23 Important Questions Frugal People Ask Before Buying

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This video is like a frugal pre-buying checklist – filled with super important questions to ask yourself in order to prevent impulse purchases and overspending. We'll cover 23 important questions frugal people ask before buying. Over time you’ll be able to use these tools to consistently spend less and save more - and if that’s your goal, you’re in the right place.

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We're Hope and Larry and we love practical frugality. We raised our four sons, debt-free, including paying cash for our home when our income was well under the national average. For tips on saving money, budgeting, paying off debt, and setting goals (while living with a spirit of joy and abundance), subscribe to us here on YouTube and visit us at our website and on social media.

Information on Under the Median represents our opinions only. We are not medical doctors, medical professionals, nutritionists, or investment professionals. All content found on Under the Median is intended for informational purposes only. Please be sure to exercise due diligence and always contact a professional with any questions you may have regarding any information you have seen or heard on our YouTube channel. Use caution when following instructions in this video. The creator and publisher of this video will not be held responsible for any adverse effects that may arise from the use of any method on this channel.


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My husband and I fixed our washing machine by watching YouTube videos. Yes, so empowering!


I helped my friends with a three-day yard sale over Memorial Day….there’s nothing like seeing all the junk people have paid good money for that they’re selling at a yard sale for twenty-five cents to make one realize what you DON’T need. I’ve been on a semi-minimalist journey and this just affirmed for me why and how much I just can’t deal with the excessive consumerism we face every day.


Cutting cable and moving that money into retirement accounts.Was the best decision I made in the last decade. This allowed me to put an extra eighteen thousand dollars into those accounts


MY BISSELL floor cleaner died. No more steam. Well, having all new floors this means I need a mop or cleaner stylus. I did the unthinkable lol. Except for no steam I still have a mop, with 2 cleaner pads that are washable. So yes, I got the scissors and cut the cord. I now have a non steam manual BISSEL floor mop !!


About nine years or so ago, pregnant with my first child, I began considering whether being a bit of a prepper might be prudent. When covid hit, I knew I really needed to be prepared for my family’s sake. So we have enough food to get our family through six months, enough candles to light our darkness for about a year, etc. But now I find that I keep buying out of fear. And I really loath that “trigger”. This is where I really need help - when is enough, enough?


I hear a useful phrase, "Use it up, wear it out, make it new or do without."


Just heard you equate poverty with a feeling of deprivation. In my life, I've lived with a lot and I've lived with a little... financially speaking.
Now, I have very little.
Recently, Jane, of the Frugal Queen in France channel, pointed out that it sounds like I live in poverty. I'd never thought of that, but as I thought of it, I had to agree; I do live in poverty now. But that REALLY surprised me!!! I thought of it as just living within my means... and relying on God for all the rest. I didn't feel deprived at all, and still don't. I know I'll have what I need. Period. I don't know exactly how or when I'll have what I need, but I'm sure it'll come when necessary. I've lived for decades and decades content with what I have, and doing the best I can to use what I have the most just judicious way. I haven't always managed to do that very well. I make mistakes, but use those as learning opportunities.
I recently made a HUGE and EXPENSIVE mistake in trying to fix a broken washing machine. Since I'd made the decision to try to fix it, and had put money toward that, it was hard to know when to keep putting more and more money into the repair (because I'd have a basically "new" washer), and when to give it up, accept the loss and go buy a new washer. I missed that cut-off point by miles!! It surprised me that I did, because I normally make better decisions than that. I was so focused on saving money by repairing that thing that I spent WAY too much money on it. Trying to save money led me to overspend drastically. I don't know when I lost my frugal spidey senses!
Sorry, I got off track. I just wanted to say that poverty doesn't always make one feel depeived. This washing machine fiasco is just such a sore spot right now...!!


Thank you for your practical uplifting videos.
I am from Israrel. Ihad a Rotator cuff surgery 9 days ago. I knew as I planed ahead I will need a recliner for a few weeks to sleep in and rest. I was so nervoud before surgery to be prepaired and almost bought a "cheep" recliner. It 2 phonecalls to an NGO for the disabled to find out they will lend me a recliner for as long as I need, only payment is for the shipment! The NGO is based on donations. If I only need the item for several weeks, and don't need to clutter my home. Always worth wnile to ckeck local espeacially in the field of support for ill or diaabled people. In Israel these NGO's are usually jewish religious organiztions- that help all, no matter if you are of faith or muslim etc. I am on the recliner right now. (Tough times in Israel and we will make it!). Enjoy your weekend, and Best luck on the matreas deals.


Hope and Larry we love you here in East TN! Always helpful and informative. Also with Larry’s soothing voice and great reasoning, I think he’s the Bob Ross of Frugality!


You all seem very organized and complement each other well. I believe that’s why you’re so successful with your finances and frugal ways. I appreciate your wisdom. 😊


Aldi had blackberries on sale today. I usually buy them when they are on sale. Decided we had enough frozen, so used that money for something else. When the container is full, it just is. 😊


I'm going to put "Big hat...no cattle..." in my back pocket. I also like "All fur coat and no knickers!" lol
Great video guys!


I make my list what I needs are for the year. This includes clothes, gifts, ete. I always keep to my budget unless it is a emergency


All good questions to ask. The key principle in all these questions is to be intentional about your spending. Think before you spend.


Our library offers free passes to the zoo and museum etc. Also you can borrow items like sewing machine games musical instruments telescope corn board and bounce house.


Great video. I laughed out loud at question #9. Remember, the one-in-one-out rule and my favorite decluttering person Dana K. White's container approach. Even your house is a container with limited space. 😅


Before I bring extra anything home, I ask myself
Where would I put it?
Will I actually use it?
Do I want the hassle of moving it?


Y’all are so funny. The terms is actually, “All hat, no horse.”


So excited to see my list of questions make it into a video!! (I’ll be adding your guys’ questions to my list too) Thanks for the shoutout. I love your channel! ❤


I save a little each month for home repairs. Washer rubber "boot"/ring leaking so bought part for sibling and I to learn to fix, thx YT! Also Miele vacuum part broke $320, vacuum was $1K in 2009 (bought for HEPA filters as asthmatic). $225 for repair but bought $135 used one on eBay as I don't know longevity of vacuum or future ownership. So, saving so many hundreds with some research & effort.
