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Lots of people have abandoned keto in favor of the carnivore diet. Should YOU? Can you get all the nutrients you need without any plant foods at all in your diet? Watch to get Dr. Westman’s take on this new trend in the nutrition world.

“Change your food, change your life!”

Dr. Eric Westman and his Adapt Your Life Academy team are on a mission to empower people around the world to transform their health through the science-backed benefits of low-carbohydrate and ketogenic diets.

Dr. Westman is an obesity medicine specialist and trusted expert in the therapeutic power of carbohydrate restriction, and clinical research, and has treated patients using low-carb keto diets for over twenty-five years. 
He makes keto SIMPLE, so that YOU can LOSE weight, REVERSE chronic disease and GET the RESULTS you want.

Get started NOW by grabbing our FREE GUIDE – 10 Tips for Starting Keto Right. 

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Dr. Eric Westman, Associate Professor of Medicine at Duke. He is Board Certified in Obesity Medicine & Internal Medicine, & founded the Duke Keto Medicine Clinic. He is a Fellow in The Obesity Society. He is the author of The New Atkins for a New You, Cholesterol Clarity, and Keto Clarity, and End Your Carb Confusion & co-founder of Adapt Your Life.

Disclaimer: Nothing on our channel is medical advice. 
Dr. Westman and the Adapt Your Life team do not diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical conditions online. We provide education to help people better understand their own health and support their well-being. Make sure you are working with YOUR licensed provider to monitor your health and medications. These posts and videos are not designed to and do not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or services to you or to any other individual. We do not promote or endorse affiliate links and/or products unless they are our own.
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The problem with Carnivore is that you'll reach your desired weight, be fit as heck, feel the best you have in your life, lose any symptoms that you had if you had any, and get hit on by attractive members of both sexes. You become an unbearably positive individual because you don't actually have anything to complain about. You end up raising healthy, happy, successful kids, have a fulfilling relationship with yourself and others, you have time to post about it on social media, and you hopefully make a small positive contribution to the world. :)


I grow an organic garden year round and I stopped eating any produce from stores. I made myself so sick eating green leafy vegetables and grilled salmon for 2 weeks. My stomach was a mess. I saw all this stuff about carnivore and thought what a bunch of BS!! I also thought, I can do ANYTHING for 30 days. I tried it and lost 35#. I had way more energy and was never hungry. So, 6 months later, I’m choosing to eat this way because I’m a 50’s woman post menopausal and I have never felt better.


Its so worth it. One meat meal a day until i am full. Diabetes gone. Blood pressure normal. No more night sweats and brain fog. I feel amazing.


I have been carnivore for about 16 months now. Lost over 150 pounds, reversed type 2, reversed high BP, reversed low T, and came off of all medication. My yearly bloodwork all shows improvement as well. My mother decided to try it after seeing my results. She reversed NAFLD, and stage 4 renal failure. Her kidney function was at 29% last year when she started. Shes now at 86%.


I really love Dr. Westman's humble approach to new knowledge. It shows he has wisdom in addition to intelligence. He's not trying to defend his own position to the exclusion of truth. Nor is he blindly accepting the other side. Truth seeker. Refreshing. Deep respect sir, from a current carnivore.


If there was money to be made in carnivore, then there would be plenty of studies. The problem with the carnivore diet is it makes you healthy and that hurts a lot of peoples bottom line.


I was keto for 2 years. I switched to carnivore 6 weeks ago. I lost 15 pounds after a long stall. Most of my hip pain went away. I was seriously considering a hip replacement. I’ll probably stick to carnivore the rest of my life. I’m 61 now and weigh 135 pounds. I feel like I’m in my twenties now. I no longer procrastinate and I feel very motivated and no longer depressed. Thank you for your honest review. BTW we raise all our meat.


Started my journey after finding Dr. Westman 3 years ago and followed his regimen strictly. Although I did initially lose some weight, my metabolic problems were still there (insulin resistance, hypertension). After switching to carnivore only was I able to lose the rest and get off medication for hypertension, HgBa1c went down, Triglycerides down, HDL up, all aches and pains are gone, more muscle mass and strength I never knew I had, skin cleared up, hair is growing thicker and healthier. Have never felt better. 50 yr old female here.


It totally reversed my depression and anxiety, no more joint pain, no more sleep apnea, thyroid antibodies lowered, no more gas or bloating, no more IBS, 45 pounds gone….mostly beef and limited dairy. No plan of eating a SAD again.


This is what an honest researcher looks like. He doesn't make blanket statements against it without the benefit of any research like so many do. He is honest that he doesn't know but recognizes that many people are benefiting.


As a post-menopausal woman who has been morbidly obese or obese since being a teenager, it was carnivore that made the weight loss possible after I stalled on a ketogenic diet with intermittent fasting. Some of us are so metabolically deranged that the extreme of carnivore is necessary.


Ken Berry & Shawn Baker are medical doctors...not just influencers...Bart Kay is professor of health sciences.


Thank you for coming on and admitting you don't know everything, Dr. Westman. I know when you share an opinion you do so from a position of certitude, rather than bluff.


My partner is a Nurse and didn't approve of me starting on carnivore, however she can't deny the results.
I'm mid fifties and no longer have, high blood pressure, IBS, sleep apnea, congestion, joint pain, cloudy vision and 15lbs in weight.
Any restrictive diet should result in weight loss and lower blood pressure, less sleep apnea and joint pain would result but I don't think it can account for all the other benefits.
I'm building muscle and can do more exercise with no pain and less recovery time.


3 years carnivore. Had a lot of autoimmune conditions for over 30 years. Now feel fantastic since carnivore diet. And it keeps getting better.


❤ Dr. Eric Westman you are amazing. I aleays twll people to start keto with you. I followed Keto for 3.5 years. I did good with it loosing weight, no longer being diabetic and other illnesses. But no mater what i did, i couldn't get my blood pressure to regulate. I also have IBS and inflammation. I did a 90 day challenge on Carnivore and my bp became normal. My inflamation went away. My joint pain went away. When I tried to go back, all the bad came back. So I stayed carnivore.


One thing I find very interesting .. is that the animals/mammals that eat meat, fish, seafood and fatty sources of animal protein .. are the intelligent ones ✨ Food for thought !!


I ate low carb for years. But I saw the best results when I tested ketones and was in ketosis. For me to get into ketosis I must eat mostly meat. It is wonderful to lose the rest of the weight and to have less body aches, less cravings and better mental health. If I cheat, with dark chocolate or nuts, I can get back into ketosis fairly quickly. The first thing I noticed when I ate mostly meat is smoother fingernails and less IBS. I simply feel better eating more meat.


I went to mostly carnivore, with more fats, but still enjoy some cooked vegetables. I think the best thing I did was to stop the grains, seeds, nuts


Being a carnivore changed my life. All my health problems were reversed. I never felt so good in my life. (Only in two months)
