How to Get More Done (Feat. Monotasking)

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Getting things done is hard, but have you ever thought that the way we are taught to do things might not work for our brains? In this episode, we explore how "monotasking" works vs the traditional idea of "multitasking".

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Research Provided By: Farah Mahmud & Dr. Patrick LaCount
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In essence, the higher we want our performance to be, the more we should probably focus on monotasking.

I remember learning about this, and yet, in almost every instance, someone seems to want to start an argument saying we still have to multitask. It's like the point didn't get across, and they just want to argue.


Toooo clarify...I don't monotask on every task. It's fun and more natural for my brain to bounce around. It's just A tool in my toolbox for when I need to be efficient and effective. I balance out monotasking on tasks that require my brain to focus so I can be more effective with giving my brain time to wander (bounce around and do whatever it wants) :) When I'm more overwhelmed and need to get stuff done monotasking is my go-to, when I need stimulation I'm more likely to do multiple things at once. It just helps to know what tools are useful for what. Multitasking is often portrayed as more efficient -- but according to research, it's really not. It gives us the illusion of productivity as opposed to helping us actually be more productive.


Multi-tasking; Noun.: Half-assing two tasks and not being able to complete either.


I find that just having a list can feel overwhelming, unless I make it a checklist with boxes. The boxes kinda make it a game.


Thanks Jessica! Multi-tasking was a BS buzzword and it was hell in the 90s with employers acting like it was humanly possible for a normal person, let alone someone with ADHD. You really cannot multi-task but actually be efficient at task switching. The only way I can get multiple things done is what you mentioned in your video. I sure hope many viewers put this advice into practice so their life does not feel so hectic and also keep in mind it takes time to learn to be efficient with ADHD. This video along with your last one of creating an ADHD efficient home can also be applied to the work environment.Good luck with your book!


Not me watching this video while trying to do other work >_>


For me, It generally depends on the type of task whether I'll monotask, pomodoro or multitask.
For example, monotask when I have to mail or work on something or have to do some research on a topic or solving mathematical equations
Pomodoro when I'm studying or preparing for test or related.
And Multitask when I'm doing household chores or writing assignment because it's boring


I used to be embarrassed about being diagnosed with ADHD, my family made me feel like it meant I wasn’t smart and thought I should take “special ed” classes. I’m so glad you created this channel! Thanks to this channel I’m willing to admit to anyone and everyone that I have it, and I am not embarrassed, and none of the misconceptions people say will define me. I graduated high school in the honors (magnet) program at my school. For anyone going through what I did, do not let anyone define you or your ADHD!


i try to dual task my homework. if i get bored of one assignment, i start a different one. it’s more helpful when i’m not on a time crunch (two incomplete assignments are worse than one complete one) but i work on whichever one is more interesting to me at the time, that way i don’t have to start from the beginning every time


did you actually read my mind? i'm experimenting recently on doing more conscious monotasking and so far it is going pretty well. if i multitask too much my brain ends up bouncing inside at full speed, which is not the most productive thing hehe


How do you mono task when the task has 5 separate, unexpected steps that each must be completed before you can do the thing? I often find when I try to work on a to-do list, the unexpected extra tasks derail me, especially if they themselves involve surprise sub-tasks or waiting on someone else.


I feel this! When I start trying to multitask I just end up starting a bunch of things and not getting anything finished, and instead of feeling like I accomplished something I feel like I failed at everything!! I hadn't heard of the name monotasking before but I had already been working on doing one task at a time and it works much better especially with pomodoros. Instead of having the goal to write today I have the goal of doing 2 pomodoros or something like that. Also to stay focused, I often have music playing in the background.


I can’t even express how much this channel has helped me. I was just diagnosed w/ ADHD recently, at 33 years old. It’s been so much to accept and learn, since I didn’t know much about ADHD prior. These videos are SO helpful in understanding what’s going on in my head, & also self acceptance. Thank you Jessica 🙏🏼


"Multi-tasking is multi-failing"

This is something I have said to literally every boss I've ever had.

Now I'm going to rewind this video to concentrate!


I dont have ADHD but anxiety, and one of my main symptoms is the incapability to sit down and focus. I tend to try to do everything at once and end up frustrated and doing nothing. Monotasking will probably help me. It is so nice to finally find this kind of video that actually has a source for a “life hack”. Thanks!


I learned really early on that I was NOT one of those people who can do work/study while eating. Even if it’s a snack, I have to pause what I’m doing in order to focus on eating, especially if it’s something messy like soup or cheeseballs.
Stopping to eat allows myself to shift into a break mode to decompress, and also prevents me from getting crumbs or food/drink stains on whatever I’m working on.


Thank you for letting me understand how my brain works 💗
(just got diagnosed at 30.. had no idea why life is so damn difficult, branded myself as "oh well, I guess I'm just defective")


Hey Jessica, no mention of Hyperfocus & its relation to Monotasking? It's one of our potential strengths if learnt to manage right. Sometimes, getting myself into Hyperfocus while Monotasking on one thing, is the only way to get good work done! :)

(Usually it takes a long time to "warm up" to that one task, or in other words "get into the flow", but once i'm "in the zone" i'll start making serious progress in bigger tasks that i might have spent many days procrastinating & not being able to do.)


Adhd and Perfectionism : how it can be used as a coping/ masking tool, but can be hella toxic too.

Time anxiety sleep and events, how aiming for a train at 7.30 can be stressful yet re-framed as a morning train removes stress.

Q&A with newly diagnosed adhd ppl.

Out of sight, out of mind. Wait, it's with feelings too?


This video came out at the exact right time. I've been struggling with cleaning my apartment for months. The monotasking idea is something I recently started doing and it's helped me get things actually accomplished, instead of half a room being cleaned while I take a "break" and never actually finish it.
