V.W. e-Golf vs. ID.3: Which used EV is the Smarter Choice?

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In this video, we'll compare the Volkswagen e-Golf vs. the ID.3: Which used EV is the smarter choice? We'll explore the advantages and disadvantages of each vehicle, and give you our verdict on which one is the smarter choice for you!


The Volkswagen e-Golf is a great choice if you're looking for a used EV. It has a lot of the features that you would expect in a more expensive car.
The ID.3 is a great choice if you're looking for a EV, but it may not be the best option for you if you're looking for the things i talk about in this video!
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I picked up a used 2019 e-Golf at the end of September and I love it. The charing speed doesn't particularly bother me and it's an easy compromise when you look at how well built it is compared to other brands, or even the ID3.


I had an ID.3 for 16 months, and have now had an e-Golf for 18 months.

There are a few things I miss about the ID.3 - the power, the battery capacity, the speed of rapid charging, the rear wheel drive (avoiding the wheelspin issue of the e-Golf), and the touchscreen being positioned higher up.

Other than those things, the e-Golf suits me very well, and I've been saving about £240 per month on my PCP compared to the one I had on the ID.3.


i have 1st gen egolf, for 18 months now, my daily drive is around 100 miles, i enjoy every second driving it :)


Thanks to your reviews, i got my e-golf today. It was an easy decision after watching your previous review and this one. Once again thanks steve for the real life reviews


Just wanted to comment. I'm still here for the E-Golf videos. You're videos have been an amazing find with helping decide on what route to take for my family's first EV. We need a third car for daily commuting and getting our boys ready for driving. Thought an EV would be perfect for that. Showed my wife several of your videos and we're both sold to find a nice quality E-Golf. Just wanted to say thank you, and look forward to more if you find reasons to do them. Appreciate ya, from Colorado USA.


"The old guy in the parking lot"...lols, so true.


Good points. I think VW made a big mistake in discontinuing the eGolf. How difficult could it be to simply continue it, when all the design work etc has already been done? To me, it wins on looks hands down. Like most EVs with a skateboard platform, the ID3/4 just looks too bulky and out of proportion. If I ever buy another EV, a used eGolf is a likely candidate but I'd never even consider an ID3/4.


Excellent review, I have an e-Golf and love it, as a Yorkshireman I call it my “Ee ba golf. The car is soo cheap to run. Just to add a point on charging, I use a smart plug and let it take care of charge times rather than the car's software which I found far to much for my Yorkshire brain.


Another great video Steve. Had my egolf a year now, bought after seeing your video. All l can say is thanks for your recommendation. Absolutely love my golf. Had a 2.0 litre golf gt prior which l also loved. But the egolf is just amazing and with solar panels and a Zappi charging device, in the summer I'm driving around for free on local runs and for literally pennies in other seasons with cheap octopus rates. Thanks again Steve. 😊


Had an ID3 on loan but couldn’t get past the areas where they had cheapened things out like the speakers. Space is good but the interior felt low quality. Went for an egolf as it was cheaper, the interior was better and we didn’t need the extra range of the ID3. Think it is the best car we have owned. Interested in how the ID2 turns out hopefully like an E-golf. a 60kwh battery and faster rapid charging speed and it would be perfect.


Thanks for sharing Steve. Been considering a replacement for our Ioniq 38kWh and a 2nd EV one for low use (occasional school runs, etc). Looked at cars like the E-Up and Zoe, but the e-Golf might be a better option, especially when doing the school run as we sometimes have to give the kid's friends a lift too. Definitely one to add to my list.


I couldn’t agree more about the fun factor in the eGolf. It would be great if new EV R&D committees were required to drive the eGolf before starting any new projects to benchmark with.


Thanks for the vid, seems like a balanced point of view. I got an eGolf on two year lease because I wanted an ID3. Ended up keeping it on lease for just over three years then bought it a few months ago from Arval for just over £13k. It’s a brilliant car. I do wish the range was a bit more but because it’s not that big it doesn’t spend long charging when you’re on a public charger, even only being able to charge at 43kW.


Thanks, Steve. Another extremely useful video. It's so refreshing to watch a real-world review, by a user/driver, of things that actually matter to the everyday user/driver. Thanks so much!


Thanks for your thoughts on these, im thinking about getting a e-golf as an upgrade for my skoda which excels at town speeds as thats where most of our driving is. I dont want to loose the fun aspect. X


Nice summary 😊 same here. We have enjoyed petrol cars but now drive a white egolf and red model Y… and true for longer trips we use the Y. But the golf is such a fine car to drive. It only VW would offer an egolf 8 …


Just imagine the new Golf aka ID 2 when it comes out! It's gonna be a fun drive i just wish they worked on the eGolf to get that range up a bit


I recently bought an EV and test drove an iD3 and and eGolf and bought the eGolf which was way more fun, had better brakes, better regeneration options and felt much nipper too.


Love the review and have been very happy with my e-golf for over 2 years. I expected servicing to be cheaper, does anyone have advice how to get best value for good quality servicing? Thanks. (My car is not on lease, i bought it outright - old skool😊)


Always wondered after you purchased the Id3 if you liked it, I thought it was great as you never posted thoughts on the change up and posted more towards Peleton Videos 😂.. I drove an Id3 and hated it, i used to own a mk7.5 GTE, changed that for a 2020 Egolf now and absolutely love it, such a fun car and will be difficult what to replace it with in years to come.
