HOW to Connect BOSS KATANA to your computer (and setup)

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In this review, I give you my first impression of how to connect a Boss Katana to your computer using Boss Tone Studio. The Boss Katana is an incredible amp, however, how does it stand up against a lot of the other newer modelling amps out there today.

The Boss Tone Studio for the MK2 has amazing presets and can allow you to customize your Boss Katana MK2. If you are looking to find out how to change effects in the Boss Katana, check out this video.

So what do you think? Is the Boss Katana 50watt mk 2 still a great choice for guitar buyers? Let us know in the comments below!

Gear I use - Affiliate links in case you are interested. :D

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Setting up the Katana is so unnecessarily complicated. Every amp Ive used is just “plug and go”. Computers and DAWs immediately recognize them. The Katana makes you jump through several hoops just to use the one thing that they say is the big selling point for the amp.


My one tip: in the updated 2.0 software, booster options at the very bottom of the dropdown list is a Centa OD based on the Klon. Add that to one of your 3 Boost options and be sure to click Write to save. Blend that Boost dial 50% over Crunch or Brown and it’s glorious!


On some laptops you have to press F7 while it's loading windows and turn driver signature off before tone studio will work


A video with katana and amplitube would ve great


so how do you get the USB playing with Ableton on windows??? everyone shows the MAC and Core driver which gives you input / output settings for USB - However the ASIO driver in windows only shows output once you choose ASIO so I cannot get sound into Ableton on my windows setup... HELP!!!


Where do you get the program (i.e. to see the BTS on your laptop screen?) Do you download one of the programs from Boss first, then the drivers and firmware updates? Basically what do you download first? I have the Katana 110 for bass. I know there's a app on Google play, but that's for Android devices. Where to you start from the beginning with a PC? Dontou download the android app and then just use a PC to update the firmware on the amp amd then control the BTS via a Android? I'm new to this. Trying to understand what to do and in which order to get it up and running. I have the BTS App already on my android, firmware is not updated. Amy help is greatly


what cable do I need for Mac because I bought one online and it was too big for the amp


everytime i open tone studio it tells me im using the old version and immediately after it says my amp isn't connected please help


super super dumb question but is there any way to operate this without a pc or labtop? thank you so much


What do I do if my boss katana doesn’t have the usb B port in the back, it only has the standard like amp chord plugins and a USB C plugin?


Will this procedure work with Katana 50 Mk1?


can you use nueral dsp amp sims from computer thru it?


Is it possible to hook up boss katana into your daw, and then run the sound through the amp speaker (I don’t have any speakers other than a set of headphones) but I don’t want to always use headphones…. I want to run the sound through the amp speaker….. lmk!


I set up my katana 100 but I’m thinking about buying a Boss 50 for practice. So the question is…can I hook up my computer (that’s already set up for the 100), without ruining anything and set up the same settings to the 50?


What is the minimum pc configuration to run tone studio for windows?


Why after the update, when turned on, all the effects light up red. The instructions say that only the Booster should light up.


Hello you. :)

Thanks alot for your video.

I´ve managed to set it up.

Not sure if you ever gonna read or answer this but ...

Is there a way to get the sound from my Katana MK II to my PC?
So I can listen it through my headphones which are connected to the PC?


The software looks really easy to use for sure


I have one of these little amps and I am embarrassed to admit... I had literally no idea they can connect to my PC lmao!


My new boss katana booster light is getting on if i turn reverb at 12 or the treble but the booster knob cant off the green light. On the other hand it is not taking factory reset though I tried to do many times. Nothing happens as told in videos. What to do?
