I think I'm carrying twins, but the ultrasound only shows 1 baby. Is it possible to have twins?

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You mentioned that you're 18 weeks along, and you're just sure that you're pregnant with twins, but when you went to the doctor to have an ultrasound, they only saw 1 baby, and you're wondering what is the chance that they could be wrong. Now there aren't necessarily stats out there for that, but I can tell you, after being a Labor & Delivery nurse for 9 years, I've only seen 1 situation where twins were born where they weren't previously diagnosed. And this is due largely to the fact that we have good technology these days and good screening routines. So of course if someone is doing an ultrasound that isn't well-trained and isn't expert on ultrasounds, then it could be missed.

But it's unlikely, because at that point in pregnancy especially, when they put the wand on your belly, those 2 babies would be easily seen. It's easier to miss when a baby is much farther along in pregnancy and bigger, because then if you find a head, and a heart, and some limbs, and you didn't know about a twin pregnancy prior to that, you're really not looking for anything else, and at that point the other twin could be hiding or something. But again, at 18 weeks it would be pretty obvious. They would be able to see the 2 babies right there on the same screen.

Now if you want, you're more than welcome to seek a second opinion. And in fact, if you are highly suspicious, it would be best for this diagnosis to made sooner rather than later, because if you are pregnant with twins, that puts you at high risk, and you need to make sure that you're seeing a high risk OB doctor. And they'll probably even refer you to other specialists called perinatologists who watch you more closely over the course of the pregnancy. You're at higher risk for preeclampsia, and gestational diabetes, and many other things that they'll be careful to watch you for. So of course it would be helpful to know if you are pregnant with twins.

Рекомендации по теме

My twin was hiding. We didn’t know I was expecting twins until I was 23 weeks which resulted in complications and emergency C-section at 27 weeks


My mom's scan with me.
I stopped kicking late in the pregnancy. I was also very over-due baby. They were also told I was a boy. Basically expecting a dead boy and I was born asleep and of course a girl.

They can get things very wrong. I was a very very sleepy baby.


This is way off topic, but please can you tell our pregnant ladies how you get your hair so pretty....????!!!


Video: "after being a labor and delivery nurse for nine years I've only seen one situation where twins were born when they weren't previously diagnosed." 

My Irrational brain: "So what your saying is that I might actually be pregnant with twins"


I got a question I have a black sac in a gray color is at me I am pregnant or not Pregnant


I knew I was expecting twins three weeks to delivery. I have done two scans and they both missed it. It was the third doctor that found my second little baby hiding.


What about saying i have a singleton but my 3d scan has two baby faces? Also I'm 20 weeks.


All my preg symtoms were doubled thru my preg and i feel multiple kicks atthe same time on w differnt sides of my tummy


I'm currently expecting. I'm 22 weeks and had ultrasound and only one baby mentioned. Now though I had a dream I was pregnant before I took a test, but I was pregnant with twins in my dream. Then I had a dream I had a boy. I'm expecting a boy from my 21 week ultrasound. Still no mention of more then one baby!?! What are my chances of having two? All my other dreams came true...🤷‍♀️


I feel like I am having twins but doc said only one in there at early ultrasound


I had a early ultrasound with a small bedside ultrasound my dr found baby and did not move it around it wasnt quite 9 weeks now with my home doppler i hear a very clear fast heartbeat close to my belly button on the left side and then a very clear fast heartbeat on my right side all the way down by my c section scar !


The technian that did my ultrasound sounded unsure but she did say just 1. In 1 of the pics from the ultrasound it looked like the babys leg next to another babies head. It confused me because she said theirs 1 but in the picture it looks like 2


I found out at 3months that I was pregnant. Had issues getting an appointment with a midwife due to Covid rules and system changes so I didn’t get my first scan till 22weeks. I had a weird feeling I was having twins since I found out I was pregnant and as soon as the lady put the scanner on my belly I saw half a baby, a gap and another half….. it was twins….. a girl and boy
I’m still stocked 3 weeks later


I don't know why I fill so disappointed, my intuitions were am having twin. N jxt did my scan and it reads 1 baby at 21 weeks. My tummy is just so big n I can't even take 2 glasses liquid I fill full already. Could be the sinographer wrong😊


I transferred 3 embryos, at 5 weeks the doctor saw only one. I hope my next scan they see another 😢


My last scan was at almost 20 weeks and they didn't mention two but I swear there is! My belly is huge and my baby is constantly moving seems like he gets no sleep how consistent it is and I felt kicks and had a bump at 14 weeks, this is my first pregnancy so everyone is so shocked when they see my belly, I don't know what to think 🙃 I'm 26 weeks now and have had a gut feeling this whole pregnancy that there is two babies


I had an ultrasound at 5 weeks and there was 2 yokes....what's does that mean


Pls share a video where twin baby us missed until 5th month scan and then found in last scan...


Can you do a video on a twin ultrasound with one twin and one empty sac. What are the possibilities and outcomes. What should I expect. I’m 7 weeks and 6 days and so lost


Well did you have twins? We have similar situation
