How to Achieve More in 1 Week than Most People Do in 12 months

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Ever found yourself wondering why some people achieve so much while others seem to barely make a dent? Maybe you've looked in the mirror and thought, "I really thought I'd be further ahead by now." I've been there, at 25, feeling like I was wasting my potential and my life. But then, I discovered something that changed my life. Today, I'm stoked to share that it with you.

In this video, we're not just talking about getting the most out of your time; we're delving into how to Get the most from your very existence. Because here's the truth: the ultimate productivity hack isn't about managing minutes on a clock; it's about waking up to the full potential of your life!

Once you make this shift (and ask these 4 questions I'll give you), you'll never look back. You'll never again allow your days to slip away unnoticed. So, let's dive in and explore the key that unlocks a life of purpose and fulfillment: waking up.

00:00 Why this video's for you
00:33 Is "productivity" harming you?
01:17 The 3 Stages of Your Life
02:35 PART I
03:12 The uncomfortable truth
04:20 The light at the end of the tunnel
05:27 Are you living... or preparing to live?
06:40 PART II
07:11 How to use The 4 Questions
08:11 Question I
10:58 Question II
14:01 Question III
15:37 Question IV
17:24 The BIG takeaway
17:57 Action Step: Do this next



Hey there, I’m Clark Kegley, a pro drummer turned self-improvement advocate. Here on YouTube, I provide guidance to help you transform into your 2.0 version.

P.S. Some of the links in this description are affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you purchase through them. It's a great way to support the channel at no extra cost to you 👊
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Ever found yourself wondering why some people achieve so much while others seem to barely make a dent? Maybe you've looked in the mirror and thought, "I really thought I'd be further ahead by now." I've been there, at 25, feeling like I was wasting my potential and my life. But then, I discovered something that changed my life. Today, sharing it with you. Careful though... this vid hits HARD!


Tomorrow is my bday 39 and I’m trying to buy my dream home before my 40s…. Wish me luck!!! I’m going to work for it!!!! 😊


“The one thing all fools have in common is that they’re always putting off living“ - Seneca


I’m chronically ill and disabled. It is incurable, and life long. I have intense pain almost every waking moment, and I convinced myself for years that I was incapable of most of the things I ever wanted to do in life.
I finally got sick of it, and with the possibility that tomorrow I may be “taken out” by anaphylaxis, an aneurysm or rupture, a spine injury resulting in paralysis… I have been proving myself wrong consistently. In just the past year I’ve done more than I thought I would be able to do for the rest of my life, and it was still in pain. I was still physically miserable for a good portion of it, but the more I decided I could control the things in my power, the better I felt and the better my health has gotten.
I’ll be listening to this and trying to apply in this sense, because things are wildly different when we are differently abled. Especially in my case…


"The best coaches don't have the answers, they have the questions" Brilliant quote!


I am turning 18 this year. I always wanted someone to show me the “way” never wanted to find it myself I never wanted to make decisions which I might regret later .so I always asked others to take decisions for me, I took their advice as their orders and mentally blamed them if anything goes wrong the fear of being wrong or failure always stayed I still don't know what I want to do in life but one thing I would change from today is I will take my own decisions and responsibility which comes with it. Because nobody always make the right choice, I might end up becoming a failure in life, but one thing is for sure, I will not sleepwalk through life.

I will need this video again, so please like to remind me


My life started again at 34 😊 now I enjoy and feel grateful for every moment


Today, I came to Coffee in order to reflect on my past and change what should be changed. Before turning off my laptop, this video appeared on my screen, so I clicked on it, and it definitely came at the exact moment. I extremely believe that I will not be the same in the next coming months. This video is a gift from the universe. Thank you


I never comment on a YouTube video, but this video has a different energy.


I started watching you when I was 19 and now I’m 23 with a 6 figure income and my own lake view condo I was able to stay laser focused on my goal and achieve what I wanted to thanks Clark


Man this is such a good video.

I’m that guy who tried around 8-9 different career/online businesses that I heard the gurus talk about…

Sure there are people who make money Dropshipping, or doing high ticket sales, or copywriting, etc…

But I genuinely believe that, for most, that’s not the way to go.

Find something that interests you, that you have a knack for, ideally, and do that.

If that does mean starting your own business, then go for it!

But if that also looks like working your way through a degree, and working in a company, then don’t feel bad about that because we all have a different path to walk.

Another thing to remember and tell yourself is:

“I’m better than SOME people at SOME things, but I’m not better than ALL people at ALL things.
At the same time, I AM better than anyone else at being me.”

Find your thing.


"Sleepwalking through life."

Damn, I was never able to figure out how to word it. I always used "Complacent in life"...

This video reminded me it is actually OK to choose my own direction in life. I've always yielded to the belittling and degrading of others around me, living a life in their shadows and failures.

I have been living this way for 15 years. Not playing the victim but actually living life as if their opinions and demands - their perceptions are boundaries I can not live outside of bc nothing exists or is allowed to exist outside of their spoken / unspoken boundries.


Between Clark and Dan Koe, you may not even need to spend your precious time on any other self improvement youtube videos. This is so next level!


I regret how hard I worked in my 20s, for not very much. Now, I prefer to enjoy everyday and live life as fully as I can - whether it’s work or play.


Today is May 31, 2024, Friday. What perfect timing to come across your video. I am looking forward to "waking up" and stop "sleepwalking" through life.


Clark, may I kindly suggest you extend that bar. I feel for all the people in their 60's, 70's and 80's & later, who are watching and are 'younger' than ever! They have so much to live & do and may even outlive us! 😊


It took me all of 37 years of my life and more than half of those years being a mom of eventual 6 kids, to get that “ah-ha!” moment of realization that there is a HUGE difference between just being busy and actually being productive! After that, it was a huge shift for me.
But you’re never ‘there’ especially when you’re only always ever chasing ‘getting there’ as a means of always trying to get ‘there’ where ever ‘there’ actually is.


I just want to say thank you Clark! You have literally changed my life when I found you two years ago. ❤


Sage advice from a young man.

When I was 25, I was uncertain in life and working in construction, saving money paying off my student loans. But I grew restless. Finally, I went to the top of the mountain overlooking the valley, and I asked myself the question if you could do anything you wanted in life and you were guaranteed to succeed, then what would you do?

It was hard to ask that question because my mind was full of doubts, and all the things that others told me that I should do, but I finally managed to push all that aside and see my future. I knew then that I wanted to go back to college and study computer science, it was a life changing decision

Sometimes we have to set ourselves free from the shackles of fear and doubt, and even comfort can be a shackle, . But once free, you can see clearly.


Man i wish i could restart my teens with the wisdom I have now, I would be unstoppable
