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People love to trash the carnivore diet! What’s the truth? Is it harmful? What do you need to know if you’re thinking about eating this way? Watch Dr. Westman’s reaction to popular influencer Zubin Damania, MD (a.k.a. “ZDoggMD” on YouTube) assess eating nothing but meat. Is it true that a lack of fiber is dangerous? What about other carnivore concerns? Watch to find out!
#carnivore #fiber #zdoggmd #nutrition #cancer


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“Change your food, change your life!”

Dr. Eric Westman and his Adapt Your Life Academy team are on a mission to empower people around the world to transform their health through the science-backed benefits of low-carbohydrate and ketogenic diets.

Dr. Westman is an obesity medicine specialist and trusted expert in the therapeutic power of carbohydrate restriction, and clinical research, and has treated patients using low-carb keto diets for over twenty-five years. 
He makes keto SIMPLE, so that YOU can LOSE weight, REVERSE chronic disease and GET the RESULTS you want.

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Dr. Eric Westman, Associate Professor of Medicine at Duke. He is Board Certified in Obesity Medicine & Internal Medicine, & founded the Duke Keto Medicine Clinic. He is a Fellow in The Obesity Society. He is the author of The New Atkins for a New You, Cholesterol Clarity, and Keto Clarity, and End Your Carb Confusion & co-founder of Adapt Your Life.

Disclaimer: Nothing on our channel is medical advice. 
Dr. Westman and the Adapt Your Life team do not diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical conditions online. We provide education to help people better understand their own health and support their well-being. Make sure you are working with YOUR licensed provider to monitor your health and medications. These posts and videos are not designed to and do not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or services to you or to any other individual. We do not promote or endorse affiliate links and/or products unless they are our own.
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I know nothing of the carnivore diet, so I am going to tell you all about it.
Okay, go ahead and educate me.


I would not pay attention to anyone called ' Z-Dog' ... 🙄


I'm into carnivore for one month. Some serious skin issues are healing so well, I have loads of energy. Joint pains are gone, I can exercise again and go for long walks. I'm 70 yrs old and haven't felt this good in a long time.


Carnivore has just about eliminated the sugar cravings I had for the last few years. I can feel full after a meal for hours and my lab results were excellent two days ago. Carnivore works!


I have had colorectal cancer. I had a tumour in the rectum area and consequently lost a lot of my rectum. For many years I had been eating what I thought i should. Lots of fruit and vegetables, whole meal bread and pasta and processed food only rarely. I did suffer from constipation but I didn’t have it all the time. One day I found keto and found out about cancer being a metabolic issue and the wonderful book about fibre actually being a menace. I don’t want this to turn into an essay but short version is that I believe that my digestive problems for many years were caused by too much fibre and an intolerance to some vegetables. I believe that the undigested fibre sitting around my rectal area when I was constipated caused the tumour to grow there.

Now I am ketovore. I tried carnivore for a few weeks and I decided that I liked some vegetables some days so I have them twice a week. I have also started making my own kefir and have 250ml (one glass) once a day. We’re all different and you have to find what works for you. This does.

On my sign off appointment with my lovely oncologist last month I told her that a vegetarian I know had told me that meat had caused bowel cancer. She laughed and said that one of her patients was a Buddhist and had been vegetarian for decades and she had it. She sees vegetarians with colorectal cancer all the time. I thank Dr Weston and all the other YouTube doctors who have worked with keto/carnivore for years and actually know what they’re talking about to get me to where I’m at now. I’m one of the lucky ones to have survived. I continue with this lifestyle because it suits me and my challenge know (at aged 70) is to keep Alzheimer’s /dementia at bay as keto/carnivore will help with that and I thank Dr.Georgia Ede for her work in that area. Thank you Dr.Westman …..I watch your videos all the time.


Thank you Dr Westman for calling out the lies about the carnivore diet. You are a treasure.


When you said you were accessing a video from a young doctor, I was pleased, thinking that this person would be better informed. As a "keto person, " I do not regard the diet as religion. It did, however, help me lose 25 pounds and allow me to stop taking medication for hypertension (something I had been doing for about 40 years). This young fellow is not at all well informed. I appreciate Dr Westman's quiet scientific approach.


There’s a YouTube influencer called Carnivore Kent. He has a colostomy bag, he says when he eats vegetables most of them end up in the bag, when he eats meat only nothing ends up in the bag! Very informative


"Z dog" thinks absence of fiber can cause diverticulitis 😂😂😂😂. Bless his heart.


If the skin on my elbows goes from cracked and itchy to soft and flexible by eliminating refined carbs and oxidized PUFAs, that's not religion, that's data. At least he admits knowing nothing, so...


I was keto for about four years, carnivore for a little more than one year. Had a colonoscopy late November 2023, the doc came in after I woke up, didn't say anything, just gave me two👍👍and just went onto his next patient. I don't feel any bloat or constipation what so ever and my poop is way less stinky than when I was eat veg on keto.


Helping us keep our sanity as usual. Thanks Doc.


I know nothing about the subject, but listen to me because I am the expert.
X - an unknown quantity
Spurt - a drip under pressure


I've been mostly carnivore for 6 months. Each time I slip up and eat something else I get diverticulitis pain. The exact opposite of what z-dog is saying.


The old fiber argument. I resolved my chronic constipation by going low fiber. Nothing less than a leap of faith followed bt a miraculous recovery.

I was high fiber (vegetarian then WFPB) with the constipation getting worse as I got older. Gradually lowering the fiber gave improvements until I realised it was the fiber that was the problem. When I got to almost no fiber, the constipation disappeared.


Placebo effect. Well, my CRP plummeted, fasting insulin plummeted, HDL went up significantly and triglycerides plummeted, liver enzymes went down by 1/2. All this in a Keto, almost carnivore diet.


Hi, Dr. Westman, I have been following you on YouTube for a while now. I would like to tell you that since my husband and I have been doing low carb. My husband was taken off type 2 diabetic medicine as well as the cholesterol medicine. Just wanted to say thank you for putting this information out there.


How many times did he say he was a doctor? 😂 When I was young being a Dr impressed me. It doesn't anymore.


Hearing people talk about fiber like it’s the only way to have a bowel movement is funny now. For decades I desperately ate salads and stir fries believing it would help, while still taking stool softeners and miralax weekly. Not one of these doctors could tell you what to do if “fiber and more water” did squat.


He lost any credibility he had when he was saying anyone not getting the 💉💉 was an idiot.
