio between one's weight, and one's height in metres squared. Finally, there's one issue in which the us does better than Europe, and that is in the percentage of people which smoke. I believe it's 14 percent in the us, versus 16 percent in Europe. However, there are huge variances among the different states of the us, and the various countries of Europe in relation to the percentages of people who smoke.


A comedian once pointed out the obesity problem in America quite simply by saying, "Have a look at the crowds at the early space launches and then look at the crowds at NASCAR these days." Fast food and processed foods put y'all on the treadmill of medical debt.


It's actually worse than you think. Obesity is defined as a BMI of 30.0 or higher, while Overweight is defined as a BMI of between 25.0 to 30.0. The Obesity rate in 2021 for the United States as a national average was 33.0%. The Overweight rate was 34.4%. When you combine the total of both of these, the total percentage of people who were Overweight or Obese was 64.4% of the population, meaning only 35.6% of Americans could be considered not Overweight or Obese.


We have Nationwide screening for Breast, Cervical, Prostrate, Testicular and Bowel cancer no matter your income under our universal healthcare system in Scotland. Discovered early cancer survival rates increase it also keeps costs down.


Don't forget poverty causes people to eat food that us not as good and what they can afford


I remember when American farmers we're freaking out that us Canadians were not buying their products because they were filled with substances and and antibiotics that the world deemed not good to consume. Because we have universal healthcare we are more in tuned to make decisions on preventive care. America produces an artificial carbohydrate that no other country will allow in their food products because of how bad it is


Ben Shapiro's point is a very typical right wing perspective. To him, obesity is a matter of personal choice, so he is saying we keep people alive despite people choosing to become obese. But if you read into obesity, you would know that the food industry is very complicit in making the country more obese.


It's almost like healthy food is more expensive in the US.


I am so grateful that I live in Maryland. I have Medicaid. I had two heart attacks I didn't have to pay a dime for my health care.


We need Medicare For All here in the U.S.! What's more "pro-life" than ensuring that every person living here has guaranteed affordable healthcare regardless of their job? If we all had access to basic healthcare, we would have the "freedom" to live long lives & rarely have to worry about medical bankruptcies. Taxes will go up, but the overall costs will go down. If some of us need additional healthcare, then we have the "choice" to get additional insurance. If every other developed country (Canada, Germany, U.K., France, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Taiwan, Japan, S.K., H.K., Singapore, Australia, & N.Z.) can implement this system & save money, then why can't we do the same to help "Make America Great Again" for everybody at least on the issue of healthcare? If American citizens die from lacking access to affordable health insurance then we are failing our country's promise of defending "life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness" for its citizens as well as "promoting the general welfare" of everyone living here.


Length of life is one thing, but QUALITY of life is just as important.

You may live to 79, but what does that count for if you have several health issues to manage in your final decades ... Ie. Diabetes, high blood pressure, strokes etc.


It's not just the years. But the quality of life in our final years.


I feel like 65% of all TYT videos is bitching about DW.


Shapiro is just too damn lazy to bother making a coherent argument anymore.
To be fair, he may have just realised its a waste of time and effort. The right wing loons don't need an argument, they just need validation and someone to hate.


Japan and Korea don't have asterisks. In Korea, schoolkids are routinely weighed at school. Most Japanese are weighed at least once a year by their family doctors.
